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Her confession for lack of a better word
Was confusing
Like that one time we lived in that house made of paper
And chain smoked
Till the draft came in
Just in case you didn’t know
You have to love someone
Before you don’t love them anymore
And you have to put the hell inside of me
Before you scare it out
It was almost as bad as that one time I was gunned down
On the corner of
Bad luck
And lonely
Maybe love has its casualties
But you can’t be a martyr for it
You can’t say you stuck around
Despite my anything
The door has always been right there
And I have always been right here
Perfectly human

So don’t **** the dawn
For rising the sun
Or expect the earth to stop spinning
Don’t tell me you don’t want me to love you
I’ll do it in secret
Like that one time
I sent you flowers
That other guy

The current love of your life
Perfect because of whatever
I couldn’t care less

let’s go back a few years in time
So I can write you this note
“Check if you like me
Check if you don’t
Check if you’ll **** me
Check if you won’t”

Too bad
I am two tall cans into this poem already
Least now
You’ve managed to put the hell in me
And as for martyrs
What do they do again?
I just don’t wanna die lonely
First line donated by Donie, one of the most awesome people ever! This game is a definite hit and miss. I did my best. Thanks for playing. Let's do it again soon!
Oh, to feel my breath
inside of what
has not been touched in years
by the breezes I find,
as if meant
to be
my air.
After the sunset fades,
I cannot express
how it feels to have
your heart broken in two
and for days hear a song
that still loves you
in the morning.

Flying straight through the tinted glass
I hold on tight
to the place I know
is standing in the distance.
In search of one,
whose notions move into shadows
loyal to an army of water
that sits backs and looks at every word
as if
it is an ocean
of a single heartbeat.

I sing this song in my heart
with my eyes closed,
never bitter,
but you know that.
I hold no shame of the memories
held dear,
their touch whispers
like a smear of warm sun
promising not to forget
what it searches for.
Smiling into eternity’s cup,
I begin to write.

I write of dancing in the windows
where the sun and moon
are uninhibited
as they drink from the air
of unmeasured words.
A place where the only thing I wish for
is a glimpse of flowers
that will push the thoughts of waiting
for my heart to break
in two
He called to straighten her out,
To announce his disappointment.

In no uncertain terms, he rammed it home,
Her failure to notify him was inexcusable.

He blasted her, recounted his disappointment,
“You were supposed to visit, you said you’d stop by.”
He shrieked, “Our friendship is a ruse, a joke to you,
You fooled me, I thought you cared.”

Overwhelmed, wordless, she, lost in his pain,
Was defenseless, knew no proof would suffice,
Understood the meaning, guilty as charged.

She listened silently, finally, felt a shift,
His rage discharged, breathless, indignant,
He awaited her pathetic excuse.

With a shallow breath she illuminated him.

A single, empty, cabin,
On a distant island,
Barren, cold, alone,

“***** you!” down he slammed the phone.
 Nov 2011 Nicole tanner
Deb Nixon
The golden moon was halo cast,
As it rose above the trees.
You walked me silently, by your side,
We were caressed by scented breeze.

The silver rays beamed down on us,
Tranquility ruled this eve.
Night birds sang their soulful tune,
In magic, we could believe.

Stars were diamonds in our sky,
On ebony they dwelt.
Crowning Heaven in the night,
This awe on Earth we felt.

Fireflies were as pixies float.
This dream that was so real.
Fantasies raced the forest green,
The essense of loving thrill.

Peace reigned true, this velvet night.
You held me captive with blue eyes.
That bound me to you for all time,
You reduced me down to sighs.

Deb Nixon
 Nov 2011 Nicole tanner
Deb Nixon
I took a glance around me
And bowed my head in shame.
All the violence, grief and anger,
I cried to God, "Who's to blame?"

He quietly opened up my heart,
And asked, "What do you see?"
His question burned me like a fire,
For the answer came back!

"Me?", I asked in disbelief.
"But, I've never hurt someone."
"Is that so?", was His reply,
"But, tell Me, what have you done?"

"Have you reached out to the lonely?
Been a friend to one in need?"
"Try to teach right from wrong,
Give a child a moral creed?"

"Have you stopped to help a stranger?
Sought to uphold the just and right?
Or are you on the sidelines,
Hoping someone else will take this fight?"

Again, I bowed my head.
But this time, it was to pray.
To ask for strength and guidance,
For God's presence throughtout my day.

So now, I know the reason
For all the violence and misery.
And, God gave me the solution:
The answer begins with me!
Don't cry, this kiss is a kiss goodbye.
Don't cling, it's time to part.
Don't look at me nor ask me why
I've taken back my heart.

No questioning, no pleading;
No door remains ajar.
No doubt your heart is bleeding
Now, and wounds of love will scar.

Don't hope to ever turn back time,
Nor resurrect the flame
Of what became a pantomime
Of love, in all but name.
© Marcus Lane 2008
do not know
what it’s like
to not be

I do not know what failure is
what doubt is
what grief is

the next day
will always be brighter
to me
even when I know
winter is soon
upon us

do not know
what it’s like
to not be

I have,
and always will,
believe that I
can do

and for that
I am weak
with my lack
He loved her and she loved him
His kisses ****** out her whole past and future or tried to
He had no other appetite
She bit him she gnawed him she ******
She wanted him complete inside her
Safe and Sure forever and ever
Their little cries fluttered  into the curtains

Her eyes wanted nothing to get away
Her looks nailed down his hands his wrists his elbows
He gripped her hard so that life
Should not drag her from that moment
He wanted all future to cease
He wanted to topple with his arms round her
Or everlasting or whatever there was
Her embrace was an immense press
To print him into her bones
His smiles were the garrets of a fairy place
Where the real world would never come
Her smiles were spider bites
So he would lie still till she felt hungry
His word were occupying armies
Her laughs were an assasin's attempts
His looks were bullets daggers of revenge
Her glances were ghosts in the corner with horrible secrets
His whispers were whips and jackboots
Her kisses were lawyers steadily writing
His caresses were the last hooks of a castaway
Her love-tricks were the grinding of locks
And their deep cries crawled over the floors
Like an animal dragging a great trap
His promises were the surgeon's gag
Her promises took the top off his skull
She would get a brooch made of it
His vows  pulled out all her sinews
He showed her how to make a love-knot
At the back of her secret drawer
Their screams stuck in the wall
Their heads fell apart into sleep like the two halves
Of a lopped melon, but love is hard to stop

In their entwined  sleep they exchanged arms and legs
In their dreams their brains took each other hostage

In the morning they wore each other's face
Why did he promise me
that we would build ourselves
an ark all by ourselves
out in back of the house
on New York Avenue
in Union City New Jersey
to the singing of the streetcars
after the story
of Noah whom nobody
believed about the waters
that would rise over everything
when I told my father
I wanted us to build
an ark of our own there
in the back yard under
the kitchen could we do that
he told me that we could
I want to I said and will we
he promised me that we would
why did he promise that
I wanted us to start then
nobody will believe us
I said that we are building
an ark because the rains
are coming and that was true
nobody ever believed
we would build an ark there
nobody would believe
that the waters were coming
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