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Lifeless you salute
A statue of wood
A phoenix in the cold
Moving only to the music of the air

Stoic you stand mocking the world
For you watch as things come
And things go

You stand together
You stand alone
Set apart from the world by your uniqueness

You are strong
But still you die
To be born again in the sun of spring
My heart is melting
Snow could not sooth the burn
Alone and surrounded by people
None can see the battle inside

Wolves fighting to conquer
With a smile I slowly fall
Fighting with everything to stay a float in an open ocean
Miles and miles there is nothing

I wait patiently for rescue
But those that pass see no struggle
I can not call out because of pride and fear

My brothers and sisters I know at times you are here
And when you feel that you are sinking remember,
Remember you are never alone
And nothing is permanent
Life is always flowing and ever changing
Tomorrow will always bring light with the rising sun
You look an untold age
When I look through you I see only mystery
A body so young
And a mind so wise

To understand the translucent shadow
A pawn staring at a giant
Incredible power diluted only by your surroundings

I see you time and time again
But the shadows hide me from your sight
The light you shine is a plague
That spreads to all with an open mind

You are a wild stallion trotting where you please
A gate holds you that one day you will jump
Unbound you will run free
No one will slow you
Impossible to predict your course
But you will roam at the top
Free from any chain

For now I walk in the shadows
One day I will dance with the angle
The heart is a scary thing
The distraction pure beauty
The curse is loss
The gift something worth caring for

Angle you play a melody to your father
In one hand you hold a key to unlock peoples hearts
In the other you hold a pen to challenge ones thinking
A pedestal you stand on for others to observe

— The End —