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Jan 2013 · 266
I've Got This Feeling
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013

I           got             this                feelin’

    deep         down          within               Me.

I just want to love you;

        to be there everyday to hold you in my arms.

I want to wake you up with a kiss.

I want to stare into your eyes before you go to sleep.

I want your smile to consume my mind’s eye.

               Though this body is tired,

                       I find strength in your joy

and courage in your faith.

I just want to love you, Baby.

             You’re everything I want.

                             You’re the only thing I need.
Jan 2013 · 308
She Wakes Up
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
The sheets are in a twisted mess

      and the pillows indented where your head was,

     but I’m alone here in this bed.

Your scent clings to the fabric,

             and I can still see your smile drifting above me,

                           as if you were still in this bed with me.

I see all of this and it’s got me missing you more than ever.

The warmth your body provided me

                          beneath these sheets,

          no longer radiates here

and I have to curl up even tighter to keep warm.

                 You left one of your shirts on the floor

             and this further solidifies in my mind

that you’re not here with me now.

I feel all of this and it’s got me missing you more than ever.

I close my eyes and try to hide in the security of this comforter.

I drift off to sleep; dreaming only of your face.

         Then when I wake,

      I slowly open my eyes,

                         and there you are above me,

                         quietly smiling down at me.

I am suddenly filled with an overwhelming joy and smile back,

       and you lean down and press your lips to mine,

letting me know I was never alone.

I touch your lips and it’s got me loving you more than ever.
Jan 2013 · 308
Blood Read
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
I wish I was still read; ink bleeding through the pages

its colour

                                                                                      blood red.

I am no longer relevant,

my thoughts weeping out meaningless words;

                           the forgotten vapors of my very soul

       evaporating out there in the world


I was once a writer

                                STRONG and Bold

but now I just attempt…

                                                                       Merely Attempt

to type out the words I once knew very well.

        The pillars supporting my entire existence.

I miss my words.

I miss my passion.

          I’ve given away a gift for a life others want me to live.

I used to be a writer a long time ago.

I wish to return my soul to its kingdom.

I wish to give my heart the blood it created.
Jan 2013 · 400
Left Wanting
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Crushed is my soul; the world is collapsing.

Forgotten is my song; my muse has died.

Lost is my passion; my pen has no ink.

Longing is my heart; I need something good.

                      I need something to fill me with healing love.

Yet, I’m drifting away from happiness.

I am stuck in the mud and left wanting.

        However, I know not what it is I want.

So, now I search the horizon for strength.

A boulder to lay my foundation on.
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
It rains on the best of us,

So let your blossoms flourish,

In the midst of a torrential downpour,

Especially when your world seems to become an instant disaster,

Full of mud and strife.


That big ol’ Texas sun will shine on you again,

And you’ll run through fields of wildflowers—

                  a sight that you and I both know can out-do any old ocean view.

Give it a chance little Cowboy,

And I promise you’ll smile again,

As you ride off into the sunset you were destined to see.
Jan 2013 · 2.5k
Ode To Texas
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Take me down to the bank,

Where the Guadelupe flows calmly through the red dirt

         that I love so dearly.

The trees cast their shadows on the river’s surface,

                 and I pretend to explore the Nile

                 as the waters carry me from West to East.

When I crawl out onto the bank,

                               and stare up at the clouds floating on high,

                               I think of how lucky I am to live under this brave Lone Star.

Texas is a land I love more than I can express with words.

It’s my home,

   my first kiss,

        my first fight,

              where I learned to play catch,

                   and how I caught my first fish.

It’s my fairy tale,

        my childhood dreams,

                   where I learned that you have to work for what you want,

                                 to say “Yes Sir,” and “Yes Ma’am,”

                                                  And to love God with all my heart.

Nothing beats a Texas girl,

     and mine is the fairest of them all,

            in this land where our kids will grow up,

                  and our family will dig its roots deep.

                        Though life will run its course,

                              I know this land is where I plan to love her ‘til we rest in peace.

I may grow old

        and stop wearing my boots

                   when I feel my time coming to a close


When it’s all said and done,

I’ll remember a life lived to its fullest

and that my first Love was Texas;

                                                       a special place I wish to never leave.
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Texas Sunset
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Paint me a Texas sunset

O’er the Brazos

And love me like a pickup truck:

                    If you treat me right, I’ll carry you through the rough times

                    and get your heart pounding as I race us down this old, red dirt road.

Keep me in your heart and remember me always

Like a priceless photo from your childhood

Don’t let me fade away into the hills

          like those near San Antonio.

I’ll be your cold Shiner

If you’ll just be my one and only.

