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I don't know why she feels alone,
I've never really understood.
She fills a room with a quip and smile,
The way no other could.

I don't know why she cries at night,
Or why laughter is so rare.
If only she knew that the very sound,
Locks me in the moment, then and there.

I don't know why she lies to me,
Always saying that things are okay.
She doesn't see that I'd do anything,
To bring happiness to her day.

I don't know why her pen falls,
From hands so shaking and cold.
When once before she wrote the world,
Carving joy in words so bold.

I don't know why she feels the need,
To put herself through pain.
Why she can't stand to sleep it off,
When she cries over him again.

I don't know who she is,
I don't know why she does.
I don't know when she went,
I only know who she was.
Something there, beneath her skin,
Begged me to come nearer.
I've never been able to quite decide,
What it was that made me want her.

Perhaps it was the way the wind,
Would toy with her golden hair.
The curls and twirls of all her beauty,
Envy not lost on the summer air.

Maybe even it was the sound,
Of her laughter across the room.
So light and lively, full of life,
Never fails to set the mood.

Then again, that flashing smile,
And the way she giggled at me.
It might have been something within,
Always trying to set me free.

I suppose it might have been the hush,
That would take a room by surprise.
People would stop for just a moment,
The moment she stepped inside.

Looking back, I know now,
That I might never know the cause.
For all the kisses spent and smiles lost,
I am glad I knew her for who she was.
Star light, star bright, I need a star to see tonight. Here I lay by heavens might, a whisper in the gale of fright. In this sea of resounding sight, the doubts and lies are soon made right. Star light, starry night, come wash away my heart tonight.
Largest meteor shower of the year
A wonder it is this starry night,
Grace hearken close to me.
Forever looking on at my weighty plight,
Countless observers of my infinity.

From drawn sweater strings to rumbling exhaust,
This something follows me home.
It reminds me of all the longing lost,
And of my self-titled, empty tome.

From little laughs and midnight streaks,
I've learned to love my disappointment.
The ways of the world leave a future bleak,
No solace in any appointment.

From dusk til dawn I tarry not,
Lest I find myself stuck in place.
From day to day I search for thought,
To bring light to my now empty face.

I fear for all I have so far loved,
I fear I will lose them in my lies.
They won't understand my flight to above,
They won't understand me when I die.

Why can none understand this way,
Won't acknowledge that I choose life over fear?
What is there left that I can say,
That validates holding passion most near?

Forever and onward it seems to me,
That I will be running to find.
I'll be looking and looking for my final peace,
Until the end of time.
I want to be with you,
See you
Hear you
Smell you
Touch you
Taste you
I want to feel you, in my heart, beside me.
I want to know what you’re thinking,
Please tell me your dreams.
I want to hear every small idea that pops into your beautiful mind.

I’m not good at this, I know I’m not.
I never claimed to be.
This is the point I lose my footing,
The place I fail to see.
This is where I need some help,
I need you beside me.

I miss the laughter, my God, it hurts.
To think that I might miss a smile.
Please come back, I miss you dearly,
I haven’t slept in a while.

I’m sorry if I pressured you,
If I stressed way too much.
I never meant to push you away,
Or to squeeze you in my clutch.

I only wanted to be with you,
To try and brighten your every day.
I regret every time I never told you,
Every chance I failed to say…

I love you.
I love you.
If only you could see that it is true.
I’ve never felt this way before,
It’s only been with you.

I’m sorry if that was scary,
If I came on far too strong.
I know it to be a flaw in me,
I let passion string me along.

It feels like drowning without you,
I struggle with every breath.
Please come back, my oxygen,
Your love saved me, I confess.

I don’t know what I can do,
I wish I knew how to fight.
I don’t want to push you,
But you are all I see at night.

I long to look into your eyes,
And see something more than distaste.
I need to hear your voice again,
Watch my heart laid waste.

I’ve asked nothing of you but patience,
I’ll ask nothing more of you still.
I’m drowning here without you,
Come back to me if you will.
I asked how I might know when it was over.

They said, "When you love the memory more than the person standing in front of you."

Then you came to find me, said you wanted to talk.

I remembered us. The boat, the pool, the lake, the fires, the bikes, the dances, the singing, the running, the library, the laughter, the pictures, the kitchen, the park, the hikes, the camping, the movies, the books, the music, the truck, the thousand kisses, and everything else came rushing back.

I looked at you standing in front of me and I thought about the memories.

It was then that I knew it was over.
It was first time in a long time,
That nothing held me back.
Years had passed it seemed,
Since I had no strings attached.

Strings I then cast off,
Constrained by no thing or one.
Never again to miss a chance,
No responsibility but fun.

I live life like I wish,
Finally, truly free.
Happiness in letting go,
In living just for me.

I surround myself with like people,
Enlightened, cheery, loud.
We run around and love our lives,
Not worry nor doubt is found.

Some call us irresponsible,
But only those unlike us.
They haven't learned their full potential,
They look with old disgust.

But they can't begin to hold us back,
When we are flying free of all.
We have no past, no future here,
Only the present in which to fall.

Occasionally we lose a member,
One whose weakness drags them down.
Sometimes it is unrequited love,
Sometimes they guilt for those around.

But we fly on, on,
I don't see it ever ending.
We have now surpassed it all,
Our will is never bending.

Occasionally we find others,
Who share our enlightened state.
We frolic and we play and laugh,
Engage in lively debate.

We are not on a path to failure,
Please don't get me wrong.
We still ensure our own successes,
We just don't worry about it long.

What is the point of living life,
With faulty hopes and dreams?
Why not let go and live for yourself,
Define what this life means?

This is where I found my peace,
My full love and happiness.
No strings attached is my best way,
I've never loved more than this.

Without fail we will go on,
Loving life to its fullest.
Quietly aiding those drowning in demons,
Showing them why life exists.

Until my bones are but dust,
And my heart fails to beat,
I will free myself from the dirt,
And live as I want to be.
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