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May 2013 · 481
Tiny Town: Big Man
Natasha Twinkle May 2013
I though it'd be best, to move out west.
Have some fun and be care-free.
Just get up and pack and dont look back,
although most did disagree.

I told them dont fret, ill have no regret,
Its just something I need to do.
Im creating some ends, but ill make new friends,
Little did I know who.

Despite what they said, I went ahead,
and just hoped for the best.
What I found was, incredible because,
Theres none like it in the midwest.

I found my guy and Ill tell you why,
Im so sure it was meant to be.
The feeling of fear, just dissapoeared,
When I realized he was for me.

He opend my mind; before I was blind,
To anyone other than me.
Now I can smile, 'cuz it was all worthwhile,
To find a new priority.

I saw his face, I'd found my place.
No longer lost or alone.
Wrapped in his arms, free from all harms,
With him, again I am home.
Nov 2012 · 544
Bittersweet Goodbye
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2012
In my life I had known, both joy and fear.
I had smiled often, but had also shed a tear.
I had an even balance of happiness and sting,
And had no idea what this next year would bring.

When Cancer took her away from me,
Her soul and body was set completely free.
Her heart was done aching and her mind put to rest,
She happy again, It was for the best.

She had no more suffering, she had no more fear.
But she gave all her pain to those of us still here.
She was now safe and sound, but she was gone forever
And I was stuck on earth unable to see her ever.

She left behind a disease with her family and friends.
Similar to her own, but this one never ends.
It feels like her cancer, I was hurting and scared.
It’s a horrible thing, that this disease was shared.

Her only baby girl was now left alone.
To grow up with three boys, all tortured in one home.
Tortured by the thought, they would never hug, smell, or see,
That wonderful woman who just left them to be.

This disease of loss took over our lives.
Seven years later and there’s no surprise.
I still haven’t slept in so many years
Because I cant fall asleep to the sound of my tears.
Jan 2011 · 984
To be Determined
Natasha Twinkle Jan 2011
I thought I knew just what I wanted,
Before I moved away.
I wanted a tall and handsome man,
By my side, every day.

Now across the country,
Is the one I care about.
I hope so desperately,
That time does not run out.

This boy is not the type,
I’ve had in my head for years,
But he’s the one who takes away,
All my silly fears.

The test will come,
In the future one day.
When we are together,
Yet old and gray.

The lust, the passion,
May run dry,
But still there will be,
No reason to cry.

At that point in life,
Many couples will quit.
They will argue and fight,
And eventually split.

But me and my man,
Many miles away,
Will look at each other,
And I will then say,

"Although it is gone,
The passion and lust,
I know we are leftover,
With true love and trust."
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
A Murmur to the Midwest
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
For I am exceedingly rushed,
And have no time for such,
An in-opinionated and hushed,
State of mind that I find,
You to possess.
Nov 2010 · 833
The Fingers Fail
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Crouched down into the corner of a couch
Watching the three people around me.
Three fingers around me.
They seem to be talking.
The fingers, not the people.
As the fingers shake back and forth,
In a condescending way,
They seem to say,
Failure. You can’t do it.
You can’t do it.
As I sit there feeling smaller than ever
These giant fingers won’t stop.
Failure. You can’t do it.
You can’t do it.
It’s a new idea.
And I’m too stubborn for it to be true.
Nov 2010 · 581
The One that Lasts
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Leaves change color,
Soon they fall,
Within months,
There's none at all.

Flowers blossom,
You see morning dew,
But soon enough,
That’s all gone too.

A warm embrace,
From a friend,
At some point,
Comes to an end.

The one thing that lasts,
Is one kind of love.
As long as you have hope,
In something above.
Nov 2010 · 984
A World of Mad Hatters
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Expectations of others still holding me at gunpoint.
Everyone and their mothers, I know I'll disapoint.
Not everyone can win if this internal battle continues.
But everyone could win if we stop the abuse.

The abuse of others, the society around,
Could become productive if we listened through the sound.
Listened to the people but not the words they say,
Because everyone communicates in their personal way.

