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Nov 2014 · 595
I'm Still Stranded at Sea
Forgiveness is the key to releasing your pain
or so that's what is said.
But what they don't tell you is that
forgiveness isn't easy.
Its not sitting there wrapped up in a bow
waiting to be given to that certain someone.
Most of the time, its like searching for land
when your stranded in the middle of the Atlantic.
You know you'll hit land eventually,
but you don't know how long it will take or
if you'll even survive
Sep 2014 · 508
My Concrete Jungle
For so long I've hidden behind these walls, scared of what lay beyond.
appeared just outside the wall, his eyes welcoming, smile so warm.
fiercely wanting to run into his outstretched arms.
in my personal maze of protection and destruction.
the labyrinth, I tried and tried to find my way out.
patient soul waited and waited. I desperately wanted liberation.
walls shook and cracked when he pounded at it.
madness overtook me, as I stared through the crack into his eyes.
gazed upon his loving mask until one day he was gone.
out his name, but I guess he can no longer hear the girl behind the wall.
was supposed to protect me, what happened?
Sep 2014 · 477
Shall I Greet the Day?
My lungs inhale and exhale the familiar scent of candles and
body lotion on my worn out blanket
who has claimed my body as its own.
As my dim room gets brighter
I seem to not have the strength to wrestle my way out of bed.
I don't want to greet the day,
no, not today.
Today I'd rather stay here
within these four walls,
between dreams and reality.
I'd rather let my blankets keep me entangled in their warm embrace.
Let the sun dance his way across the sky
Let the moon's regal grace sing me back to sleep.
Tomorrow I will greet the day, but,
no, not today.
Sep 2014 · 396
"What If"
A million different endings
But one beginning
what if
gnawing at me
Like a starved child with a bone
Your entrapped in my head
Always the one I keep asking
what if
But I never get an answer
Sep 2014 · 679
Your kisses were earthquakes
Shaking me to the core
Your touch ignited a raging fire within my soul
Your eyes were hurricanes I couldn't escape
You were my very own Apocalypse
You were my summer.
You were the warm air
and the bright sun.
But just like summer,
I knew we would't last.
And as the days turned cold,
I desperately yearned
for infinite summer days with you
May 2014 · 484
Please Don't Hurt Me
For the first time
I want to let you in.
I want you to see
The tangled vines, in the thick forest
that is my soul.
To wander through the unexplored paths,
discovering my deepest, darkest secrets
But promise me
That once you step foot inside
you won't leave weeds behind
Promise me, instead,
You'll plant flowers and
take good care of them
Because I don't know
If I can withstand another person
embedding poison within me
Your not ready for a relationship,
yet you take me out
on dates to the movies,
and buy me ice cream
(my favorite flavor).
You kiss me like I'm yours
(but I'm not)
Although I wish I was.
You treat me with respect
and make sure I'm safe.
But why go through all the trouble
if you don't want something more?
This guy is confusing me and I don't know what to do....
Feb 2014 · 2.2k
I've been colorblind these past few months
Unable to see vibrant yellows,
Warm oranges, cool blues
When I look back in the past
All I can see are black and white snapshots
of a life that I don't remember living
An out of body experience
A black and white movie
Anything other then my life
Jan 2014 · 329
That Song
The first time I heard that song
My heart broke
From all the memories that it awakened
Even now
Almost a year after
I cannot listen to that song
Because even when I think I'm alright
Those lyrics are a painful reminder
That I'm far from alright
Jan 2014 · 518
What I see
I look at myself in the mirror
And all I see
Is a girl that will never be good enough
Dec 2013 · 442
I need to turn up the music
But no matter how loud I turn it
I can still hear my thoughts....
Nov 2013 · 5.2k
Thats what I am
And what I'll always be
The magic words to guys
To think they can do whatever they want
Because damaged girls are nothing but
Nov 2013 · 470
Let Loose For the Night
I need to lose myself for a night
Go out and dance to the beat of the music
Forget about reality
Enjoy the flashing lights
The pounding bass
Letting loose
Dancing with that hot guy
Until the sun begins to rise
And reality begins again
Nov 2013 · 500
Taking a sip of tea
I look outside to see
The streets soaked from the rain
I wish the rain would wash away my pain
Wrapped in a robe so soft
Sitting in my New York City loft
I get a piece of paper and pen
Writing is my zen
Calming me
In ways you cannot see
Taking another sip of tea
I give myself up to the words
Flying free from my heart like birds
Nov 2013 · 763
Did I like him?
Six months ago I fell for a boy
I fell for his personality
He fell for my body
Six months later he still has not left my mind
But now when he comes to my mind
I'm not sure if I liked him
Or if I liked the idea of him

