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Jan 2012 · 613
“Less than a friend”
Nick Foley Jan 2012
And with me here again
The sober mind is over
To a love that I can hold,
In a lapsed memory,
As I grow old.

Give me your kiss,
To mimic this fleeting bliss.
And the warmth in this moment
It will not end,
More than a buddy.
Less than a friend.

With the love we share,
As I hear you scream,
Reminds me now,
It’s a just a dream,
A fleeting passion,
This sight unseen.

Give me your kiss,
To mimic this fleeting bliss.
And the warmth in this moment
It will not end,
More than a buddy.
Less than a friend.

You cant call me lonely,
We **** it with this.
As our lips meet,
They mimic fleeting bliss.
Jan 2012 · 667
“Broken glass”
Nick Foley Jan 2012
The bottom of this glass,
Has never been so clear,
Doused in so much thought,
Tells me what I fear.

The liquor tells it all,
Watch it now take wing,
And as they call my name,
I feel nothing.

And what would put me in denial,
To see a shining smile,
This is broken glass,
Tiny pieces. All is smashed.

If you could save us,
Slowly set me free.
The feeling hits my brain,
All is done in vain,

Behind this jester’s grin,
Reveals so many sins,
Pours whiskey in the jar,
This process starts again.
Jan 2012 · 519
“Another day”
Nick Foley Jan 2012
Went along
A fatal right,
I’ve been wronged.

Happy ends,
Should it begin?
Made wiser
In the end,

Fight the truth,
Reality bends
The final strike,
Take this chance.

Down the pit,
Lose the light,
Tell me now,
I’m alright.

Take it in,
Give it up,
There's no win.

Catch my breath,
Walking tall,
Post the fall,
Before them all.

Close my eyes,
Daylight dies,
Conquered strife,
Next day in life.
Jan 2012 · 526
“Summer’s Eve”
Nick Foley Jan 2012
To count my blessings among the stars,
As I count my travels near and far,
The darkest night makes a final stand.
Gives me the will to rightly fight,
And my tired eyes gently lose sight.

Because what else could you really believe?
When earth stands still on a summer eve.
The tired times pass with total ease,
Make this last forever, please.

And I feel the chill of the western air,
And think that life may actually be so fair,
To think of all falls in the reach of can.
The sky turns from blue to black,
As sleep begins to make its attack,

Because what else could you really believe?
When earth stands still on a summer eve.
The tired times pass with total ease,
Make this last forever, please.

Lights reach within my street,
Awake loses the will to compete,
Quiet rest gives me what I need.
And for a few moments free,
Just a moment would simplicity see.

Because what else could you really believe?
When earth stands still on a summer eve.
The times pass with total ease,
Make this last forever, please.
Jan 2012 · 938
“A Cold Blooded Fate”
Nick Foley Jan 2012
The creeping numb of autumn wind,
Chilled embrace of warmth’s rescind.
A future would complicate,
A cold blooded fate.

What should clarity ensue?
In the chill of morning dew.
Navigate the forlorn cloud.
Would you melt the frozen shroud?

A crushing wall of ashen grey,
Promise now in the breaking day,
Pleased to take the broken crown,
In sinking gloom looming down.

So would you step on solid ground?
Breaking twigs in subtle sound.
As amber waves break barren mounds,
The warming rays are lost and found.
Jan 2012 · 533
“In search of wisdom”
Nick Foley Jan 2012
In search of wisdom, feeling the pain
My answer, revealed, and met with distain,
Feelings of animosity.
This answer made plain
Free to see what I see
This cycle is sustained.

Parade like a superstar,
This façade, brings the praises of all,
High and mighty as you are,
Knowing, the proximity of your imminent fall.
Bright and shining, gain another scar
Falling again, getting up, trying still, to walk tall.

This pride you hold, weighs on you like lead.
These illusions –grandeur! To end in shame,
The culmination of the actions, coming to a head
While you, who still remain
Though hurt, is not completely dead.

I know this feeling, I too feel the sting.
If you only knew, what I have in store
For you, the song you would sing
If only for a second, you would face,
A joy, you have not seen since
I put you in your perfect place.
Jan 2012 · 1.4k
“The Jester’s Dance”
Nick Foley Jan 2012
Take a look and laugh at me
So goes the grinning jester’s plea.
See the show of one who knows,
of he that is consumed by jest,
Fool! You know him the best.

They see you dance; you play the clown,
Feelings buried behind the inverted frown,
kept in the mask of the blank and the blind,
The colors blend, are Checkered between
Textile hearts and diamonds unseen.

Silver bells lightly jingle,
all eyes turn to a single
face on a smirking staff
as a crowd erupts with twisting laughs,
At a twisted man in masking plaid.

He briefly forgets the fight
And achieves the white spotlight,
wasted all on best laid plans,
gain a loss for just a chance
To perform the jester’s dance.

— The End —