If we listened to ourselves and followed what we feel,
Maybe everyone in this world could go home to a meal.
Maybe someday we will love and the fighting will cease,
and maybe someday we will be people of peace.

For now Im alone and considered slightly mad,
For straying from the norm apparently Ive gone bad.
Someday we will all stray from the norm.
We will all become "mad" rather than conform.

When that day comes the norm is gone for good.
People will be free and I will be understood.
With just a free spirit you can help to release,
A whole new world for the people of peace.
Nov 2010 · 1.6k
Envy as Admiration
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Everything depends
On how you view it.
If something brings you joy,
You must stick to it.

Its funny how,
A change in your mind,
Is all based on,
The mood you find.

Letting the bad,
Get under your skin,
Will allow for depression,
To sink further in.

Eventually your mind,
Will be set in stone.
You will always feel,
Like you are alone.

But when you see the bad,
And turn it rightside up,
You will soon start to notice,
Half full is the cup.

You'll see the rain as beauty,
And envy as admiration.
See the night as necessary,
And let go of frustration.

The difference between,
Happy and sad,

                                        and a life gone good,
                                        and a life gone bad,

Is as small as a thought
Or an attitude.
Everything changes,
Parallel to your mood.
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Do you really think were alone?
Are you that naive?
Or do you just wish,
For the unseen to leave?
Take off your mask,
And open up yours eyes.
Remove your skeptic suit,
And be ready for a surprise.
The naked eye cant see them,
But can't you feel their here?
Don't wait to believe,
'till they decide to appear.
You can't get by without,
Faith that their around.
Not only above us,
But walking on our ground.
Nov 2010 · 637
Bigger than Me
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Spiraling downward...

It gets darker and darker.

Not much left to do...

Its getting harder and harder.

Being engullfed in something that is impossible to name.
To you it seems like nothing, for me theres only fear to gain.

Theres nothing to stop it, I just have to pull through.
Because when its done with me, its going after you.
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
Never Going Back
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
The lighting flashes,
                                           The thunder roars...
Everyone dashes to get in doors.

I stand still as crowds rush by.

I feel an icy chill but couldnt tell you why.
Finally its just me, alone in the rain.
As it should be, I try to wash away the pain.
The freezing water runs down,
My soaking bare skin.

Its better than going back,
                                                    to the life Im stuck in.
Nov 2010 · 429
Something you Cant get Back
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
It took me a while to realize,
Why it hurts so bad.
I broke up with him,
Why was I so sad?
I thought it was right,
And he could be my friend.
but the feelings wont leave,

The pain wont end...

I didnt know what was wrong,
But now it is clear.
I threw away my first love
Only out of fear.
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
On a nice day walking down the street,
A sweet little lady enjoyed the summer heat.

Long blonde hair, skinny and tall,
Had no problem with guys, she could get them all.

Some say shes perfect, some say magical.
Some say mysterious, most just say wonderful.

But this lady isnt perfect, she has a deep secret.
Its so dark and precious that its easy to keep it.

Her blindingly beautiful smile is different from most.
She sinks her sharp teeth into the neck of her host.

She lives in a coffin and hates garlic too.
Oh how her beautiful eyes,

...have been fooling you.

Yes shes a vampire who comes out at night.
Just lurking through the graves waiting to bite.

                                                   **I know this one is goofy, but I was in a childish mood when I wrote it. Hope it was enjoyable and provided you with a chuckle.
Nov 2010 · 732
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
I cant think of one way to get through,
This new reality that I've found is true.

The only thoughts in my mind are old memories of you,
God could be so kind as to replace them with someone new.

But for now im stuck pretending that I'm doing just fine.
Pretending I dont want you just to be all mine.

All I have to do is pretend I dont need you,
Pretend that the opposite of the truth is true.

Pretend that its easy and fast for a broken heart to mend.
And for my smile to last, I just need to pretend.
Nov 2010 · 676
A Few Words of Wisdom
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Being wise too young
Is a huge mistake.
One that I'm
Not willing to make.

Id rather take chances,
Be careless and free,
Than taking things slow,
And so carefully.

Id rather be curious,
Than to always know.
Id rather jump out a plane,
Than to stay safe and low.

