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Neil Ryan Jan 2015
I stand on the path of life
& am blinded by the sun
every step I take is a step into the unknown
every step taken cannot be reclaimed
As I stumble blindly into the future
the path has many intersections along the way
I do not know which way to go until a decision is made, a choice taken.
My mind & heart are my only guides on this path through life.
As I walk through the years, the decades
sometimes the path sinks with depression
sometimes it rises & soars high above.
& sometimes it remains straight & true.
Yet I am not alone, we all walk the path
sometimes together, sometimes apart
we cross paths with many souls if only
for a brief moment, it is an experience kept
I feel I have walked for centuries across time & space
taking all the knowledge with me from one life to the next
but i know only too soon i will have my last regress
and will walk no more the path of life.
Neil Ryan Jan 2015
I look in the mirror
and try to understand
why the lines on my face
grow deeper each day
And I wonder why
no matter how hard i tried
my life seems to go
nowhere very fast
All my hopes and dreams
left locked in my mind
just empty ideas
so hard to find
My wasted childhood
and mis-spent youth
now lost in the past
never to reclaimed again
Neil Ryan Jan 2015
You are everything to me my love
When you smile you melt my heart
When we kiss your passion melts my soul
You complete me on all levels for I feel one with you
You are the angel i searched for but could only wish for
I dreamt about finding my soul mate for as long as I remember
All through the false dawns and empty broken promises
Yet i never gave up hope, then you clicked on me
I was scared and shy, did I hide that well?
I feel so alive, ok I am tired as well
You make me laugh and yes you made me cry
Yet I could not imagine my life without you
I love to be with you so much and miss you each day
I love watching you sleep and holding you close
My heart smiles when i see you and i feel warm inside
You are everything to me my love
and I hope to be everything to you.
Neil Ryan Jan 2015
I see the tear roll slowly down your cheek
Tracing its way over your tender skin
It glistens in the candlelight
Reflecting all your pain & sorrow
Yet i can never wipe away that pain & sorrow
I can just wipe the tears away
I drink deep from your sweet lips
& hold you close, hold you tight
I feel the anguish in your heart
I see the suffering in your eyes
& a thousand words cannot describe
Just how that makes me feel
Neil Ryan Jan 2015
Tears to fill a thousand oceans
Hang heavy on my pale cheeks
My world once bright & alive
Is now cloaked in darkness
As i hang in limbo, suspended
motionless on the hands of time
The very hands that with every move
brought something new
Now bring nothing but emptiness
I am left hanging, fighting for life
Fighting to see the light once again
Yet only darkness confronts me
My body is a cauldron of emotion
My mind a whirl of hopes & dreams
Yet only some are plucked
From this shattered form
The rest thrown back
Discarded, left to rot
I have never been fully taken
Neil Ryan Jan 2015
The sands of time run
through the tips of my fingers.
I cannot slow the flow
but I can throw it all away
I can never regain what I've lost,
only hope i can hold onto
something good in the future
before i am left with nothing.

— The End —