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Nik Stlitslempur Jun 2013
I cannot have her,
Though I dream of her soft touch.
Can't, won't, forever.

Her skin, forbidden,
I crave to taste her sweet neck.
No, I can't and won't.

Her innocent kiss,
Our lips meet, my heart melting.
Lips, so far away.

Her body and mine,
Can never be intertwined,
Hers pressed against mine.

Eyes closed, mouth open,
She moans with desire, passion;
Writhing from ******.

Her skin against mine,
Tangled bodies become one,
Yet this is not real.

This life, so unfair,
Desires left unsatisfied.
She'll never be mine.
1.0k · Jun 2013
Closing my eyes
Nik Stlitslempur Jun 2013
Closing my eyes, drifting to sleep
Count as they jump, jumping white sheep
At mind’s edge I stand, then take my leap
Into the abyss, I’m falling so deep

Float from the sky, touch down into sand.
Dancing, singing, they ask me to play
Shrug my shoulders and reach out my hand
My worries from life then fade away

We dance on the beach, me and those sheep
Dancing and laughing, now sound asleep
A presence nearby, keeping at bay
Think nothing of it, just dance and play.

The sun’s always rising, in this strange land
The clouds making shapes and the trees are all purple.
Playful white sheep still dance in the sand
Sudden feelings of dread fill me, something is wrong.

The presence draws closer, my thoughts become darker
Turned to the sheep, I look for similar feelings
But their cute white sheep faces have all disappeared
In unison they stop dancing, turn and glare.
From tiny sheep faces, just sunken red eyes remain
They notice me noticing, “It’s not nice to stare”
Whipping my head ‘round, the presence stands there
A being so dark, I can’t make out what it is

My breathing becomes heavier, a rotten smell comes from his
“You shouldn’t have come” he says “You shouldn’t be here”
Before I could run, a flash of horror filled my mind
Every bad thing I’ve done and been victim of.

“You came to my world seeking dance with the fauna,
An escape from your problems, the pains, the trauma.
But you cannot escape, for I am the window of pain,
Forcing all to look through, and you won’t get my pity,
Nor will I feign your disdain, for now you see,
This is my domain.”

The horrors from life swirled violently through my mind.
Shaking my head, I cry “Please take me home!”
But the presence just laughs
And the demon-eyed sheep laugh
And they laugh
Laughing like school children
In fact, exactly so…

Lift my head from my desk, then I see
Room full of students, laughing at me.
Teacher approached, “XXXXX, you were snoring.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am. This lesson is boring.”
893 · Jun 2013
Free from the dark
Nik Stlitslempur Jun 2013
His was a truly great mind;
eccentric and passionate,
wise and compassionate,
Yet, he suffered the dark;
a pain too deep for eyes to see,
a curse so wicked,
Yet, he never showed it.
I saved him a place
at my table of wise men;
great minds I'd collected,
my renaissance men,
For these were great minds I adored.
Each place set, but no one yet showed,
one day, they'll gather
all but him.
My dear friend, and your great mind,
my own curiosity, foaming at the mouth,
craving what you were thinking.
I regret not seeing you that last time,
you said come tonight,
I said it's two thousand miles,
I answered incorrectly, this we both knew.
I should have come,
Yet, we both know I couldn't,
this curse of my own, we both know,
but I'm sorry, I wish it were different.
And now, a year later,
you, gone, and me, a year older.
Your sister I feel for the most,
poor girl,
she didn't need that, to find you,
her brightest star.
I don't blame you though,
I've felt it too now.
The dark inside, hidden from light,
eating and eating,
this mental anguish,
so I understand,
so much so sometimes,
I've found myself jealous,
but I cannot join you
at least not for now.
Your great mind,
my dear friend,
her bright star,
your place at my table still set,
I hope to improbable gods,
your last thoughts treated you well,
and I hope
my fondness, my admiration,
not just for your great mind,
but you as well,
I hope you remembered,
and I hope I delivered,
I hope my friendship proved even slightly worthwhile,
as yours to me, will be with me always,
so I hope as you hung there,
your last thoughts were relief,
of good friends and your family,
our adventures, your cat.
We will all miss you, XXXX,
I miss you and love you,
Yet, I know what you'd say,
at which I can't help but laugh,
"**** it up, don't waste your time."

Thank you and safe travels, sir.
Nik Stlitslempur Jun 2013
His life, silent lie,
Love, loss, hate, and shame, these known,
Her mind, innocent.

Her life, bright future,
So much to learn, and to feel,
His mind, corrupted.
Nik Stlitslempur Jun 2013
Streams of people pass.
Do they see me? Are they blind?
Just a shoreside stone.
Nik Stlitslempur Jun 2013
These dreams we create,
So warm, loving, together,
All things we both need.

These dreams we create,
Not real life where we both live,
Our time here will end.

These dreams we create,
Never letting our eyes meet,
I want to see you.

These dreams we create,
Never allow skin to touch,
I yearn to feel you.

These dreams we create,
Both creating differently,
These dreams are our lies.

These dreams we create,
For your own good, understand:
My dream is over.

This dream I create,
Where I'll remember you too;
The blue girl I knew.

— The End —