I’ll Love you like Texas;

            Big, Bold, and Humble.
Jan 2013 · 369
Just Enjoy Today
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
These words you read

Resemble the lives we lead

And how desperately we try to be

complex and perfect human beings;

              however, humans we are indeed

              and we’ll all eventually bleed.

              So go forth and live your life

              Find an adventure

              And live without strife.

Don’t fear tomorrow,

    Just enjoy today,

          And nothing will ever stand in your way.
Jan 2013 · 390
When I Close My Tired Eyes
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Tears form at the corners of her young eyes.

She cannot suppress the fear inside her.

The demons taunt her from the room’s shadows,

And she flees—helplessly—to her mother.

I remember the days when my room at night

Was a scary place; a place of perceived

Evil. Yet in my twenties, the dark I

No longer fear, still blankets my old room.

Easily I sleep at night, with little-

To-no fright now. However, the demons

Still lurk in the dancing—but void—shadows.

I may not see them as I once did, like

She can see them now, but I feel their claws

Cling to my skin when I close my tired eyes.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Lights Of Virtue
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Should old acquaintance be forgot,

And the words of our fathers taken for granted,

Let us, at least, remember the strength of

Human compassion,

during these times that are so filled

with tragedy, sorrow, and strife.

Let us be lights of virtue, and

Forever remember the values of our ancestors

In the days of Auld Lang Syne.
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Dream Catcher
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
I will swiftly rapture

All ye who are restless from

the nightmares and fiends

That consume your joy in a robe

Of misery and angst.


Bring me the souls of

Men who lie awake in fear

Of the silence brought

With the onset of sleep; O!

I am the catcher of dreams.
Jan 2013 · 417
Our Lovely Love
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
When you wake up this morning,

I may not be lying next to you,

               Nor will you feel my arms wrapped around you,

And though you wish I was there,

You’ll smile anyways,

                Because you know my Love resides deep

                        within every atom that forms you.

As you eat your breakfast,

           and get ready for the day,

You’ll look forward to our impending rendezvous

            on this night of romantic celebration.

And, when the sun sets on the edge of our Texan world,

             we’ll greet each other with a passionate exchange

                             of kisses and “I Love You”es…


Sure, we might go to dinner,

           Or indulge in chocolate covered bliss

          while watching your favorite chick-flick.

Yet, the only thought that will traverse the length of the evening,

Will be how lucky we are to be entangled in each others’ arms.

                              The Love we share is so wonderful and strong,

               that it’s too Lovely to be overwhelmed by the nuances of

                                              this romantic holiday.

You, and I, both know

That we’ll be in Love until

The sun no longer

Shines, and we lay in peace; still

Intimately embracing.
Jan 2013 · 952
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
A dous e juc

Pro farel lind des

Met primi garand

Qimu loufe reile


Wein yus volein assere

Prestre postre payu


I read this with no curiosities or ambition;

Just a simple imagination.
Jan 2013 · 350
Home Alone
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
I desire to be undesirable;

Relative to that raw feeling you get,

When you’re home alone,

And all the lights are out.

I want you to be cautious when you turn,

The corners of my words.

I want you to feel anxious—

As if something were sneaking up on you.

You’ll lock your doors as you delve into me,

Too afraid of what could be at your doorstep.

I am the monster in your closet;

The darkness that surrounds you.

My words will devour your brain,


                  Methodically, and

Without haste.
Jan 2013 · 531
Good Life
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
This is a good life we have,

You and Me,

Let’s make the most of it

While we can still breathe.

It’s not about glitz, glam, or fame.

It is about those moments

You wish you could frame.

Cuddling during a movie,

Skinny dipping in a jacuzzi,

Girl we’ll make this life last

As long as we need

                         to enjoy ourselves

                                    and be free.

You and Me,

         ya see…we’re kinda in Love,

             And we’ll run this life through

Until our story is done.

But don’t fret my dear,

When that time comes,

Because we’ll have lived without fear,

And say at the end,

             We had fun,

And loved each other

For as long as anyone could remember…

                                                                and then some.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
A Long Awaited Kiss
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
It’s like something you can’t explain.

It’s like the music of the rain.

A foreshadowing patter of bliss;

       desiring a long awaited kiss.

Ceiling fans spinning at their highest setting,

Leaves us questioning our roots;

                                                  our beginnings.

Church steeples arise o’er yonder plains,

     Like a little slice of heaven we use to keep sane.

Growing worlds of fervor and haste,

   Leads to long lost loves gone to waste.

The sights, the sounds,

                        the tastes, the smells,

           Provide insight to our social wells.

Laughing churns a mothers heart

               where humble souls make their start.