And now I ask myself everyday is

Did I fall for you?
*or the idea of you?
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
Do ever feel like running away?
Disappearing into the night
changing your phone number
deleting your facebook
twitter, instagram, pintrest, tumblr
leaving no trace of where your going

Do you ever want to start a new life?
moving to a new city
and starting over
where no one knows you

Maybe one day I'll do just that....
Oct 2013 · 3.8k
My Broken Promise
I spent my whole life
surrounded by people whose hearts have been broken
not once
not even twice
And I promised myself I would never make their mistakes
But I didn't know it would only take
one night
one guy
one kiss
one lie
To break that promise
Oct 2013 · 408
She** was hurt
Her trust was broken
She no longer believed
She felt used
And she wanted the pain to go away

So she went out every weekend
Numbed her pain with liquid poison
Pushed her luck with strange men
Who did not care about her
Because she did not believe she deserved better

She did not want to feel ever again
She thought she would never be Brave enough to feel again
Oct 2013 · 12.4k
I breath in the misty air
The birds are chirping everywhere
I pass by a nearby stream
Where fishes looked a sparkling green
The waterfall sprays cold mist
Where Romeo and Juliet once kissed
The sun shines on the forest floor
While I eat an apple to its core
Insects fly and crawl around
A rainbow stone was also found
The leaves are green with big raindrops
They are as big as two gumdrops
The ground is wet and full of mud
The flowers are about to bud
A beautiful and gracious butterfly
It's wings the color of the sky
But now my trip is over
My souvenir is a four leaf clover
But what I will never forget
Are the animals and insects I met
This was my very first poem I had ever written. I wrote this in the 6th grade and it was this poem that made me realize that I loved writing poetry
Oct 2013 · 2.5k
My Secret Admirer
I open my school locker on Valentine's day
And what do I find but a note of some sort
I open it up and what does it say?
My admirer wrote, "Come meet me at the fort"
So I after school I walk on home
To find my house covered in red and pink foam
I see a boy walk to the fort
I get so nervous my breath is cut short
And what do I find in all of God's powers
Is my little brother holding some flowers
Oct 2013 · 510
My Heart of Stone
A wall made of stone
My flesh stripped to the bone
Why do I always end up alone?
Laying in bed all night
Thinking that this isn't right

My heart is closed to love
As much as I try to open my soul
I feel like a bomb just opened a hole
in my heart
My heart of stone
But it refuses to feel
As much as I try
My hearts an unbreakable seal

I keep waiting for that day
When I find the guy
Who won't cheat or lie
Someone who will be able to break
The seal to my heart
My heart of stone

And I'll no longer be alone
Oct 2013 · 559
A Summer Night
The stars twinkle like glitter
The wind gently touches my hair
The night air caresses my skin
Sitting in the grass
A cool summer night
Thinking about my life
As the crickets chirp
And the frogs croak
I see a shooting star
Make a wish
For a life full of happiness and love
Oct 2013 · 839
I Look Back
I look back in the past
To the memories that will always last
To the smiles and the tears
The shouts and the cheers
All the kiss and hugs

I look back to the happiness
Those were the times I loved best
Spent with family and friends
With them the fun never ends

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time
A mountain is what I will climb
So I can go back to familiar places
And I know it won't be a waste

To give that loved one, one last hug and kiss
It would be priceless
And that is what I miss
Oct 2013 · 445
My family is crazy
and sometimes a little lazy
We dance and sing with each other
We take care of one another
Making fun of my uncles and aunts
and listening to their rants

Our inside jokes make no sense
and there are never any times that are tense
These people taught me to love in another way
and to believe in what I think and say
They'll support me through thick and thin
even if I sin
This is a very old poem I wrote years ago
Oct 2013 · 496
I Wish I Hated You
I wish I hated you
I want to hate you
I desire to hate you
I hate you
I see a picture of you
I hear your voice
You text me
You like my Facebook status
I remember all the good times we had
I don’t hate you
I never will hate you
Even after all the **** you put me through

And I hate it

— The End —