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A stream fed by melting snow
from a mountain standing alone.

A lonely mountain all alone
left to fend for himself by his
parents, the plates and oceans.

The stream enters the ocean
and there is lost. Lost to
the waves and salt and tide.

Salty waves batter and battle
conquer and fight only ever
winning against the land.

The land's cliffs defend but
no ground is taken only lost
to the sea and its onslaught.

An onslaught into the mind
of a thinker, a dreamer, a writer
a writer's consciousness.
I miss my hair like an insomniac
misses the girl of his dreams.
I miss my hair like the wood used for a cupboard door
misses the taste of water and soil.
I miss my hair like a falling raindrop
misses the safety and freedom of the clouds.
I miss my hair like an old country hall
misses the parties and people it used to house.
Not eating chocolate covered cherries and strawberries and lychees and onions and chillies and grapes and marshmallows and turtle meat and cake and shark bones and oysters and camel and beef and beef with dog food and rabbit fur and smarties and skittles and twine and rope and yak and buses and buffalo and authors and novels and chipping containers and bicylces and emus and penguins and polar bear slippers and darned socks and stewed lobster and Darwin Deez and get well cards and ibuprofen tablets is fine with me.
There is a place between the worlds.
A place of Nothing and All.
Where nothing is said for all has been said and nobody listens.
You can exist and you can't exist.
You can decide you exist but what decides you can decide that?
You can do anything but you don't because you don't have to do anything.
Everything has already been done.
Oon gallee um tonem eh
hallo caking elenta meh
oft alone on windy days
ellon ta ban um tonem eh
gallorn tello en triclon meh
eve in shadows with no sun
give an blem in toomel eh
argen jame oh blem tin meh
playing my mandolin on the moon.
A desk covered in art
witty and weird.
A play for which I've a part
minor and mundane.
A car that I cannot drive
broken and bruised.
A flood that I can't survive
sinking and soothing.
A hairstyle I can't percieve
longish and loopy.
A dress sense copied by many
perfect and quiet.
I walk through the forest fire as calm as can be.
I walk through cyclone winds with a smile.
I walk though the sand storm willingly.
But I will not walk into loving you.
I once danced with an elf.
She was taller than me by about two feet
and had hair the colour of sunshine.
Her face was fair but pointy as anything and she said
her name was Genrof.
It wasn't a very pretty name
so I looked for another wife.
May 2012 · 622
Fears when walking.
Something has happened
Something not nice
I went for a walk
and found I had lice.

I scratched at my head
and washed out my hair
and then I discovered
that they were not there.

I went to the shop
and told them the tale.
But they didn't care
their faces were stale.
May 2012 · 680
Battle story (version one)
Through desert lands and stormy seas
we travelled hand in hand
We battled countless enemies
throughout this hidden land

Soldiers came and heroes fell
the swarms keep coming in
Their numbers grow and multiply
Our allies grow ever thin.

There is no way to turn around
and go back to where we came
We must keep moving forward
and not forget our names

We battled days on end at times
No matter how tired we were
They slaughtered us like animals
and left us in the dirt.

Our numbers small and shrinking still
we regroup with less and less
Their army moves and crushes life
and leaves behind such mess.

The end is near we feel it close
We’re left with only four
We look towards the enemy
It looks like they’ve got more.

We bury the dead as quick as we can
But it seems a wasted effort
We band together back to back
as they pour from their fort.

The castle shadow covers us
Our hearts can feel the doom
Throughout the night the battlefield
is lit up by the moon.

Grey clouds build and roll across
The sky towards the west
In fighting while we feel so weak
against them we do our best.

Our numbers then go down to three
A sword went through his heart
He falls down in slow motion
his armour lined with darts.

The archers from the other side line
up all around
Hear the swish of arrows fly
and embed into the ground

At this point another falls an
arrow through his neck
His shield cannot stop everything
while broken from the trek.

Left with two we know we’ve lost
a solemn nod is shared
Back to back we face them now
all their teeth are bared.

We fight together what seems like hours
although it’s only minutes
We fight harder than we have
before to not get torn to bits.