Glance to me incessantly,

As I become ripe and savory.
Jan 2013 · 305
Wanting Reverie
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Wanting reverie

Leaves us tangled in moonlight;

Do not wish for them

To find us carving tonight’s

Memories in space and time.
Jan 2013 · 1.6k
If Only Words Could Speak
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Fame was my name years ago.

Now I’m a white dwarf

              in this youthful universe

        and my smile is long forgotten.

I remember the days of Colvin and his Wilt.

                     There was also Cindy the **** German,

               and of course Jerry and Apeksha…

                                           and how close we were!

The Filipinos were my favorites; so nice and kind.

      I still talk to Greta, and I’m thankful for this.

A Working Poet has been around to see my world in both darkness and sunlight.

However, I remember Bliss Like This,

          as well as Aaron, and the Airships;

                                         my first follows and followers.

                            There was a new face every day

                        and friends were made instantaneously.

        Over one thousand fans immersed in my words on a daily basis…

Now a handful at best read my withering stanzas.

I’m a rotting apple

                                          on a dwarf planet.

Like Pluto,

                    I was once loved by many,

            but then they chose to forget me.
Jan 2013 · 1.7k
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Fame was my name years ago.

Now I’m a white dwarf

              in this youthful universe

        and my smile is long forgotten.

I remember the days of Colvin and his Wilt.

                     There was also Cindy the **** German,

               and of course Jerry and Apeksha…

                                           and how close we were!

The Filipinos were my favorites; so nice and kind.

      I still talk to Greta, and I’m thankful for this.

A Working Poet has been around to see my world in both darkness and sunlight.

However, I remember Bliss Like This,

          as well as Aaron, and the Airships;

                                         my first follows and followers.

                            There was a new face every day

                        and friends were made instantaneously.

        Over one thousand fans immersed in my words on a daily basis…

Now a handful at best read my withering stanzas.

I’m a rotting apple

                                          on a dwarf planet.

Like Pluto,

                    I was once loved by many,

            but then they chose to forget me.
Jan 2013 · 703
Grease Is The Word
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Rock Stock the Engine Block

      Let’s Get Swingin’

                    ‘Cuz When the Moon Starts Sinkin’

We’ll Be Lettin’ Our Hips Roll All Night Long.

We’re all greased up

Like the T-Birds under a T-Bird,

            so let’***** these lights, Baby,

       and rev our engines tonight.

We’ll roll around town

                 with our rock n’ roll blaring

       and maybe later

                             we’ll catch each other staring.

Let me have a peek at what’s under the hood, Miss Pink Lady.

Dying to cruise down Thunder Road

                    let’s let our guards down

                              and see where this goes.

Rock Stock the Engine Block

      Let’s Get Swingin’

                    ‘Cuz When the Moon Starts Sinkin’

We’ll Be Lettin’ Our Hips Roll All Night Long.
Jan 2013 · 283
Always And Forever
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
I caught Your heart in

The middle of the dark like

It was looking for

Someone to come hold it tight.

Don’t worry, my arm’s are strong.


I caught Your eyes in

A moment of fright, as if

They had lost sight of

Someone they loved. It’s okay

To not look away from Love.


Very few people

Know the words I need now to

Tell You that I Love

You. Always and forever

I’ll be standing here for You.
Jan 2013 · 289
Home Away From Life
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
I am Lost in wonderfully chaotic city streets.

This heart bleeds for constant wandering.

Yet, Home is where the Heart is

And Life is the predecessor to Death.

Must I live in a tangible world

           and only vaguely experience the life

        of a travelling knight

Who desires more than anything

                           to explore the globe

                       with his Lady Love

                                              at his side?

I wish to travel to worlds unknown;






                     Both sacred and secret.

Secret from the eyes that surround me.

           Sacred to those persons I wish to meet and know.
Jan 2013 · 501
Through The Maze
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Swelling up deep Within,

It is the Song of Generations

passing to Present

from Past presents.

Swimming through the maze

of Life’s blood

                         and Pleasant longings.

Let us be equal

              in body and ambition.
Jan 2013 · 478
Ale and Whiskey
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Long Live Sanity

Wrought Through Ale

And Tennessee Whiskey.
Jan 2013 · 412
Dark Without You
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
The sun falls beneath the horizon,

Emitting its last few rays

                         before the moon takes its turn

bringing light to a darkening world.

The light peaking through my curtains is faint and fading.

I can’t help but feel forgotten in this lonely room.

I just want to be with you;

                       I need you like a full moon,

         guiding my eyes during a gloomy night.

I hate feeling this distance,

                                  when conversation is met with resistance.