Id rather ride a moter-bike,
Than a mini-van.
Id rather risk a burn,
Than give up a tan.

Being wise too young
Is a huge mistake.
One that I'm
Not willing to make.
Nov 2010 · 476
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
I'm numb to everything I used to feel.
Weeks have passed since I've tasted a meal.

Color slowly crept itself out of my sight,
All hours of the day are as dark as night.

Jealousy surounds me, won't leave me to be.
I'm no longer who I used to call me.

I've dug a hole and the walls are slick,
There is no way out, the pains making me sick.

A distraction could become a ladder to climb out.
But my mind is stuck, I wish I could shout.

My mouth won't move, my sense of smell is shot,
My eyes glued shut, I dont have a lot.

Automatic has become my only setting,
There has to be a dam for this lake of tears I'm shedding.

But for now im stuck in this horrible hole,
Until I find a way to set free my soul.
Nov 2010 · 558
Escape from what is Right
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
She has great friends and a family too.
She always has done what she was told to do.
She’s never been scolded by a parent or cop,
But sometimes she needs for this perfect life to stop.
She’s caught in a net, she’s trapped in a bubble.
She needs to just once try to get in trouble.
She searches for an escape, she’s losing her mind.
She picks up a new life, and leaves the old behind.
She runs away from home, starting off slow.
Riding the bus ... not knowing where to go.
As she gets off the bus she takes a look around.
Taking in the feeling, the sights, and the sound.
She’s in a strange city, an unfamiliar place.
She wouldn’t even recognize her own worn out face.
Starting to get nervous she just keeps on walking.
A man approaches her, and he begins talking.
He said, “It’s not safe, go home kid!”
Although she nodded “yes”, going home’s not what she did.
Time goes by, and now its too late,
To be home for dinner that’s always at eight.
Her parents are worried, they send out a search
As they get a group to pray in the church.
Surrounded by sirens, she’s found on the street.
The cops look down, she’s weeping at their feet.
“Take me home” She says to the men.
“And I promise I’ll never run away again.
I Thought I was trapped in darkness, but I was surrounded by light,
Never again will I escape from what I now know is right”.
Nov 2010 · 578
Hopeful Waiting
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
There had always been something,
Something strange about it.
Something beautiful but different,
Something I would never forget.

A tea set so simple
Yet so delicate and sweet.
Only one in the world,
Not a single repeat.

Don’t know where it’s from,
It just showed up one day.
But once I got a glimpse at it,
I couldn’t look away.

I knew it wasn’t mine,
It would never be for me
But something in my heart,
Said “maybe it has to be”.

Maybe it was made,
Just for me to find.
I chose to listen to my heart,
And forget about my mind.

I grabbed and tipped the ***,
And through the spout came tea.
When it splashed into the cup,
I knew it was for me.

Days and months a year went by,
And I never had a doubt.
Until one day I drank the tea,
And the sugar had run out.

It had become greatly bitter,
The set lost its design.
One of the cups had cracked,
The plates had no more shine.

I was fooled into thinking,
This glee would last forever.
But my hope still  remained,
I refused to speak of never.

Someday that beautiful tea set,
Engraved in my memory.
Will shine again so I can taste,
The sweetness meant for me.
Nov 2010 · 499
Robert Stone
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Robert Stone was always known,
For his unnaturally icy skin.
People would swear that if you touched it bare,
Something would change you within.

The myth of Rob comes from one short tale,
Of which I’m about to tell.
No one knows what, or who Rob is,
Only that he comes from hell.

Alone at his home as always,
Rob was reading a bulky book.
But he heard some footsteps through the hallways
And decided to take a look.

A lady is lurking through his home,
And she spots his naked left shoulder.
She reaches and sets her hand on down
And has never felt anything colder.

She instantly regrets her curiosity
And makes an unbearable sound.
Not because of pain, surprise or fear,
But because of something more profound.

Now that’s just a legend, might not be true,
But no one knows where that lady is now.
But it’s past time that I, and everyone, knew,
As much as human knowledge will allow.

Now Rob was aloof so there was no proof,
Of this strange, uncanny theory.
But one day I was curious, of his mysterious,
Flesh that seemed so eerie.

