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God scatters beauty as he scatters flowers
O'er the wide earth, and tells us all are ours.
A hundred lights in every temple burn,
And at each shrine I bend my knee in turn.
Charcoal grey expressions,
And a stark white slate.
Paper people pondering,
How to template fate.

Their lives are all drawn out,
In a linear direction.
Nothing ever changes,
When stencils draw perfection.

Calculate the angles,
And paste a paper house.
Everything falls so easy,
Living in a Paper Town.
In my arms you become an ocean
seeping into the topographic cracks of my body
pooling along the coasts of our separate skins.
I hold you as gently as a shell cups a pearl
and float upon the current of your breaths.
You become warm sand against my skin.
I want to kiss every grain of your form
and count its golden glints that catch light
like the still pools of your eyes-
the small brown island beneath your pupil
into which I have disappeared nightly (like the moon),
and emerged to see my own reflection
made more beautiful by your love (like the sun).
You are the paradise of my heart.
The sun and moon of my soul.
A window and a mirror
through which the world unfolds.
 Nov 2012 Nickie McLaughlin
It creeps into my room again,
filling me with fear.
I wish it would just go away
and let me be happy here.
The air inside turns icy cold,
sends shivers down my spine.
It comes in every morning,
All my darkest fears combined.
I reach out a hand to touch it
Just to check it's real.
It tries to smile and I try too
But all my happiness it steals.
It copies every move I make
Mocking me with glee.
I step back and I realise
The thing I'm staring at is me.

— The End —