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Dec 2015 · 258
Memories can be beautiful
Memories can be ugly
Sometime I ask my memories "Why didn't you love me?"
Memories of memories bring me much sorrow
I can only wish for a better tomorrow
We can all talk about memories
But all I ask is for you to remember me
Jul 2015 · 3.1k
Life is a Videogame
If life was a game, I'd choose you to be my player two.
Fuse together like Super Sayens do.
Baby, life is an adventure.
I just need to right one by side.
We can be like Mario and Peach.
When troubles arise.
I'll always be there,never divide.
Life is a game baby, there's no restarts.
So lets say I do.
Till death do us apart.
Dec 2014 · 349
The Way You Made Me Feel
I take a few minutes to get my heartfelt words to you.
Because you're the one who made my day go through.
The way you made me feel.
That royalty that completed me.
Your beautiful smile.
You made my cheeks red with blush.
I won't trade you for anything
Because you are my everything still.
I would do anything in my power
To keep you with me forever.
You're the one who made me think of a better future.
Now in a months time I will be leaving you with this broken heart.
Hoping one day when I come back you mend it back together.
Apr 2014 · 921
Blind Man
A blind man can open his eyes and watch time pass him by but never make a move
He sees everything he has in front of him sees nothing he has to lose,
Sees everything he did before sees nothing he has to prove
One day this blind man will play a game and will lose
This is something I can guarantee
Because I once played these games and lost
Yeah this blind man is me.
Apr 2014 · 714
Dear future wife
You ask me what my wedding will be like
I look at you and say "I don't know"
You ask me what my future wife will be like
I describe her the best I can
Whoever that woman is I can guarantee that she will flutter down the isle like an angel from God
I imagine that he smile could out shine the stars on a summer night
I say she's more like a complex combo
We will need a manual to figure each other out
You will find out that my manual is unfinished
Maybe one day you will finish it

You ask me one more time about my future wife
I stare into your eyes and my hands begin to shake
I believe my future wife looks a lot like you
But I'm afraid to say it like child getting in trouble by his parents
She looks a lot like you
Mar 2014 · 314
Still In Love
It's been forever since we've last talked
Longer since I've last seen you
I wonder if I remember your face
It doesn't take much for memories of us to come back
Sometimes I sit in silence remembering the best of our days
Sometimes I say I'm over you
But there is always something that brings me back to the way you made me feel
Sometimes I wonder if there will ever be an "us" again
Sometimes I don't think I will last another day without you
I guess you can say after all the up and downs that I still love you
Sometimes..wait no..I always want to be your knight in shining armor
Sometimes all good things must come to an end
Yeah..guess it everything has to come to and end.

The end..
Mar 2014 · 344
Troubled Minds
Shocked by the hands of death
He forgot his vest
See I was going for maximum ******* so I bought the best
Straight to his heart I wonder what was his last thought
With this rhyme I tell a story
That will not hesitate to distort your brain
Yeah I could be insane but it doesn't matter
Because the fact of the matter is
I continue to fade out of reality
I embrace it
You fake it like it didn't happen

— The End —