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Niki Leyland Sep 2011
My love, your eyes are nothing like the sun,
your long lasting gaze is dull and dazed,
as for intelligence; you possess none
and you leave me annoyed and unamazed.

The way you make me feel is disgusting,
sandpaper is smoother than your skin,
and I just can't stand to hear you laughing,
when all good humour you've forsaken.

You are oblivious and selfish too,
and you know I use this odious tone
my dear because I truely detest you!
so go now please and leave me alone,

Take your coiffed hair, and your crooked nose
go **** yourself and your asinine hoes!
Niki Leyland Sep 2011
This is a "found poem" the lines are from poems ranging from 13th century to the 20th century*

I have fears that I may cease to be,
And that I shall never look upon thee more.
Had we but world enough, and time
I would voice aloud a love,
A love so much refined,
Even ourselves know not what it is.

                      But we have given our hearts away
  So I have chosen thus to fling
My soul upon the growing gloom.
Of all the western stars, until I die

Though I must go, endure not yet.
For I shall love thee better after death,

As for me, alas, I may no more
But while old time is still a-flying
T’s not too late for you to seek
a newer world,
No nearer to
Death’s dream kingdom,
For the world which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams
Has not yet attained its noon.

— The End —