They charge at us and we only just
Deflect their blows of anger
If we **** them then it seems like
their numbers grow to bigger.

There’s no chance of surrender
‘tis a fight to the death
it is a struggle to survive and
hold onto your breath.

Weariness has settled in to
our so tired bones
Here where there is no rest
so far from our homes.

The other cries out very loud
an arrow through his arm
It turns into a battle cry
And they cry out in alarm

They back us up against a wall
so we stand side to side
There is no place to run to
and there’s no place to hide

My throat is sore from yelling out
above all of the noise
The army’s turned us from strong
men into young frightened boys.

With one last glance we seal our
fate and prepare for a charge
We raise our swords and lower our
shields and scream at the army large.

We’ve lost too many men today to just give up
our lives.
We summon all within us and
yell out mighty cries

We dive into the masses and swing
out with our swords
We slash them here and stab them
there as we push into the hordes

The energy was draining with every
fighting step
Blood running down our faces
as death upon us crept

We killed so many men of
theirs while we were only two
But compared to the rest of them
they were but a few

Cries rung out and arrows flew
filling the air with chaos
It was so cold and chilling knowing
death was right upon us

A sword swung out to get me
I ducked it took my helmet
My own sword swung back at him
and there I left him dead.

The army separated us, we fought
to stay together
Then he went down
in a pile of armour chain and leather.

I was alone upon the field
but I could not give up
with the metallic taste left in
my mouth with the blood from my lip.

They came at me from all around
determined to see me dead.
clubs and swords and arrows
were all aiming for my head.

Swords clanged off my shield
and arrows barely missed
The enemy were surprised to see
me still persist.

A club shattered my wrist
and it broke my arm
I lost all feeling and my heart
began to drum

My sword stuck in the
ground as it dropped from my hand.
The pain in all my body was
all that I could stand

I fell onto my knees and then
lowered my face
A man came up towards me
swinging a big mace

He stood there right before me
and I knew this was the end
This poem was written on the 31/7/10 back when I had much less understanding of what was required in the ways of rhyme and metre but I did my best. You can find the rewritten version (Battle Story (version two)) here and it is much better in my opinion although I am planning to again rewrite it.
May 2012 · 1.2k
Battle Story (version two)
Through desert plains and stormy seas
we travelled hand in hand.
We battled countless enemies
throughout this hidden land.

To claim the throne and throw the man
who claims himself as king.
To banish him and curse and ****
his soul that will not sing.

The soldiers come the heroes fall.
The swarms keep coming in.
Their numbers grow and multiply,
our forces shrinking thin.

There is no way to turn around,
go back to where we came.
We must continue taking ground
and not forget our names.

The battles lasted days at times,
the fighting will not cease.
The men are falling in their lines,
but does that give them peace?

Our numbers small and shrinking still,
regroup with less and less
The army charges flattens hills
and leaves behind such mess.

We dig the holes and place the dead
inside the holes to rest.
Their faces fill us all with dread.
We try to fight our best.

The castle shadow covers us.
Our heart can feel the doom.
Throughout the night the battlefield
is lit up by the moon.

The clouds they build and roll across
the sky towards the west.
Around my neck is hung a cross
for Him I do my best.

The archers from the other side,
they line up all around.
We hear the swish of arrows fly,
embed into the ground.

I look around. Of us alive,
there are so very few.
With numbers down to only five
how then can we push through?

At this point another falls,
an arrow through his neck.
His shield cannot stop arrows all
while broken from the trek.

They charge at us we only just
deflect their blows of hate.
We have to win! We simply must
get up and through the gate.

Our numbers then go down to three
a sword went through his heart,
he falls and ceases then to breathe
his armour lined with darts.

We fight them for what seems like hours
but only seconds pass.
Our blood is covering the flowers
that bloom there in the grass.

Weariness has settled in
to our so tired bones.
Our pride and honour caving in,
we’re so far from our homes.

We lose the third, his legs were tak-
en out from under him.
I saw the hammer swing and break
his legs right on the shins.

Now left with two, we know we’ve lost
a solemn nod is shared.
So back to back, we face the host
and all their teeth are bared.

