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Jun 2018 · 238
you are the reason.
Nightwolf Jun 2018
sitting here in silence, in the darkness of the heart.
the sound of the wind and rain drops on my shoulders.
loneliness is getting bigger and bigger in my heart.
I had you in my arms, I caught you in my heart. but you were gone for a long time.
I could not feel or see more.
You took everything with you when you walked away.
You leave my heart alone, crushed, sore and a big hole in it.
I feel the cold when I was warm with you.
the wind blows high and I shake and long for your hug.
the sky fell to clouds, the sun went on, and only rain host.
emptyness in my life, what should I do?
big hole in my heart filled with nothing because you're the cause of it.
body without soul, heart without blood, brain without cells, life without you.
You are the reason for my pain now and forever.
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Lonely Wolf
Nightwolf Feb 2016
You walk alone,
Sleep alone,
Cry alone,
Die alone.

You are the Wolf that walks alone.
You have no friends, none of your kind,
Will there ever be a friend for you to find?
You walk in sadness, and despair,
No one to love you, anywhere.

The world is cruel,
The world is mean,
You walk alone,
Always unseen.

This is your prayer,
A mournful song,
You have never had anywhere to belong.
This is your howl,
Your sad, sad cry.
Crying beneath the open sky.

Does anyone hear you?
Are you truly alone?
Does anyone care about you?
And your bitter moan?

Others walk for you not to find,
They don’t care, they have peace of mind.
You walk alone on a desolate plain,
Will you ever have a home again?

Will anyone cry, weep, wail, or moan,
At the death of the Wolf that walks alone?
Jan 2016 · 228
without you.
Nightwolf Jan 2016
who knows why are you there like that
with those eyes fixed on me
you'll see that I'll be ok
and that I didn't expect
this craziness

I will pretend, I will get used to it
I will continue in silence without you

I remain alone with the memories
Tomorrow everything will end
but now stay here
here with me because it will be
the last night with you

you'll see you'll see it will go back to normal
now hurts a little bit but it will go away
the dreams of eternity
are the hardest to
throw away

I remain alone with the memories
Tomorrow everything will end
but now stay here
here with me because it will be
the last night with you

I will follow, I will tolerate
this horrible pain without you

I remain alone with the memories
Tomorrow everything will end
but now stay here
here with me because it will be
the last night with you

this will be
the last night with
Dec 2015 · 388
I love you.
Nightwolf Dec 2015
I have been in love with you for many years and i tried to win your heart. I tried to make you feel the love that i had for you, i had never loved somebody as much as i have loved you.
my tears falling from my eyes as the sky drop the rain. I'm tired of pretending i'm not in love with you. you have been in my thought.
every single day goes by and you are not here with me.
i miss you, i miss the warm of your lips.
Nov 2015 · 386
My spiritual soul.
Nightwolf Nov 2015
My spiritual soul and body longs for the dark forest. I'm in love with the dark night. the dark rain. The dark nights lit up by stars.
I yearn for the full moon, after the quiet night where the wind blowing through my window. I am part of the night, my soul longs for the dull, sad, and quiet nights.
I want back my life who had opinions that have lasted a part of me.
I want to return to those dark nights that fullness my life with meaning.
Jun 2015 · 467
dark soul
Nightwolf Jun 2015
My soul wandering from the dark nights
even the light can't shine my way through the dark
a soul that have been prison of my own mistake
mistake that kept me away from the light..
my soul are felt with darkness, my mind are prison of it own thought.
everyday get harder and difficult for me.
only my heart shine from it own place with a bright light.
May 2015 · 355
Save me
Nightwolf May 2015
Save me from the dark which i have been capture.
save me from my nightmare that hunts me all night.
save me from the prison that hold me all my life.
save from all the days i have been without you.
Apr 2015 · 314
Nightwolf Apr 2015
Where you go or where you will be, i will always be with you.
you are the air i breath. the duft of flowers on spring seasen.
the sound of bird on tomorrow day.  
the night whisper. and the one and only person i have ever loved.
the time goes and our love get bigger and bigger
every secound of my life i have loved you and will always do.
Apr 2015 · 312
Nightwolf Apr 2015
With every dark night fall all the memories hunt me.
With every sun raise i remember you..
you left me with all memories and left me broken..
your ghost hunts me every night when the darkness.
Every night i look up to the moon and the only thing that i see is you..
i have been suffered enough..i can't sleep your soul hunt me.
you were everything to me...the sun light my life.
the moon shine my ways through darkness.
i have no place to go.. your hug was the only place i go to when i sad
but now all is gone..
Apr 2015 · 319
Dark wood
Nightwolf Apr 2015
In a dark time, the eye begins to see,

I meet my shadow in the deepening shade;

I hear my echo in the echoing wood--

A lord of nature weeping to a tree.

I live between the heron and the wren,

Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den.

What's madness but nobility of soul

At odds with circumstance? The day's on fire!

I know the purity of pure despair,

My shadow pinned against a sweating wall.

That place among the rocks--is it a cave,

Or a winding path? The edge is what I have.

A steady storm of correspondences!

A night flowing with birds, a ragged moon,

And in broad day the midnight come again!

A man goes far to find out what he is--

Death of the self in a long, tearless night,

All natural shapes blazing unnatural light.

Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire.

My soul, like some heat-maddened summer fly,

Keeps buzzing at the sill. Which I is I?

A fallen man, I climb out of my fear.

The mind enters itself, and God the mind,

And one is One, free in the tearing wind.
Apr 2015 · 307
Lovely Darkness
Nightwolf Apr 2015
Day by day the beauty of darkness
all around multiplies and blooms
into a flower of treasure by which I fill
my trove at the time when I hate to see
the day light and love to pass my time
under spell of bitter rapture and swim
with delight when, without sound I weep
in ecstasy I recall your cold face when I see
emptiness engulfs me and nothing I get to fill my void
but this lovely darkness and your shrug silently to ruminate.
Apr 2015 · 502
Nightwolf Apr 2015
Song of dark days!
Souls of this dark acrid days
written with dark ink
walted with dark pen.
Wrecked with dark scrolls.

Recited by dark souls.
Remix by dark hearts.
Recked by dark arts.

Legend by dark writers.
Myths by dark tale bearers! !
Recieved dark technology.
Implement by dark nations.

Worshipped by dark religion.
Working in dark industries.
Replicated as dark angelic beings.
Now ruling as darklords in dark void of deluge eternity...
Apr 2015 · 297
love to the end.
Nightwolf Apr 2015
I hear a whisper of your voice in the dark night..over and over again.
i dream of left and the only thing i have now Just our memories to remember..
the kiss i stole from your lips..the touche of your hand.
in the wood we walk with our love beyond the dark..
i told you 'I love you and never gone hurt you'
you stole my heart for the first time we kiss..
you were the sun to skin my darkness the star brighting my night.
I miss you.

— The End —