        I’m left alone with my thoughts,

                                                            wanting more than ever

Your Love.

I just want to know I’m on your mind.

I just want to know you’re fine.

I just need to feel your desire.

I need to feel your smile beaming these hundreds of miles between us.

                      It’s no use being mad when we’re apart.

               Why is there always such resistance in our tone.

         When one tries to laugh,

                                            the other sits in silence.

It’s time this is placed beside us.

We can’t change where we are,

So why do we continue to make it so hard.

Love spans all distances, times, and generations…

                                          So then,

                                     why are we so quick to displace it?

I Love You Now

      As I Will Always.

Don’t Ever Feel Forgotten

           or that I’ve left you in the dark…

                                          you’re the only person I can think about;

                                           you’re the only Light in my Heart.
Jan 2013 · 360
Digging Our Own Graves
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
Calligraphic curvatures

***** into the undertones

Of changes we opposed;

Leaving us floundering amidst

The dreams of a falling star’s

Last kiss.

World of War

We are;

Tolerant of the evils in our mist

And willing to receive death

In return for bliss.

The Colossus comes

And casts its shadow across our world,

Yet we stand before it and watch our demise approach us,

                                like a modern ***** and Gomorrah.

Dear Friend,

        If we continue to misplace our freedoms

        Then it is a certainty that we are just digging our own graves.
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013

            I want that sweet


            Subtle urge to


                       its way out

                    from within me.


It only takes one

                  or two

screws to

           lose my mind

                           like Doc

       getting lost in time.


                 I need it real bad

           like Liu Kang needs a fatality.

    I am


             in need of simplicity.


                         Like those found in Proverbs,

              I need psychological symbols of phonetical noise

        resonating through this life

        as if we were storming the gates of Troy.




Every action should have a purpose

              lest this life be worthless.

              So I pray you forget this

        and keep calm

                                       with your chive on

        in order to strive on

through the hurt and pain.

Might as well accept the insane.
Jan 2013 · 318
I Value That I Have You
Nathaniel Munson Jan 2013
I value

That I have You,

My Darling.

On cold nights,

When the covers aren’t enough,

It’s your warmth that saves me.

I look up to the sky

And imagine our flight

amongst the Cumulonimbus


The adventure we lead

Is the life that lives

        deep within us.

Your Love keeps me strong.

Your Laugh is the song,

That I play on repeat

                                                              in my mind.

So hold me close now,


And let the moon

                          guide our feet

                                                 across the dance floor

of Life.
Mar 2011 · 711
Old Marseilles
Nathaniel Munson Mar 2011
The wind fills the sails
of an old galleon
in the bay, that is
set on course for the
far away land of
Saracen and Turks,
while the farmer, “Jacques,”
follows the horse and
plow, that is gently
creeping, so as to
not disturb the seed.

The cavern island
is the boy shepherd’s
reverie; his dream
to leave this flock that
he loyally tends,
and explore the world
like Sir Lafayette.

is the art of the world
as the distance
becomes distance
and the sails
Nathaniel Munson Feb 2011
Always in danger, his life on the line
Death being ever present in this land
They sent him here to defend his country
Thus is the life of a US soldier

The native peoples in this dying land
despise his presence; his merciless work
Thus is the life of a US soldier

His woman leaves him lying frozen, and
forgotten on an Afghani mountain
Thus is the life of these US soldiers

Bullets unleashed by the Mujahideen
cause American blood to mix with the mud;
the same blood that covers the young medic’s hands
Thus is the life of a US soldier

The mortar lands only a few feet away
and the boy becomes apart from his legs
Thus is the life of a US soldier

While the sergeant is screaming
               Return Fire!
A private cries out for his distant mother
Thus is the life of a US soldier

Eventually their tour comes to an end, and
they board the plane that is pointed towards home
yet fifteen seats are empty; no soldiers
               will use these seats to return home this day.
Thus is the life of a US soldier

Having done their job, they can rest for now;
rest until they are sent back to the land
they have so rightly named “the nation of death”
Thus is the life of a US soldier

The plane soon lands; the men will stand, anxious
to lay eyes on their forgotten homeland
Thus is the life of a US soldier

He will exit the plane and she is waiting
but she won’t be able to recognize him
because the scars on his face disguise him;
his sunken eyes betray his identity
Thus is the life of a US soldier

Another warrior weeps as he hugs his wife
and she hands his daughter into his arms;
he holds his infant for the very first time
Thus is the life of a US soldier

Twelve months later the men will board that plane again
and leave the land they have sworn to defend
Thus is the life of a U.S. Army Soldier.
Copyright, Nate Munson, 2010

— The End —