There is no chance of standing down,
we’re fighting til we die.
We drop so many to the ground
I hear my teammate cry.

I see the arrow bursting forth
out of his bleeding arm.
I turn my head back to the north
and cry out in alarm.

My throat is sore from calling out
above all of the noise.
The army’s turned us from strong men
into young frightened boys.
May 2012 · 817
The Hooded Things
The wood was looming tall
miserable and old.
I too, was sad and felt drawn in.
The path wound and wound, past
clearings, over fallen trees until it split.

The feeling rose inside then, the feeling
of something bigger than the wood and me.
Round the corner they waited,
round the corner I came.
Three beings cloaked in black
and dark grey. Hoods covered their heads and faces.
shadows slid from left to right.
Dust, decay, smoke, dirt
burned my nostrils, I smothered a cough.

The central one stood straight,
thin and tall
old yet still strong and powerful.
The one on the left concealed large wings,
once white and full now brown and balding,
poking through large tears in the cloak behind his back.
A golden beard glinted in the limited light.
The one on the right was hunched over
clutching onto a staff to keep upright
and an almost white beard flowed to his knees.
Their faces, from what I could make out
through the blurry haze of shadows
marred, scarred
battered, from wars and fights perhaps.

The tall one spoke
with a voice, smooth and light yet muffled
like somebody who had been recently crying
“Try not to look at what we were.
We used to be creatures of importance.
Significance, magnificence.
The elite of the highest races on and off earth, but
now our misery has become our religion
and who we are.”
They pleaded that I join them
in the misery and the acceptance of
They handed me my own cloak and hood
but before I would put them on
I had to think.

It’s true these things have offered me
a way out of the pain of
pretending to be satisfied.
Here with these creatures, life
could be easier.
Being able to be miserable without the nagging
“is there something wrong?”
“you seem upset.”
these questions mostly asked without
care, emotion,
sympathy, empathy.

I thought for a long time.
They waited, dark and creepy.
Garden ornaments
motionless, emotionless
lifeless. Just staring,
more through than at me.
No names. Nothing
about them could say who they were.
a life without identity. A life without goals.
a life without purpose.
a life without…

Would I end up like them?
Unable to die but continuously getting older?
Scratches on my face and hands,
the shadows covering everything
that brings light to a life.
All these things I pondered while they
but could I reply with what they longed to hear?
Nov 2011 · 736
What is this noise right here I hear?
This drowning out of thought and mind,
no noises lie inside I find
it's stealing who I want to be.

Concerns and hurts they challenge me.
They control what  I think.
They take me over to the brink
and there they question me.

But north is where my eyes should look
out past the shadowlands,
and fix my heart on god's own plans
and free from devil's hook.

Communion is the holy love
that jesus gave to his twelve men
and I need to go back again
and for myself see new life dove.

A thumbprint tells you who you are?
Are we basically only that?
Does god see more inside than that
or are we who we always are?

Other's lives have been affected
by what I've done to them.
Can I help them, give to them?
I think we are connected.

The worker comes and rakes the land
with all his workers tools.
He is not from the band of fools
He works, gives life from hand

The thought of life after my death
it plagues my inner soul.
The people that are laid in holes
and them that have no breath.
please give comments on how you think i could make this better. obviously the meter is dreadful. but on my own i feel like i can't make it better without losing the meaning.
Nov 2011 · 716
Cosmic Daydream
Stars, showing light
pinpricks through the
blackness of night

Tomorrow when day comes
the darkness vanishes without
trace and sight is found
in light

Moons, ***** of land
bouncing light through night
and day being there

Tomorrow when love comes
the faith builds and builds
to turn back is a joke, no
time here

Sun, the suns birth
light is birthed from somewhere
other than the physical world
spirituality grows.
Nov 2011 · 3.7k
Nathan Douglas Day
While sitting at a café once
a boy of sorts went by.
His clothes were bright, he wore a suit
a purple, orange tie.
He looked around him while he walked
and then I caught his eye.

His hair was wild and fairly long,
his shoes were bright and new.
His face was lit up with a smile
and said “how do you do?”
He waved his hand, his giant hand,
the smile quite simply grew.

