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Mar 2011 · 931
The Hatter
Hare       must     of     drank     it.
Taste Like **** In Vinegar
One March hair
      Two MARCH hair
         Three MARCH HAIR
Plucked  plumped plopped
Hot and taut in a steaming food *** last time that march hare empties
If the world were flat I would argue
there would be more suicides,
Jumping from the edge of the earth.
The act would somehow be more redeemable
Than say, swimming into a concrete walkway.
City crews wouldn’t have to wash the mess
and children wouldn’t  see the naked truth.
The news could do an expose
On this trendy new trend
In the inward homicidal debauchery.
I imagine the lower three miles would be much like purgatory
The pale-blue breath holders
With their glass frozen eyes
All floating in the under earth
Not sliced and bleeding,
Or comatose from pills,
Or lessening the brain via bullet,
Or gas like Plath,
Not even rope burn from a hangman’s noose.
No if the world were flat, they would be floating.
Some stitched with government satellites
Payment in the mail for their families.
Why yes there are other benefits too
Like executions,
Orbital burial and visits,
even gps tracking.
But I am no sales man
You should talk to
Samuel Birley Rowbotham
He holds a parallax
Between history and accounting.
Nov 2010 · 720
Daises will grow
Death seems all too natural.
like a thief of time,
he lurks in the shadows
preying on the soul;
and then later laying us hand by hand
into the darkness we will never emerge from.
Covered over and then forgotten
the constant hunger for fresh air
ceases, as the pine gives the remaining whisper a stale kiss.
Stiffened and fading in our last slumber
in which death has taken the meaning from sleep,
our thoughts go no further than the last kiss we meet.
Maybe one day daises will grow at our head.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Nov 2010 · 676
Untitled 1
Have I fell out of uncommon valor
To which these stars will no longer shine?
Or hearts nor long for?
The sanctity of my mind protrudes on to its masters heart and soul.
It suffers sickness which thou might sense as a weakness
Which infects and festers in the body.
How can thou see I as me when I see only pain and fear?
Thou must stab this dagger through my heart so perchance
I might meet a lasting slumber,
For I have loved and lost, fought and died.
I shall not be remembered
For it is men with strong hearts and souls that are remembered
I, weak from breathing, will fade as the sun into the horizon
There shall be no memory of my legacy
No memorial to my small feats.
My sprit will die in a young woman’s heart.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Nov 2010 · 723
What I am
I am a person
Full of blood and a growing heart
Full of breath and a shaken sprit
I bruise and heart break still finds me
I cry and laugh
I'm a trip down memory lane
Or that new path you never thought to take.
I make mistakes
I'm just skin and bones
I am awkward
I am me
No need to explain my self
Just sleeping
I like to live my life that way
Its simplicity in a complicated world.
I am a person
This is what I am
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Nov 2010 · 2.0k
Lying under trees
Lying under trees, we breath.
As the wind dances in the leaves,
The blue sky pokes through the forest green.
Birds sing.
We enter sleep under the brown-gray bark
And we dream.
You dream of life,
And I of death.
We are connected.
As this tree's roots are to the very soil it's rooted in,
You're rooted in my heart.

I still lie here on top of the emerald grass,
And you have become one with this tree,
the roots embracing you in an everlasting slumber.
When the fall comes and the leaves fade to their reds and oranges
And finally plunge to the emerald sea below, I will be covered with you.
As winter stalks its way past fall, the first blankets lay atop,
And I lie there still covered in the remnants of you.
The roots of my heart shiver
And I leave to find warmth with the evergreen.

As spring enters, the weather surpasses,
Leaves return to your barren form.
I however shall not return for the thought
That I may not become part of the soil you remain rooted to,
Fear that we will not remain acquainted in the next life.
but I still live and breath.
And the conquest of this life will be over soon enough
And Then I might return to this spot----
Lying under trees.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Four-foot path
The glass beneath my feet,
I walk along this path
Narrow and treacherous
The blades almost glass
I walk barefoot non-the-less.
Seeking sand between my toes
And sun on my back.

This grass could be worse
Slicing my hills atop the jagged rocks
Bleeding until my heart stops.

I need to find my rest
As the moon climbs high in the sky
And the sun plummets to the abyss
Must I seek out a cave or forest canopy?
Beyond the borders of my four foot path
I cannot see
A curtain of darkness shrouds both sides

There once was a world outside this path
I know there must be another direction than the path I walk.
One of beauty and tenderness
But I have seen neither beauty nor tenderness
And my mussels have began to ach
And honestly, I fear the rest for I might not wake

I once came upon this flower
The stem stood tall and the bloom grew red and blue.
Beauty grew from this path
And I picked this flower
Because I must have this beauty with me,
In the instant, the roots left the ground
The flower wilted to a dull black and crumbled in my hand

A world that must remain beyond the darkness
Beyond my path
Has been picked and wilted
And left blindness among people

I now stagger along this four-foot wide path
Missing most the autumn leaves
That never falls to my path.
The glistening snow
Which has never been underfoot,
The summer springs
That I have not swam to cool my body.

