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May 2014 · 1.5k
Ngoni L A Mupure May 2014
Lost lovingly in the lustre of your love
Softly stroking the texture of the moments-
The time and trust we have shared- the definition of romance.
The awaited angel from heaven above…

Your choicest body-tickling words,
Softer than satin and fresh silk
Nurturing in nature like milk
You are gentler than the breeze of a thousand shades.

Thoughts of you colour my mind like butterflies
Mere thoughts of you burn my heart
And melt away pain like Picasso’s art.
Your love makes me fall for you like lies.

You are that tickling fire within
The strength when I am weak
Like 7 days you build my week
And make my world spin.

If I ever burn to death,
You are that tickling fire
Growing day by day- a gift from Messiah
To me you mean the whole earth

You perfect my weaknesses with your care
And melt me into shape like a steel smiths-man
Till I am a refined man
In you I feel defined and free like the air…

That tickling fire
Of two hearts burning together in flames of love…

This is the art of my imaginations, handwriting of my heart and tribute to your heart. Engrave it on your heart

OutspokenArt #2014
May 2014 · 627
Ngoni L A Mupure May 2014
You behold all that I do.
Last spring I looked into your face,
Sought for your eyes
And your favour too.

You said that I was the fairest of them all.
A perfect soul packaged in an imperfect world,
With golden brown eyes-
The type that melts rocks.

You found sense in my nonsense.
For solely of importance were the contents,
You wrote my beauty on all the moments,
You loved my strength
And saw through me.

Guess you beheld me too many a times,
That I lost the fire
And became common like sand.
Maybe you became too accustomed to my scent
And my golden brown eyes fell from stars into dust
And my smooth edges bled into rust.

Should I turn my face away?
For when I see you I hear go away
Should I break you into a million pieces?
Maybe when I rebuild you I will hear a new thesis
And not see my weaknesses
And my fault-lines
This scarred face with ugly lines

But I was born a sinner,
Imperfect is the best I can be?
Only your eyes can behold me as perfect,
Since kisses go by favour
And beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
I have rough edges but a smooth soul.

Scared to look at you next spring-
For when I shall I ask you
Who is the fairest of them all?
It may never be me,
For my body will be flawed,
My kingship outlawed,
A broken record
The imperfect perfect…

05/10/2013 (inspiredinspirationsinc.)
May 2014 · 510
Ngoni L A Mupure May 2014
Tick tock time travelling,
Talking the walk-
Time thoughts unravelling,
And walking the talk.

Think of time man-
Churning time into ours
and hours watch and learn-
The magic of seconds and hours.

Streets chasing me,
and flee I would flee-
whilst money could not buy me,
Since time is money- but I would not grow on a money tree.

But I would be on all hands-
Black, white till pink,
Both hour & second hands.
I would write graffiti like street ink-

And with time I would sky write,
Since I would have all the time,
and would be the time- pardon this playwright.
I let actions speak like a mime.

And to me the world would pay attention-
Since money would not buy my presence.
I would fly too like inflation.
Queens would bribe me with presents-

Pregnant with prospects to beat time- stay young,
Live long and reign.
In every song like a chorus I would be sung-
How untouchable is the time man.

I would never be late for a date.
I would **** death-
Let life live long but it is too late,
These are broken dreams- pangs of birth...

I am not the time man-
I need the time Amen...

OutspokenArt# 2014

For Aaliyah
May 2014 · 985
Ngoni L A Mupure May 2014
You are one hell of a book,
Written in a simple style.
A song with a catchy hook,
Complicated page to file.

Your plot is intricate,
but you are still intriguing.
Your petals are colourful and delicate,
You got me hallucinating.

Been scripting this piece-
Its nearly a week but still,
Rehearsing it like a first kiss
Punching lines like a till-

Suppressing thrills,
Chasing footsteps of shadows and thoughts.
Swallowing bitter pills-
Thoughts being cast everywhere like votes...

And writing heart desires- as if my poem is a will.
With words that burn as forest fires.
Thoughts of you bring my world to a standstill.

Your stubborn attitude
and the Monalisa smiles,
Raise my heart like altitude.
Ironic enough memories of you keep piling like files.

Your silence captures my curiosity,
Preying on it like a predator.
Your quiet moments are pretty-
Lips made of nectar...

Your expressions are strong-
They challenge my mind set.
You are a hit song,
Your beat makes one sweat.

I hate to play you,
Because your melodies are too deep,
And your lyrics are too true.
So if I fall for you I will forever slip.

You are hard to forget,
When did I learn your facts?
Actions and reactions-a magnet?
You are warm, deep inside like pockets.

No conclusions-
Just casting controversial cute courtesies,
Confused for confessions yet caressing illusions-
Maybe social prophecies...

Thoughts of you are without a conclusion-
Limitless, bottomless-
They run deep like confusion.
So I crowned them with words like a princess.

Naked truth-
True lies...

OutspokenArt #2014
Jan 2014 · 817
Ngoni L A Mupure Jan 2014
Broken vows,
Sounds of bellowing cows,
No wedding bells
A broken heart tells no tales

Nonsense in my sense
Calculating emotional expenses
Excuses for a lost moment
Fragrance without a scent

A heart grieving in silence
With walls shedding tears of innocence
Rage of innocence I guess
The fight of a bleeding heart- one in rags

Naked and vulnerable like a mother less toddler
Speech turned sour- now a babbler
Blah-blah, tongue twisting tale
Hailing hot from hell

Promises fallen on thorns
Pierced to the bones
Wilted words on dry ground
Salted seeds don’t count

No harvest this summer
Extract the pain in my grammar
And it will narrate my mistakes
Mistaken for forgiveness, commitment crucified on the stakes

This is the thesis
Thesis of a broken heart
Broken into many pieces
Smudged art…

Broken vows
Sounds of bellowing cows,
No wedding bells
A broken heart tells no tales
From stars to dust
Ngoni L A Mupure Jan 2014
The noise of doubt
Poison to the mind
Caught between two worlds, one thin and the other stout,
Gravitating towards faith, a chorus for the blind?

Blotting out all the pessimistic contents,
Praying for a miracle
But, doubt keeps on knocking nonsense.
Graduate my faith to the temple’s pinnacle.

I loathe the tenor of dirges.
But, cherish the flipping of ancient pages-
That refreshment to my hopes,
And the tunnel to moonlight
Narrow escape from fright,
Blind to the future, lend me a pair of sight.

Ignorant to optimism, hand me a share of knowledge.
Dying to taste wisdom, paint gray my hair- merge my reason with age
Send my doubt to the grave.
Let faith redeem me, lest I become a slave.

Close doubt out of my imagination.
Lord, redeem me from the deafening silence of doubt,
Bitter like worm wood
Drown me in hope-hood…
Let faith be my confession,
For I loathe the noise of doubt.
The song of a confused soul
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Ngoni L A Mupure Jan 2014
When You Wake Up...
Listen to the sound of silence,
The heart beat of time,
The chirping birds -
Find my message in them...

I am not the perfect picture.
Fancy outside but, broken inside.
But you are like Picasso to me,
You paint my scars quiet.

Your smiles colour my dark days.
Your love is fresh as dew on grass.
I cherish the look in your eyes.
I find strength in thoughts of you.

And just in case I show it less
Doubt not that I care more.
For within me its written
That you mean a lot...

Your dimples sink my heart,
Your shyness excites me,
Your free spirit is uplifting,
Your past shapes your attitude.

So in case I fail to say it
Read it in the blue sky,
The sound of silence
Heartbeat of time...

When you wake up,
Know that I was thinking of you.
For Mbali :)

— The End —