I went to roam and found his home,
So isolated in the wood.
It was dark, filthy, and strangely beautiful.
It looked just like it should.

I peered through the window and there he was.
At least I now knew he was real.
There was frost on the sill, which gave me a chill,
‘Cuz his cold presence I could already feel.

Climbing through the vines, the moss, the weeds,
I found his stunning backyard.
Doors after doors I did see,
But every one of them barred.

Finally I found a window, cracked;
So I began to quietly climb through.
My hair stood up, I had goose bumps in fact.
That’s when I knew the tale was true.

Despite that fact I kept on going,
Then I spotted him in his chair.
He slowly spun around and appeared to be glowing
As he said, “I see you there”.

Glowing red as the sun, again he begun,
To speak in his shady tone.
“Go ahead; touch my icy skin son,
And that lady won’t be alone”.

Because of that tempt, I knew what he meant
But still couldn’t stay away.
He reached out his arm, and to my alarm
I touched it knowing I’d pay.

I let out a yelp, but not for help,
Instead for pure regret.
All feelings were gone, no pain, no care.
No point to even fret.

My soul ****** out, my conscience gone,
Never felt so empty before.
Although I was half mad, I couldn’t feel sad,
Didn’t care for anything, anymore.

That lady from the myth was no longer alone,
In this feeling of pure despair.
For years and years she’d been trapped in him,
In that large and freezing chair.

Standing next to me was a free lady,
Whom I had switched places with.
No longer alone, she had the whole world.
This was the lady, from the myth.

Is this how she, had always felt?
Tortured and alone?
All I know now...
                                            ... is that is how,

I became the new Robert Stone.
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
A long time ago, a man named Michio,
Lived among the Momiji and Matsu.
Just living his life, with his son and his wife,
Always keeping in his pocket his nunchaku.
Michio possessed the strength of three men,
And everything he always sees.
But as the saying goes, even for Michio,
'Even monkeys fall from trees'.
Now Michio knew that his nunchaku,
Would keep him safe and sound.
Until one night he had quite a fright,
And jumped three feet off the ground.
This bold man shrunk from six foot to three,
And his stomach churned with fear.
His rough hands start sweating; he didn’t know what to do,
But he hoped his nunchaku was near.
Michio made a mistake and nothing could help,
There was nothing that he could see.
This brave great man became a monkey today,
And even he, fell from a tree.
Nov 2010 · 795
The Tale of Gail O'Riley
Natasha Twinkle Nov 2010
Now Gail O’Riley was a peaceful folk,
Whose heart belonged in southern Missouri.
He lived with papa on the road “Grand Oak”,
Which he had to leave in a hurry.

Gail fled up North to New York City,
He left papa in the dust.
The reason for his leaving sure was a pity,
But good God, it was a must.

He was in deep trouble way down there,
And for that he had to bail.
What forced him away seems unfair,
Now here is the tale of Gail.

One gloomy autumn on Grand Oak street,
Gail decided to stroll around.
Papa stayed back, slaughtered the meat,
It was at home where he heard the sound.

A sound so loud and filled with fear,
It could knock a deaf man out.
Papa stepped outside, but stayed near,
To find what the ruckus was about.

When his shoe touched the dew of the untrimmed grass,
He realized what the sound had been.
With a shot and a scream, as it would seem,
Gail had commit the infamous sin.

There she lay, dead on the hay,
Her name was Carol Mcarry.
She ripped out Gail’s heart nine years ago,
And came back to say she was sorry.

Before she got out what she needed to say,
He shot her dead in her track
To make sure this time his heart was safe,
And that Carol would never come back.

Now Gail O’Riley was a peaceful man,
Never hurt a worm or bee.
Couldn’t slaughter a cow or harm a ham,
That’s how God made him, you see.

That’s why his call was surprising to all,
And why he needed to run.
He got in his car, and drove so far,
Away from the setting sun.

Never did he see he papa, or Grand Oak street again,
Of which he thought so highly.
Carol was gone, and with a car and a gun,
Began a new tale of Gail O’Riley.

— The End —