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May 2017 · 280
Not going to die today
you give me life in the new way
struggling to find you in the chaos in my heart longing for a new start

realness from the heart
realness in me in all I am
I'm just here waiting wanting to hear the sound of your heart beat waiting to hear your heart not skipping a beat

Not so overwhelmed but slightly insecure in you
my future
my life is secure
Your Faithfulness is what I want to know
your gentleness in the afterglow

Tipsy Gaga for you I want to be even as the Wind Blows beautifully through the trees
I feel you strong in the just being
in the just now and the Here and Now

learning new skills learning to write learning that in your goodness and Stillness I can fight

you fight for me so in you I rest
my trials circumstances don't even put you to the test

You Are The God That fights for me the one who comes sweetly to set me free

free from worry free from doubt
learning to slow down
learning that in you my life is not lost but found
more more of you I cry
my heart my spirit groans and sighs

my soul longs for you in my secret place where I'm flooded with tender mercies boundless love unending grace

peace you give hide me in your love no striving gentle peace from above Dwell in my presence you say as I trust you for today

gentle sweet spirit take control
put a hold around my heart Speak Life Into My Soul

free free free like a bird in the tree trust me and you will find trust me and you will see
all the goodness
and great things I have planned for thee

all the thoughts running through your head give them to me instead don't worry don't strive
just rest as I give you new life
free from worry free from strive
just trust and you will see
the beauty that is in me for thee
May 2017 · 306
Tipping Point
Ever gentle ever graceful
Ever peaceful in embrace
Not shying away from truth amazing grace

Gently he ran into his saving grace
The arms of his father as he sought his face

Not looking way
But staring into the son
He knew that his life had just begun

On the tipping point of falling over
On the tipping point of giving In
He fell into grace
So life could begin
May 2017 · 237
Wash Away
Thank you for these sweet moments
When my heart comes alive
When all I see is you
In the beauty that surrounds

All I want is you
All I want to know is your presence
Your goodness through the heartache that seems to abound

For a little while I am here on earth
For little while I go through this process of rebirth

Losing all I held dear all I cherished
But I know you are near
In the mystery of the heartache and pain
You are remaking my life molding me
holding me no more shame

Touch me gently now
and lead my soul to
the sweet surrender of loving embrace
where I am broken only to see your face.

I am broken but still you come
Arrest my soul and heart once more
I am learning that your love is hard-core

Never changes never wanes
Never fades never melts away
In fact it only becomes more
as you show me what's in store

You are the sunlight in my soul
The light that guides me
leads me on and makes me whole

Use my life for your glory
I have to let go so you
can write my story

All I am for all you are
All I am for all you are
My heart cries
Wash away the bitterness the lies

Touch me gently now
Reach into my soul
Emptiness now whole

All I want is you
I open up to your love
Your love so true

Simplicity is what you seek
Gently as my heart leaks
As my hurt and trauma wash away
Listening to your words of love spoken in a new way.
May 2017 · 237
Needing your covering today
Needing your anointing today
Needing your presence today
Without you I won't go far
I want to be where you are

Where I go I don't want
to go without you
Don't leave me
don't hide your face from me
Wash my heart and hands clean again
Never the same

In your love I want to be found
Love that burns love that abounds
Love so so deep
Deeper than the Seas
Overwhelms covers
washes away miseries

Cover me with your feathers
fill me with your love
Simplicity is what you want from me
A true heart
Heart like a child innocent new
So I trust and rest in you

My heart may fail me
But you will not
You will not fail me
You will hold me
In your shade
Arms open wide
In you I am made

You Calm me down
Put my life back into shape
Give me a new song
I trust in you alone and all along

Your presence
Your covering
Is what I seek
Longing for you
By the quiet misty creek

It speaks life
It oozes permeates
Breathes life
Into my soul

Joy soon abounding
Out of control

To the God of my life
My salvation
My stronghold
All glory
May 2017 · 194
There is nothing i can't say
that won't take your breath away
nothing i can do that will make
You love me more
Nothing i say
Nothing i do
Makes you love me more

Inside my heart
Inside my mind
Knowing that You i find

I am here waiting for you
with open hands
Open heart
and you come to me
and pour love
deep deep into my soul

It burns it hurts
it overwhelms me to the core
But still i want more

Wholeness in you i find
wanting to be held
wanting to be hugged
and you make beauty of my mess

You love me all the same
Even as i am riddled with
guilt and shame

You cast it all aside and pour
Your love deep inside

Why do you come for me
I often ask
Why do you come find me
hiding from you

Learning to breathe
Learning to love
Learning that all
comes from above

Gentle Sweet
My heart entreat
With my saviors sweet
Love that burns and courses
through my heart through my soul
through my mind

Come hold me
come love me
again and again

Moving forward to embrace the glory in store
Leaving behind the old that i loved to find more

In YOU than i could ever wish to find
and have and hold
Help me to be strong help me to be bold

As i step out into YOU
that step of trust and faith so new

Sadness will soon fade
as in YOU i am remade
May 2017 · 204
Am raw inside today
Bruised, shattered
Like nothing matters anyway

