All the delayed flights and missed connections everywhere.
Making connections, breaking connections.
A design against futility, still the wind.
Kitchens I cooked in, trains I used to catch.
All the nights I've set awake, martyred on some kind of watch.
Taking directions, obeying erections.
A design against senility, still the mind.
Kittens I took in, dogs I once played fetch.
All the dreams of the past's futures have lapsed and are dying.
Failing selection, without objection.
A design against responsibility, still the road.
Cars I once drove in, land in one long stretch.
All the roads and all the cities are being rebuilt and crumbling.
Urban renewal, urban decay.
A design against anarchy, still the man.
Careers I worked in, living in one breath.
All the ends of all the tales and all the heroes found their death.
Poetic justice, blind justice.
A design against God, still the law.
Courts I appeared in, lawyer's corpse like stench.
All the trees in all the hard places in between know what I mean.
Natural selection, might is right.
A design against Nature, still the way.
Cartoons I once drew, laughing with my friends.