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Niki Leyland Oct 2012
The wanderlust has got me now
It is a caged animal in my heart
Always fighting for a way out
It consumes me and my thoughts

The wanderlust aches in my soul
And it pounds through my veins
Any possible way to escape the gloom
And to lose myself in the world
The wanderlust pulls me in
It grips my soul and drags me in
I can’t get away from the desire that controls me
I need to roam
Niki Leyland Sep 2011
My love, your eyes are nothing like the sun,
your long lasting gaze is dull and dazed,
as for intelligence; you possess none
and you leave me annoyed and unamazed.

The way you make me feel is disgusting,
sandpaper is smoother than your skin,
and I just can't stand to hear you laughing,
when all good humour you've forsaken.

You are oblivious and selfish too,
and you know I use this odious tone
my dear because I truely detest you!
so go now please and leave me alone,

Take your coiffed hair, and your crooked nose
go **** yourself and your asinine hoes!
795 · Sep 2011
I know no other way.
Niki Leyland Sep 2011
I love you relentlessly.
I love you like the waves love the shore.

I love you ferociously
I love you like the wolves love their prey.

I love you obsessively.
I love you like how clothes cling to a body.

I love you this way because I know no other way.
I would want no other way.

I love you without boarders,
and without boundaries.

I love you with no limits,
and with no expectations.

I love you without asking anything in return
My love needs no objects
So, do not grant me your favours

I love you simply because loving you is enough.
There is nothing else I crave.
My love for you is my food, my breath, my being.
It sustains me.
792 · Oct 2011
Niki Leyland Oct 2011
I want to slip your skin over mine,
To pull your edges together
Like I do my coat on a frozen day.
I want to keep in your warmth,
And drown within you.
And I want for you to envelope me,
To slither along my skin,
To let me meld into you,
Until we cease to know
Where we end and the other begins.

I want to have you within me,
I want to devour you,
To consume you entirely.
I want for you to fill me up.
Otherwise I want for you to rest inside of me
Comforted in my womb,
With only me as your walls,
No way for you to leave
Or escape.
If you resist I will not give up
I will tear your skin in my passion,
And I will claw at you to bring you in.

I want you in this monstrous way,
It has become impossible to contain,
I am constantly tormented by this desire.
These longings are dark and devious,
And they reside in the darkest place of all.
They live within my heart.
This poem is about the darker, obessive side of love, maybe a bit too dark.
609 · Sep 2011
One Last Time For You
Niki Leyland Sep 2011
This is a "found poem" the lines are from poems ranging from 13th century to the 20th century*

I have fears that I may cease to be,
And that I shall never look upon thee more.
Had we but world enough, and time
I would voice aloud a love,
A love so much refined,
Even ourselves know not what it is.

                      But we have given our hearts away
  So I have chosen thus to fling
My soul upon the growing gloom.
Of all the western stars, until I die

Though I must go, endure not yet.
For I shall love thee better after death,

As for me, alas, I may no more
But while old time is still a-flying
T’s not too late for you to seek
a newer world,
No nearer to
Death’s dream kingdom,
For the world which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams
Has not yet attained its noon.
608 · Oct 2012
my own little way
Niki Leyland Oct 2012
I don't often know how to act,
or how to speak when I am around you
I sit and wait for some contact
and wonder if you feel it too.
It is difficult to express,
with words or actions how i feel.

although it's not much to confess
and I pesonally have no appeal.
You are all I can think about
and now, its making me insane
I am constantly wanting to breakout
of this dazed cycle in my brain
But since I know I have to face it everyday
I will keep loving you in my own little way

- Nicole Leyland
591 · Sep 2011
I keep you.
Niki Leyland Sep 2011
I keep you as the background on my phone.
I don't exactly know why,
You're not beautiful, you don't inspire me, you don't focus me.
But you are familiar.
So I keep you there.

I keep you saved on my computer.
Away in some folder somewhere.
I keep you there just in case.
You remain there so I may steal glances,
So I may be reminded of you as I search for a missing file.

I keep you in a frame on my book shelf.
You are there within that crowd.
I keep you there in that photo I took.
The others were just in my lens' way.
All I wanted was you. All I have is you.

I keep you in these places,
to keep you in my heart.
I keep you so I won't forget you.
So I can't forget the lines on your face,
or the crook of your smile.
I keep you to never forget you.
I keep you to love you.
576 · Oct 2012
Niki Leyland Oct 2012
Darling you constantly bewilder me,
you are clever but full of stupidity,
you have charm but are never really charming,
And some find your humour quite alarming.

I love your tall and strong stature,
and how you aren't at all mature.
Your childish whims, and foolish grins
compel me to many stupid things

now your speech is slow and abrasive
but your love has held me captive
although I'll eternally try and fight it
because it produces no known benefit

I seem to fall back in love every day
in a rather careless sort of way
492 · Oct 2012
I Will Take Love
Niki Leyland Oct 2012
Love is all there is: it nurtures the weak,
and will feed the starving. it warms the soul,
emboldens and uninhibits the meek,
It takes broken pieces and makes them whole.
Love is a raft in a turbulent sea,
it’s a shield against a condemning word
and yet from it you can never be free
forever you’ll be trapped like a caged bird.

A lost love can ******* the strongest man,
or it may silence a boisterous voice.
But more often love is a helping hand
that will help guide you to each loving choice.
And when it gets tough it’s what you think of
for that above all else I will take love

— The End —