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May 2014 · 664
Nicole Dunbar May 2014
I am holding so much pain inside
Everyday that goes by
It becomes harder to breathe
It feels like my heart
Is caving in from all the lies
Can't you see what your doing to me.
How it hurts
So much inside to see you leave
I just can't take it no more
I just want it to be over
Nobody knew that it would be
this hard to let go
This painful to repair my heart
But I found out that
You can show someone Love
It doesn't matter if
they don't show it back
As long as you know that
Your love is true that's all that matters

People can wish all they want
But sometimes the things you
wish for will never come
May 2014 · 6.7k
I am like a book
Nicole Dunbar May 2014
Like a book I wait to be opened, to
be read
To be liked for who I am, not what
I look like
or what people have said
Will I be kept and loved or tossed
back on the shelf?
No worry, because I know now
you will always love me yourself
I'm always here in any way you
need, When you need to talk, cry just
open me up to read
May 2014 · 443
Loving You But We Just Me
Nicole Dunbar May 2014
When I first met you
I felt like I had known you forever,
telling you my secrets
and what I didn't want ever.
you listened to me
I bet you thought I'd never end,
who would have thought
we would become more than just friends.
Over a period of time,
I got to know the real you.
A boy so caring and gentle,
with a heart so true.
You've survived your life
with hurt and loneliness by your side.
I told you I'd never leave
because of the feelings I have inside.
I know you
like no one I have ever known,
and sometimes I wonder
what I'd do if you were gone?
So I have decided
time answers all.
If it is meant to be
time will remove the wall.
I love the way we are together,
you can always make me smile.
Will it ever really be forever?
I guess I will have to wait awhile.
Time will reveal, what lies ahead
but always remember
what I have said.
Meeting you has changed my life
and I really love you so,
the feelings I feel for you
I am never letting go.
Remember me always
and I will too.
I always think of
me and you.
May 2014 · 330
So Many Thoughts
Nicole Dunbar May 2014
Forget what you know
why is it so hard?
to just forget

Fallin out of Love
why is it so hard?
to fall out of Love

Pain and Sorrow
I go through it
every other day

Love and Hate two most powerful words
but we use  them both the same

How can you love someone you barely
know its impossible
i am here to tell you
it is not

The worst pain
is when someone opens your heart
to love
but they have no intentions
in loving you

— The End —