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 Mar 2012 nbfdjkhjsf
Little Wing
yesterday, i heard her voice for the first time that i have in ages.
it shocked me that the words she was saying, were directed at me.
i stuttered as i replied, so confused my mind spinning, thinking that maybe things might go back to the way it used to be.
but when i turned and smiled at her, she just glanced at me then twisted her quirky head in the opposite direction,
things are different, we are different.
we used to sneak out and go to the beach, but now that place is just a memory.
i just want things to be the way it used to be, everythings changed.
you've become silent, an outcast.
im doing whatever i can, just to fit in.
truth is, i'd rather be with you, walking this school together, even though before we didnt really speak here.
it was always afterwards, at night, and those glorious weekends we'd spend together.
i miss you.
we used to be so close,
you used to tell me everything, and in return, i'd unload all my fears and secrets onto you.
all the letters, the gifts, they're nothing now, well to you they're not.
to me they're everything.
i remember when we were close.
 Mar 2012 nbfdjkhjsf
Little Wing
Marry me,
marry my sins.

love me,
love my pain.

take care of me,
clean up the blood,
after i spend hours and hours, cutting myself.

help me,
help me to forgive myself for the things i've done.

endure me,
endure my insecurities.

how can i ask you to do such things.
you cant marry me, its impossible.
you cant love me, its impossibe.
you cant take care of me, its impossibe.
you cant help me, its impossible.
you can ******* endure me, ITS IMPOSSIBLE !
IM impossible.
every thought that runs through me ****** up mind,
im sorry, im sorry YOU cant love ME.
im sorry im impossible.

— The End —