He walked on over, then he sat
down on the chair across
from me and all my company
a friend, his wife, my boss,
and handed me a brochure of
Learn how to play lacrosse.

“The name is Nathan Douglas Day
of age I am nineteen.
I have thick hair that gets quite gross
which then, I have to clean.
The knots that form, they almost dread.
You do know what I mean?

But hair is not all that I am
there’s skin and bones and thought,
but even then, that isn’t much
my weight is almost naught.
The mem’ry in my brain is small
which leaves much to be taught.

The people call me names to do
with where they know me from
like, Mugbo, or the wanderer,
or rang-rang, or Nathan,
or Nathan Douglas Day and some
don’t call me anyone.”

This speech of his, it left me shocked.
What kind of life was this,
to have more names than anyone
from this metropolis?
I was so puzzled and confused
there was something amiss.

I said “Okay…” and looked straight down
to where the pamphlet lay
and then began to read about
Lacrosse and how to play.
And Nathan snapped his fingers loud
and got a piece of cake.

A strawb’rry shake came next and then
a plate of biscuits came.
he offered them around and said
“they all taste much the same.”
We ate them all. He sat quite still.
I learned about the game.

My boss and friend were wondering,
who was this Nathan day,
this boy who came from nowhere and
sat down and seemed to stay?
They asked me with their eyes but I
did not know what to say.

Then Nathan started talking to
the wife of my good friend
he made her laugh and laugh and laugh
and laugh it didn’t end.
We all wanted to hear the joke
he wouldn’t say again.

“Lacrosse seems very difficult”
I said to stir the air.
“It is” he said “I played it once
but now, I would not dare”
I wondered then why he would hand
the pamphlets out with care.

I wondered maybe did he work
in trade from door to door.
I asked him this and his reply
it shocked me even more
“I do not hand them out” he said
“I found it on the floor.”
Aug 2011 · 2.5k
Glasses on my nose
Make me look slightly smarter
But I'm still silly.
Aug 2011 · 586
Up Too Late
My eyes hurt a lot.
Why is there so much pain inside?
I can't keep them open for much longer
and my dreams start in the edges of consciousness.
Reality is being blurred with non-reality.
What is that!!??
Oh ok, just dreaming... right...
Head drooping down into
the computer keyboard...
but i really must...
finish poem...
but I...

Inspired by one night where I almost nodded off at the computer while I was doing my homework.
Aug 2011 · 922
The Dilemma
When I first met you.

I met you first at the reception,
we'd never met before that day.

Your cousins wedding was such fun.
To get in I posed as a waiter and served you.

I saw you and my mind said "wow".
Instant attraction and my eyes stayed on you.

Part of the catering crew, handing you spring rolls.
What fun my best friends big brothers wedding was.

I'd never seen you before but I wanted more.
At reception of cousin and best friends brother.

Clashing Emotions and Doubt

What happened to stable, solid emotions?
They've become a puzzle with a deadline.

My feelings for you are confused and complex.
I don't know what to do, do i like you or not?

Is it possible to like a girl and not know?
How is it possible to find out, when emotions are thrown everywhere?

I can't understand my own feelings for once.
I used to be a master of my own emotions, not anymore...

Like a mystery novel with loss of life at the end,
the solidity has faded and the tables over turned.

The Forgotten Sunset

We watched the sunset from the feild,
orange and purple spread before us.

I don't really remember its features,
your features are all through my mind.

Your pretty feet with bright blue nails,
bare upon the grassy plain.

You asked me if I fancied you,
scared I said, "I don't think so".

Bare feet running through the grass,
painted nails and toe-ring.

The vision of you won't leave my mind,
your beauty beating the sunset's.

The sun went down with beauty bright,
as we watched it I watched you.

Mistakes and Regret

No longer stable and steady like rock.
Floating and free and impossible to guess what's happening.

I used to be in control but now have no idea,
feelings of regret and lost hope, mixing with earlier confusion.

What have I done? How could I betray my feelings?
Fear and the unknown my only excuses.

