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 Mar 2014 Natasya Celia
Jealousy can be a *****,
The biggest ***** of them all,
But this feeling proves one thing that I've been scared to admit...
I love her.
 Mar 2014 Natasya Celia
 Mar 2014 Natasya Celia
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Or at least thats what they say.
What a beautiful world it must be to the blind.
 Feb 2014 Natasya Celia
I have a lot of words for you,
but most are going to be left unspoken.
The only think I can say now,
is I'm strong,
but as a beautiful song once said,
"Even the best fall down sometimes."
I'm sorry.
 Feb 2014 Natasya Celia
If only she knew,
What goes through my head,
Every time I think of her,
And then emotions start to swirl around,
And pure crazy.
I hide them,
Repress them,
Almost to the point that they're smothered.
Whats the point?
I can hide all of it,
And be a dead bud,
Or I can be a beautiful blooming flower with love,
Be true to myself,
And let my true colors shine,
For all to see.
 Jan 2014 Natasya Celia
I thought I was over her,
I thought I was done.
And then tonight,
I talked to her.
I'm so not over her.
Love is still there.
 Jan 2014 Natasya Celia
I've fell before,
Into her arms,
And she caught me,
But then quickly dropped me,
Like the nothing that I am.
I'm about to fall again.
The rope's about to break.
Is it safe to fall,
Into her loving arms,
For one last time,
Is it safe to fall again?
 Jan 2014 Natasya Celia
Last night,
I talked to her,
And I realized how much I truly missed her.
I thought I was over her,
That she was a thing of the past,
But no.
Shes a thing of the present,
And hopefully the future.
I miss her,
And I'm determined to make her mine again.
Don't tell nobody,
But I think I love her.
 Jan 2014 Natasya Celia
There comes a moment,
When you're too broken,
And you're laying on your bed,
Flat on your stomach,
With your head to the side,
And your limbs sprawled out,
Like a fallen ****** victim.
With your music up as loud as it can go,
With people screaming at you,
That you just break down.
Breathe in,
And hyperventilate it back out.
Take a moment,
To be broken.
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