Heart is heavy
Heart is torn
Can I make it through this life?
Without the scars ripping open
Without all I have rebuilt being torn

I don’t want to do this alone
I need you in my life
My place to call home

The tears are flowing again
Down my cheeks
Flowing from deep out of my heart again
From somewhere deep inside my chest, it leaks

Wanting the pain to end
Wanting life to begin
Taking the leap with you
Trusting all I am to you

Vulnerable emotional
Don’t let me down today
Be my rock my comfort
My warm hug, my warm embrace
As you gently kiss my face

Disintegrated in places
I didn’t even know I had
How am I supposed to heal?
When am not allowed to feel

I feel too deeply
Maybe that’s my problem
Feeling and loving not cheaply
Gets me broken
But now I must mend, unspoken?
May 2017 · 269
Oft contrast
Sometimes my heart says
I can't take this anymore
oft contrast of new beginnings
Still, aching heart sore

But still I stand
to see the light of day
arms wide open as
You wash the pain away

It's getting late now
but I cant sleep
Will you come to me
as my heart bleeds

Come, tell me everything
Will be okay
Come strengthen me once more
Drench me with love to the core

Forget the past
and move on they say
It didn't, doesn't matter

I beg to differ you see
All the long lost laments
The miseries

Embedding in my brain
what if's what could have been's
leave me in pain
Oft drive me insane

Memories of yesteryear's
what they meant to me
precious moments I see so vividly
The one's I recall that make me cry
The one's that creep in my soul
The one's that won't die

Take me away from this place
Where darkness reigns
Out of the muck and mire
Where oft so many things seem dire

On a new path that has begun
A beautiful song yet unsung
Hold my hand as I journey on
Be my guide be my hearts song

To new beginnings to life begun
To songs yet unsung
True story man!!
life has begun!!
May 2017 · 202
Brilliant sunlight
Shine in my soul
Open my eyes
Heal me
Make me whole

Shine through cracks
of my brokenness
Into the rawness
The out of control
refreshed renewed
Deep into my soul

Surrendered to sweet embrace
Only after you I chase
My light my salvation
saving grace

Tasting the goodness of life
Light up my heart
away bitterness strife
Purity gentleness impart

I will see your hand of blessing
in the land of the living
tell of your goodness unending

Shine on me
oh light of mine
Shine on my path
Oh light Divine
May 2017 · 157
Set me free
In the hustle bustle
Of this crazy rat race
I still taste your grace

In the emptiness
The rawness of my soul
You heal make me whole

Oh if all i can do
Is get down on my knees
Seek you face
Heart opened begging please

Come on the wind
Come in the rain
Come gently
Release the pain

Here i am again
Stuck in this place
Stuck in the place
Of unending grace

Grace that covers my soul
Mercy blood shed for me
Nails knocked deep
Setting me free
May 2017 · 182
Broken Open
Not in a good place today
Not in a safe place
But somewhere somehow
You Love me anyway

Parts are shooting off my heart
the world feels so big so vast
Tearing me apart

Maybe am to fragile
Maybe am to soft to broken
All i am on the line
My heart my mind wide open

Take me as I am broken and all
No more hardness
No more *******
Heal my empty my sore

Speak life
as I hang out to dry
all my eyes can do is cry

Missing you today
but I saw you yesterday
how can such little people
have such an impact on your life?
dropping you off at my ex-wife

I want to heal and recover
don't want to stay here in this place
of emptiness and hurt
tears staining my shirt
May 2017 · 196
Speak Solitude
In the silence you speak
As I quietly sit and wait
breath against my skin
is all i feel emptiness my bait

Alone I sit and look
across the night sky
Contemplating thinking
dreaming asking why

In these moments of solitude
you speak to me
speak to the depths of my soul
Speaking life making me whole

Gently I feel you inside
warming me up
touching my mind

Come again silence
and speak to my core
I listen for your truth on the wind
in the echoes of seashore

Speak Solitude
Speak silence
Jan 2017 · 228
Beauty and Grace
When i look into your soul
Through your eyes
I see beauty i see grace
I see clear blue skies

When am with you
I never want to leave
Something in me drives me to stay
To hug you to cleave

When i see your smile
And hear your laughter
Something jumps in me
makes my heart lighter

When i touch your skin
caress and smell your neck
I feel at peace in the right place
So what the heck

I just know
Am allowed to feel happy
Why punish myself and feel ******

I know together we can be great
I don't want to doubt
So when is our first date?

