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Mar 2012 · 715
She waited to die, she married for lies
her shirt is stained with her own tears
past up her sleeve, she's forgotten the trick
unable to leave. She's stuck in the thick of her own hopes

All that she needs, all that she wants, all alone, wed to wealth
in sickness and health, dead inside, never free
silenced by materials, in her eyes you'll see her plea
"No hope lies here, you can't help me
dependent on fake love, I wish I was born ugly"
her perspective deceives, they said what's good's never free.
Mar 2012 · 893
Dogs of war, guide my fleet
You'll see the end, but oh not me
I'm behind the smoke, I am shrapnel, I am deceit
You'll see the end whilst I stay free
Thousands of miles away, never truly known defeat
business is my business, money is all that I see

Wrap me in red tape, I'll find my way through
Give me something to exploit, I'll hunt it down
I am foreign policy, the military too
Third world village in my way? I'll bomb the whole town

Rebels or native government I don't give a ****
We'll take your things independent of if you'll give America's **** a ****
Socrates pities me, I am permanently a muck
I can't help you help me, your salvation is luck

Die now, little pawn, you're all why I made regressive taxes
We won't have to insure success in your future if it's been broken
Pay sweat from your brow, blood from your veins, there are no free passes
You're all unknown soldiers, I'll determine how history is spoken
Mar 2012 · 1.0k
The Island
Got away from it all, living on the island
Vagrants raft away from me
No technology, I may be a savage but this be my land
society of one, me and endless sea
your petty worries are just grains in the sand

There's no time of day, living on the island
Only day and night, when there's a will there's a way
No cruelty, no tickets, no beatings, no contraband
Living on the island, you're alone, not lonely, you're only a stray

Here my starvation isn't at the hands of others
the beasts still exists, but they're my friends
my Walden Lake, no kin, no brothers
but I was alone in the beginning, I'll be alone in the end

I can build what I need, do whatever what I want
I'll smell, but you can't spit on me, I'm the king of myself
Mar 2012 · 863
Buddha's Palace
Greed indefinitely corrupts those who become opulent
those who enter Buddha's palace don't want to leave
those temples of bones of them who've paid for our deficits
no one wants to be there, it's better to loot their corpses than grieve

If you fall off the horse you get back on
If the horse falls first take your bags and leave
be the one man caravan; independent and free
but just like the horse you're only a pawn

I left my heart with the one who loved me
can't get it back, I forgot who it was
nomads take what you need, travel to the country
don't stir the locals, they're covered in blood

Time will tell you that nothing is really gold,
if you don't learn to let go your hands will turn green
people are possessions or so I've been told
everybody is a sell out, no money is clean

You can ignore me, my poor speak, the angst makes me weak
I don't care what you all think, am I a hypocrite? Yes.
What's he point? realities a *****, I can't get answers, there's no truth to seek
Opaque fog over everything I do, my body is fine, my mind is a mess.

— The End —