Strong feelings of loss and confusion flood my mind,
all hopes of order washed out and mixing with *******.

How to solve this dilemma I have made? Life is at stake.
Order and peace have vanished, replaced with regret and wonder.

When I last met you**

Different wedding, different reception. I met you again.
I've only seen you a few times, I wish I could see you more.

Pretending to have fun when all I could think of was you.
No need to act as a caterer this time, eating spring rolls.

Is it possible for you to forgive me?
I'm kicking myself over what I said.

No need to help out this time they are my friends.
I acted like I was having fun with my friends and with you.

Will we ever meet again, sometime in the future?
Will we meet again at the next reception?
Aug 2011 · 1.2k
In Tranquility We Sit.
In tranquility we sit,
effervescent beverages in hand as
the descant moves into the mix.
So mellifluous...
So promiscuous in whom it touches...
Hoping to stupefy the audience with its
flawless and free life.
Until our enjoyment is shortened
by the loud clomping from
outside our autonomous dwelling...
Something outside bonks into the ground
before a silhouette breaches our safety
and our eternity is threatened with...
I wrote this poem as part of an excersise where we were given words that we had to use once in the poem and one word per line. These are the words we were given and the meanings that I used them for.

Autonomous - self governing
Descant - a melody played in accompaniment to the main melody
Tranquility - calm and undisturbed
Mellifluous - sweet sounding
Silhouette - a dark shadow or outline seen against a light background
Eternity - the endless period of life after death
Enjoyment - to get pleasure from (enjoy)
Clomping - making loud noises with your feet as you walk
Promiscuous - indiscriminant
Bonk - to collide with something
Effervescent - to give off small bubbles of gas
Stupefy - to stun with astonishment
Flawless - perfect
Aug 2011 · 934
The Lonely Hawk
Above the sea there flew a lonely hawk,
so far away from home, too far to walk.
The fish he caught he did not like to eat
and all that he could think about was meat.

He was upon a ship with men with tats,
and there could eat his fill with lots of rats.
But then the ship, it struck a rock and sank,
and from then on, the rest of life, it stank.
Aug 2011 · 3.5k
My early memory of farm,
Blackfella’s hill, banana sand,
exploring, chasing rabbits.
And riding round with grandpa,
in the white and well loved station wagon
checking sheep, windmill and chooks.

The lollies in the tin were there,
to help him stay awake at night;
but grandchildren were once allowed
to sample from the tin of treats,
in longer trips with grandparents,
while out on country roads.

The farm, a favourite place of mine,
away from school and normal life,
but Modb’ry North not quite the same.
With grandpa still out shearing though,
the farm-like feel not far away,
and granny kept a strawb’rry patch.

I went a-shearing with him once,
About six customers that day
and I can’t count the load of sheep.
I earned five dollars on that day,
while travelling around in ute
with shearing stuff all in the back.

His love of music satisfied,
the grandchildren are all gifted,
the music played from instruments
of cello, clarinet and bass
of flute, piano, violin,
and voice as well from Kate and Jo

Called grandpa day or dad or Doug
he’ll be remembered, days to come.
The stories will be told and told
of happenings while he was here,
from farm or Modb’ry North or else,
from other places he has been.
This is a poem that I wrote for my Grandpa when he passed away earlier this year.
Aug 2011 · 585
I Liked You a Lot
You never suspected
and you never guessed.
I decided I liked you,
I liked you a lot.

I imagined our marriage,
I dreamed of it even.
You distracted me often,
I liked you a lot.

I spoke to you often,
as much as I could,
to get some connections
with you girl, I want you.
I learnt things about you
others never could
and said to myself, girl
that i'd never leave you.

Your hair was so pretty,
your eyes were so big.
Your beauty is dazzling,
I liked you a lot.

I wish I was braver,
and wasn't so scared,
of telling you darling,
I liked you a lot.
Aug 2011 · 797
The Orphan's Eyes
Alone and afraid,
silent yet screaming,
dark but yet bright
and bloodshot from tears.

Pleading and ignored,
stunning and scary.
Pretty Black diamonds
embedded in marble.

— The End —