The seclusion however
Doesn’t bring a thorn to my heart
My fellow’s destruction
Is greater than my destruction of beauty
More tortures than the sight of this path
They are the ones who have picked the world from my sight
Therefore, which situation is better?
Ones who see the horrors
Or the one who believes it doesn't exist?
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Nov 2010 · 819
lonely, empty and tattered
Lonely car seat
next to me on a long journey

lonely theater seat
next to me watching a movie

Lonely pillow
next to mine

lonely heart
lonely mind

empty seat at the table

empty drink at the bar

empty promises
empty heart

tattered man

tattered life

tattered hopes

tattered dreams

tattered things don't carry meaning

so why should a man lonely, empty and tattered live on?
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Nov 2010 · 653
Meloncholey heart
Melancholy heart,
don't cry with your sickness,
the sun rises yet again on her today.
Oh Heart
How did you break so easy?
Oh heart that sickness
flows so easy through your veins,
Once we had such an embrace
and now I have separated  myself from you
oh melancholy heart.
Will you beat again in a fashion
to embrace my soul?
I dream not of youth or everlasting life
but just an embrace of a blissful heart.
Oh blissful heart where are you?
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Oct 2010 · 603
I loved you
I loved you before I ever knew you.
Sitting in my chalk on the side walk
Waiting for the rain to wash away the days work,
Hearing your hills, click, clack against the rough concrete pavement
You were wearing your mothers shoes, dressed in her hat and gown
Parading around the cul-de-sac in that bright red lipstick.

I loved you from day one.
When you tumbled, tripping on that long gown,
Scraping your knees
And me lending you my sucker so you wouldn’t cry.

I loved you through the years.
Through the fights, the heart ach,
Through your mother’s death,
And your father’s *****.

I loved you when you loved him.
Through the pain he caused you and the
Depression you caused me.
The tears we both cried.

I loved you when you took my hand and said Forever.
Through the first time we made love married.

I loved you when you had our child.
She looks just like her mother.

I loved you .
When you were laying there
with the cancer that killed your mother.

I loved you , and couldn’t say goodbye.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Oct 2010 · 618
Old Friend
Hello old friend
Step across the door and have coffee with me.
It’s been so long since we have talked.
Sit at my table and I’ll get the cups,
How many sugars do you take?
Ah I remember, black, you still haven’t changed.
Now what brings you to this part of town?
You’re usually prolonged at the hospital seeing the sick.
All in good time I suppose.
Won’t you let me take your coat, and let us sit by the fire?
I have caught an awful draft in this kitchen.

Sit here and ill throw another log into the fire,
I can’t believe you wouldn't let me take your coat
The temperature will soar in a moment.

You were always a man of few words,
So I guess I’ll talk.
It’s been a long year
The days have worn like the shoes of the drifter
This has left me feeling ragged.
Many acquaintances I once had have passed in to the life after
And has left me a lonely old soul
But the sickness hasn't found my bed yet.
And I have my health to look forward to.

My friend I find it quiet rude
To sit in the house of a friend and not speak.
What keeps your tongue?
Conversations are no good to be one sided.

****, where must this draft enter from?
It has followed from the kitchen
And cut through the warmth of the fireplace,
And found the tips of my toes and fingers.
You look pale. Are you sick?
Have you come down with the sickness?
You must leave if you have
For I do not wish to pass from this life!

I am not your friend, I do not know you.
I come because it is your time.
You see you are not in the good health you feel
You must realize that you are dead and I am your keeper.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Oct 2010 · 770
so far away, lover.
Do you know what it’s like to love someone so far away?
He writes in his letter.
It’s like an endless ocean separating you from me, and I can’t swim.
There is a craving deep inside; I cannot feed its hunger.
Only half of a life is contained in my soul.
So far away is the other half,
Far past the echoes
Down the stream past the point where sight has no use, he writes.
The man lays his head on the table and weeps, blotching some of the ink of the letter.
It’s so hard sometimes to recall you from my memory.
To see you sitting across from me having your coffee or,
Just to recall your scent, because these days everything reminds me of you
And it all blurs into that imperfect image of you that my mind has created.
My hands shake and my body trembles.
When will you return?
Love you always.
The man sits back in his chair and lets the pen fall from his hand.
He folds the letter and places it in an envelope and seals it with wax.
The man walks the road to the post
And returns home to wait until she returns.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Oct 2010 · 672
The envelope
I finished writing you this letter,
But I don’t think I’ll give it to you.
You see I put a piece of my heart
Right in the envelope beside that letter.
I sealed that envelope with the lips you use to kiss.
I finished writing you this letter,
But I don’t think I’ll give it to you,
Because I put my hopes and dreams right in that envelope
Right next to the piece of my heart.
If you never opened this envelope
You wouldn’t have seen
That right in that envelope
Beside the letter, the hopes and dreams, and the piece of my heart,
Was my life that I was willing to give to you.
I finished writing you this letter
But I don’t think I’ll give it to you.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Oct 2010 · 2.9k
one dandelion in the sun
ghost white shell turned to red as the
fire god sets
tomorrow the wind will blow the seeds away
so one dandelion becomes many.
But until then that barren stem shall stand until it
eventually withers and is over taken by the surroundings
its grace lost amongst the blue-grass
never to see its offspring, and stand in a field
turned yellow not by the sun
but the vigor of youthfulness.
One dandelion in the sun
Not knowing what tomorrow brings,
But enthralled to see the setting sun.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Watched the other day as the world crumbled
The buildings fell away
The trees were torn limb from limb
The clouds didn’t float past
And all of the colors faded away.
An ocean of blackness
Overtook the land
Closing in a beam of light upon the hill I stood.
Gradually the hand of god,
Thought shining upon me,
Closed on the last blade of grey grass.
The sound was ****** out of the blackness
I felt forgotten and lost.
At once I stood in space
That once occupied the earth.
The expansiveness of the stars surrounded me.
I felt like one single cell
And thought like time
Realizing this was my existence.
I am nevertheless time, past, present, and future.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010

— The End —