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Neurotica Jun 2013
My dreams have shrunken and changed with you.
You are molecular;
A study in virology.
Neurotica Jan 2013
makes me wish

I were someone else.
Neurotica Dec 2012
Her desire to explore her soft innocence was greater than any fear of eternal damnation ever was.
The promise of eternal hellfire seemed a small price for the sweet centre of heaven.

Crave. Indulge. Forgiveness. Nirvana.
Neurotica Dec 2012
Lost something that I never had.
Found something that I lost when I lost it.
Neurotica Dec 2012
It’s a beautiful morning for ******* things up.
I love to see a day unfold.

Unravel. Collapse. Recover.
Neurotica Dec 2012
As a small child, I would lay awake in darkness and fear.
A crowded world of little girls, shielding their tiny bodies
with blankets from the pitch of dark and the imaginary monsters within it;
I lay awake fearing, what was then, the reality of hellfire and demon possession.
That was my greatest fear.

Oh. And tigers.
Neurotica Dec 2012
I am powerful.
Whether of mind, body or spirit,
I am one of the most powerful people I know.
I will it and I am.

We are all powerful beyond our own comprehension.
When we become aware of our sheer power;
our potential to change, love, create, hate, destroy,
the greatest power we hold is in the harnessing of them;
the power over oneself.
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