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Nic Magee Feb 2011
Only those worthy shall reach paradise?
Who's to say what is paradise?

I don't want paradise
There is no such thing
Only ignorance

I don't want paradise
So I beat down my soul
Soiled it

I sold my soul
I ripped it out long ago
Useless, torn, empty

I don't care
No feelings anymore
For anyone or anything

All I want is peace
To be left alone
To fade, drift, die

We're all just **** filled ****
Waiting to be judged and
Thrown into the pit
Nic Magee Feb 2011
Our cruel species, man, just sociopaths and politicians
I'd like to believe that I can change society
I know that I can't though, I can merely go along with it
Eventually society will change me, as it does to everyone
Desensitized to the violence and greed, society is a beast
And morality is its helpless victim, it dies in all of us eventually
We are all chewed up only to be spit out, twisted and confused
Ideals and morals do not last, only to be replaced
Spit out violent and greedy, just another puppet
We all become the beast's little puppets eventually
No matter how hard we try to fight, it is inevitable
The harder you fight the harder you fall, there is no escape
The only comfort in this is knowing at the end, we die
There is no noble death, just the death of a spineless shameless pawn
A pawn is all we are, easily replaced, not to be taking seriously
And when we die, the beast will take yet another soul
This is societies real face, I have seen it, and I want nothing of it
Nic Magee Feb 2011
I'm impossible
I am empty
I don't know what I want anymore
I don't know what I feel anymore
Everything feels so empty
There is no depth in anything;
I feel like the world is moving
And I'm standing still
Nic Magee Feb 2011
You told me I'm a better than I give myself credit for being
But, how can I believe you, when you don't believe in yourself
I have tried to take your advice, but my animosity keeps breaking through
This animosity of mine will never allow for me to get close to anyone
I will always push away at the faintest hint of happiness
That is why I am not good for you, anguish is all I allow
I wish that I was deserving or worthy but I am not
You have your own demons, you do not need my burden
My burden is my own to bare, alone to suffer
Possibly when this all subsides there will be a chance for me
Unfortunately I have difficulty believing that I can change
I do not believe that I will ever allow myself to get close
I will forever limit myself to a life of obscurity, just me and my insecurities
Too afraid to let you in, let you in to the labyrinth that is me
My only companion, my only comfort, knowing that will never change
Knowing, never fearing anyone using my thoughts against me
Nic Magee Feb 2011
Everyone acts as though they know everything
But, I really can't say I know a **** thing
I face this daily, ask "why?"
I really can't say for sure
But, then again, can anyone
Is it to keep happy
They say "ignorance is bliss"
No, I can't accept that
Its not enough, I want truth
All I want, all I know
Is to know Why? Why am I
Who, for that matter
Who am I, who to ask this
What makes me worthy
Worthy to know the answers to life's questions
I've got endless questions
But, not a single answer

— The End —