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The history of my heart is written in rhymes.
The flow and meter of good and bad times,
All contained within the pages of a book,
Very few will ever earn a look.

My deepest secrets set in ink,
The blue lined page my only shrink.
My sins are masked hyberbole,
What they are, I'll never say.

When I have a space to fill,
Or the need to record my newest ****,
I begin again upon new page,
My alter ego, the sinning sage.

When I bear your transgressions,
I write them down as your confessions,
I rhyme the ways that you have wronged me,
Predicting what you will never be.

When my heart is under fire,
Or when it screams a new desire,
It all goes down in neat, narrow scrawl,
More impatient and vengeful than King Saul.

Whatever I feel, whatever I think,
It all goes down in this black, shiny ink.
Mind to pen to paper without delay,
I truly know no other way.

The story of my life is written in rhymes.
Pages filled with rephrased crimes.
Trapped between covers of a book,
The place where few shall ever look.
I the captain of my soul,
I Shall not wait for the toll.
For I command my ship, it is my own,
Truly mine, and mine alone.

I stand before the massive wheel,
Let life pass beneath my keel.
I need not your wind in my sail,
For I am the captain, I will prevail.

-I read invictus last night and it inspired me to write my own
Once words flew from my mind.
Filling every page, the rhymes aligned.
From brain to fingers to all the keys,
Every word came with such ease.

I could only write when you gave me pain.
And so it happened time and again,
Where you cut me open and left me bleeding,
Every drop was a new verse feeding.

But that was before we split apart,
Back before I examined my heart.
Amazing the effect you had on me,
It was impossible for me to foresee.

Now you don't get blood flowing.
Never again to get my keys going.
Only scars remain since I left you,
Yet it seems, my poems left too.
I've had it all,
I've lost it all.
I was wrong,
For far too long,
So I had my fall.

I had the car,
I owned a star.
I was king to those around,
Now I'm greeted with no sound,
I'll not make it far.

Alone and cold,
No longer bold.
I'm chilled to the bone,
Suffering alone,
Failing as I'm told.

Night or day,
I sit and pray.
I need something new,
Someone to woo.
Somewhere I can lay.

But I'm gassed,
My time is passed.
Nothing now to chain me down,
Never again to don my crown,
I am free at last.
Crystal drops
Of salt and sin,
Dribble down
To trembling chin.

Bluest eyes
Of deepest hue,
Swim in oceans
Deep and true.

Midnight hair
Dark as space,
Hangs all shaken
In your face.

Luscious lips
Full and soft,
Tremble gently
No sound aloft.

Hands clenched
So small and smooth,
In your lap
Unable to move.

You sit alone
Among your fears,
Just letting fall
Your crystal tears.
Just let me hold you,
Squeeze you tight.
I'll ease your fears,
Here tonight.

We can sit together,
Contemplating sin.
And when you tire,
I'll tuck you in.

If it rains,
And starts to thunder,
You'll ask me to stay,
So I'll climb under.

I'll pull you near,
And hold you close.
Whisper in your ear,
That I love you most.

You'll fall asleep,
Against my chest.
I'll hold your hand,
And watch you rest.

So let me hold you,
And squeeze you tight.
I want to love you,
Here tonight.
You are
What you do,
What you say.
How you spend,
Each empty day.

You are
Your perfections,
Your mistakes.
Always learning,
What it takes.

You are
Your decisions,
Your choices.
The opportunities,
And all your little voices.

You are
Both terrible,
And kind.
Not more of one,
But balanced in mind.

You are
A sinner,
A saint.
Simply a human,
Though it be faint.

You are
Not perfect,
Not flawed.
Just struggling,
And awed.

You are
Your wants
Your needs
But most of all,
You are your deeds.
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