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nathan sabellini Sep 2010
The things i see look impure to me they seem confused ecspecially when there hearts are bruised,
The death they had was not a cure they search for an eternity looking for an end an end that will last an eternity an end they will never find,
Their lives before when they could feel should never of ended so soon,
they realise now that god himself was never here there or anywhere he was created by evil for purposes of war.
nathan sabellini Sep 2010
I thought i saw your face,
but it was only an orange,
na na na na na

I saw something else,
but i was only going insane,
na na na na na

Now i think im a van,
but iv just been hit round the head with a frying pan,
na na na na na

I got lost in the woods,
i was obducted by hoods,
na na na na na

they took all my clothes and i walked through the streets,
im in a soft room now everythings really soft.
nathan sabellini Sep 2010
It was all going pretty well, infact very well if i had to be pushed....
but then i started to realise happiness is just an ilusion born in the fabric of the mind and thats when it all started to go terribly, partly because my legs are very wobbley there like jelly really (probs strawberry flavour) but more importantly where the hell are golden grahams they say they were cancelled because of the salt but it wasnt there fault they were taken away so young but at least we know theyve gone to a better place, theyve gone to live in the sea with the plaice (im going for the worst poem ever written can you tell :)).......i think i love you so i wrote it in a card you replied i think you mentle but i think we should just be freinds :( (that bits not true *** i dont know who you are :D) right back to the poem infact il start a new one :).

— The End —