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1.8k · May 2015
neerav patel May 2015
I feel myself falling in love with you
You said I love you
And I said it too

We went to our very own special spot
For no real reason at all
We sat and talked and looked at one another
And then the rain began to fall

We could have left just as quick as we came
But no, you wanted to stay in the rain
You asked me a question I�ll never forget
Have you ever tasted the raindrops?

I looked at you funny and you gave me a sigh
The cutest look, as I wondered, why?
Why, did you ask me to taste the rain?
Well, what did have to loose or gain?

I watched you with a careful eye
And did the same as you
You were looking up at the cloudy sky
But my eyes were stuck on you like glue

I lifted my head to look at the sky
And closed my eyes really tight
Just as I thought I�d caught a raindrop
You suddenly held me tight

I opened my eyes with slight alarm
As you kissed me soft and sweet
I remember that kiss like it was yesterday
I still feel those raindrops on my cheek

I tasted the raindrops like I never had before
It was worth every second of bliss
Every time I think of that moment
I think of my raindrop kiss

We sat close together on that one special rock
And we held each other tight
Then almost as suddenly as it came
The sun came out from beneath the rain

The most beautiful colors I�ve ever seen
Came out on the western sky
The sun was setting and the moment was perfect
More than any money could buy

As the sun slowly set and the sky lit up
You began carving our names in our special rock
I told you I would never forget this moment
In my heart this memory is locked

As our names were finished and permanently engraved
We watched the sun finish its day
We slowly got up to leave this place
Which was a year ago this May

I haven�t been to that spot in a year
Where did all the time go?
I will visit this place alone this time
And I will finally have to let go

This memory will be in my heart forever
But you will not remain in my mind
I don�t know if that love, will be seen again
For that love I cannot find

I will go to this spot as we promised we would
But you will not be there this time
Why is it that you can�t keep your promise?
I know that I�m keeping mine

Never again will I taste the raindrops
The way I did with you
And when I go to this spot again
I will say goodbye to you.
553 · May 2015
neerav patel May 2015
Your passing holds no interest
for again I carry on
empty on the inside
I await another dawn.

Endless searching for another,
a substitute at best,
someone I pretend is you
in hopes that I may rest.

Their arms offer no comfort
no solace in their touch
I pretend they all are you
the one I miss so much.
376 · May 2015
Dying Inside
neerav patel May 2015
Fox Something so hard
goes straight to the soul;
it seems impossible to get over
and my heart is left with a big hole.

I'm trying to be happy, wearing a smile;
but I'm dying inside.
The world seems to be fading,
and I just want to run and hide.

Everywhere I go I see your face,
and realize how much I miss you;
and on the day you died
a piece of me died too.

359 · May 2015
Saying Good-bye
neerav patel May 2015
Sitting here thinking about you,
I here you call my name,
Laura, Laura, Laura

As I turn to see who's calling me
I see no one, only hear your voice.

I glance across the room,
To see if anyone else hears it too.

But no one seems to notice the look on my face.

I miss you so much,
I keep telling you,
But you don't seem to hear me.

Still you're calling out my name, only louder,
As the tears rolled down my face,
I glance around the room,
And see you amongst my family, and friends
The look upon your face says you're peaceful now.

I realized it was time to let you go.
Although I will always love and miss you.

I turn my head to see if anyone notices you.
Then I turn back, and you're gone.

I hear you, so very gently say,
"I love you", "Good- Bye!"
"Bye", I said . . .
357 · May 2015
Never Alone
neerav patel May 2015
I feel you in the morning
When at first I awake
Your thought is with me
With each decision I make

You'd been around forever
Since the first breath I took
Now I have to go on alone
But for love, I need not look

Cause by what you bestowed
In our short time together
Will last in my heart
Forever and ever

Although you've left
And now walk above
I'm never alone
I'm wrapped in your love

Enjoy now your long waited reward
Feel peace that your love continues on
What was taught to me, will be taught to mine
Cause you live on in me even after you've gone

306 · May 2015
Death , Life
neerav patel May 2015
It stalks the night
It stalks the day
It seeks out life
And whisks it away
It's known as death
And other things too
But it's all the same
What matters is you.
How do you see it?
What does it mean?
It's best if you know
For death is unseen.
It can take you at day
It can take you at night
Knowing death well
Can lend you some light
The passage to death
Is always unclear
And it's best to know
That you're very near.
For death is at hand
It is for us all
Know it's face well
So you don't stumble and fall
Now think ******* death
And know that it's near
And the meaning of life
Will be all to clear
And that is to live
For your hearts desire
Not to stumble or fall
But to burn with a fire.
A fire for life
To live for each day
To reach for your dreams
No matter what people say
Life is a question
And death holds a clue
Reach not for the answer
For your life's not due
Live for the moment
And die for it too
For it's the moment that counts
It, and you
Now I'm all done
I've said what I'll say
Just remember one thing
275 · May 2015
Why ?
neerav patel May 2015
He was young
His life had just begun
All of a sudden it was taken away
I didn't even get to say the things I wanted to say
Only if God could see
How he could of turned out to be
Alcohol was the cause
He was wrong and broke the law
He wasn't the only one to pay
I still cry to this day
He would have been 21 this year
Sometimes I envision him in my mind
As clear as I would in a mirror
I only hope he knows
that no matter where in life I go
I love him so much
I only wish I could feel his touch
Only if God could see
How much he meant to me
Why won't the sorrow disappear?
Why can't I stop shedding the tears?
I never told him how much I cared
or how much I enjoyed the things we shared
All of mind is filled with hate
Because I never told him of my love
and now it's too late
Sometimes I feel he's here
I only wish he didn't drink that beer
For he'd be alive today
and I wouldn't think of reasons "Why?" to say
251 · May 2015
Goodbye At Last
neerav patel May 2015
D Saying goodbye is never easy
It's the hardest thing to do
But what hurts even more
Is not the chance to say it to you.
Yesterday is just a memory
Our laughter was sunny and bright
Then clouds started to gather
For you were no where in sight.
You were my first real love
And this I will never forget
How you left without a warning
No good-byes, my only regret.
Wherever I may be now
Always searching for another so true
To place my world of emotion
Handing my love to someone like you.
If again I must go there
And experience all the pain
I would do it in a minute
For all the good I would gain.
No matter what my wrongs
You offered only love
Until the day you left me
For your new home up above.
I know you still are with me
Your love is within my heart
Though life is no longer present
Our souls will never part.
This is given to you in honor
Of all that we did share
I just wanted you to know, dear,
How much I really did care.

— The End —