My love for who you are
grows and grows
Who knows maybe someday
It snows
Jan 2017 · 354
Beautiful tonight
You are so beautiful tonight as you step into the light
like a brightly lit star
shining through the night

Leaving behind worries and cares
Leaving behind moments of despair

thank you that you call me beautiful
thank you that you shine your light
Radiance breaking through all my night

U lead me u guide me
By your light
By your wisdom
All Through this Dark night

Oh Heart of mine
Be like a star
shine shine shine
for the brightness and Glory of His kingdom
oh sweet heart of mine

Open up to happiness again
open up too sweet happiness and joy again

Take me by the hand
Keep Me By Your Side
Show me interfere with me when I lose you as my guide

Fierce wind blow and
bellow over my soul
fierce wind blow bring change
That brings Glory that makes whole

Fanning the flame that was dead
requires some action from
Me now instead

light me on fire
set me alight
so I can burn for you all through this cold dark night

Cold winters night
So dark yet so bright
you speak out
you shout out
of my saviors love
brighter than any light

desperately I need you
even if head of the pack make me humble now
as in humility i bow

Needing you wanting you
Only to complete my soul
To pull me up from the pit
Out of sadness once again whole

life in your Kingdom is yet to come
Life in your way
Speak Lord Boldly i come

Hands lifted high
Arms Undone
Chained no longer
Feet Undone

See what i have become
Soar ever higher
as my strength renewed
wings out stretched
embracing Mercy grace
ever New

Always find me here in the secret place
always find me here
In your sweet embrace
Always find me here down on my face

forever i am yours
Forever broken for the highest cause

Again take my life
As i behold the cross
Use my life
By you i am embossed

Forever in my saviors arms
Forever shining bright
Like a star all through the cold dark winters night
Jan 2017 · 249
Echoes of light all around

Feel my feet touching the

the soft ground

In a desert i laid waste

Thirsty Empty

Full of haste

You say Come to me

Sit at my feet

Open your heart

Let us meet

Face to Face

Eye to Eye

Come Taste

My amazing Grace

Oh Love that floods

My gentle soul

Oh love that finds me

Washes me free

Come Come I cry

Pour out your sweet

Gentle Love in my

Heart and mind

once more

Don't leave me dry

Don't leave me bare

Open me up share

Touch me now I pray

Hear me now I pray

You are here

I love you

Love your presence

Always near

You hide in plain sight

Waiting wanting to delight

and fill me with joy

I come I bounce as a little boy

See me now

Eyeball to Eyeball

Drifting in space

Drifting in your endless grace

You declare the end

at the beginning

Even if am losing

Even when am winning

You will do

All you pleasure and purpose

Even when My life feels like an

upside down circus
Jan 2017 · 231
So tell me God
So tell me God
can this be undone
or should I take bullets
and put them in a gun

I don't have one
so I relent you're
the only one who can heal
My Heavy heart
so please God lets start

I empty myself to you
hold me close to your chest
and whisper words of life
so full abundant True

I want to be ok again you know
I just want to be ok again
and be me again

before this started
before all the pain began
Crying like a baby into my hands
but yet still you tell me of your plans

plans you have for me
that seem so far off
plans for good not evil
Lets start them now don't put them off

sitting looking into
the distance across the sky
I want you close to me to hold me when I cry

Cry my heart out
as your healing begins
Cleansing me washing me within

since time began you had me in mind
since time began your thoughts about me your more numerous than the sands

So Tell Me God where are you now
are you here?
I know you are show me how
Jan 2017 · 423
My soul is empty and raw
I wanted with all of me to love you
but then I treated you like a *****

I will not forget
the sweet moments we had
most were good
and I made them bad

I used you cause I was lonely
You are a magnificent mom
Fantastic Lady
your house playful warm homely

Am a freaking **** and
I don't know why
I ever hurt and judged you
was it just to see you cry?

I wanted to be there for you
through thick and thin
now both our souls grow dim

even on the passing
of your mother I was there
Open Arms open heart
open legs to show I care?

Goodbye My Lover Goodbye

You deserve the best
someone who is strong
And not such a freaking mess
A heart and home where you belong
not on my chest

All I wanted was to find love
And take a chance
Now you are in tatters I'm a wreck
doing our relationship death dance

I wanted to make
your life better wanted to show you
a Glimmer of Hope
Now we almost got each other dangling by a hangman's rope

I will miss you dearly and your friendship and kiss so sweet
I think I was a trick disguised as a Halloween treat

I wanted to want you
and gave you all I had
I know I will somehow survive and
not end up in a body bag

I hope we can stay friends
and not be so *******
truth is I loved the thought of you
and never thought we might end up so heartbroken so close to fish food

so i must end because
it's getting too long
I hope and pray you will find a man to whose heart you belong

A knight of true kind
who loves you as are
Who does not throw you in the gutters but treats you like a star

You are a strong awesome lady
And will ne'er forget
Each moment we had imprinted on my brain
So much so i might go insane

I wish i didn't let things
get so messy so fast
I bared my soul
I thought hoped we would last
Now our flag half-cast

Au Revoir
My lost inamorata
Au Revoir
I will miss you deeply
Rippled in the Sons light
In the Arms of my savior
Safe and strong where I belong
Eternity in My Heart Is Where I start

Amazed by gentle sweet love
Grace O grace Exquisite fascinating
Am up again needing Your Love
In love with you in tune with you
Newness in my heart rising, start

My desire my one hearts cry to know
You basking in your endless Grace

Love that pours into my heart
Opening me up for a new start
Vibrant love coursing through me
Empty I find you, my sweet love

Resonating in my soul resounding
Iniquities washed whiter than snow
Sing a new song from the start
Eternal life in my heart won't depart

— The End —