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1.9k · Jan 2014
Death is a Promise
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
The clock ticks
Your time on earth is done
Your battle is over
Cause the angel of death has come

You've had a good run
To you no one could measure
For the time that we spent
Shall always be treasured

Whether you go below of above
I will always think of you
My only true love

We will be together again
No matter how far
Because for you
I will search among the stars

He may have you
That angel in black
And I know that my heart is excited
Cause I know we will be reunited
1.8k · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
I know you love them more than me
Don't You deny it
Because ill never buy it
Am I not your child too
I am not the same person you once knew
You have no idea what it's like to feel different
Can you even take a hint
So don't you even take your anger out on me
Cause all i ever wanted was a family
1.7k · Jun 2013
Duel Personalities
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
I can feel my heart ready to burst
I'm  not a morbid person on the outside
I can't show no remorse
And on the inside my soul is black
Like the sky without stars
Nothing twinkles for me
No candle lights my flame of hope
Is this a disease
Of everlasting dispaire
It makes me so mad
I want to pull out my hair
Will my suffering ever stop
Or will I grow depressed until the day that I drop
1.3k · Jun 2013
The Color Red
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
As it seeps through our wounds
It's metallic smell
It may come from hell
It is my heart
So I grab it
And I crush it
I slowly die inside
I get buried in the ground with
No one beside it
Then the maggots devour my flesh
The only easy way out is death
1.2k · Jun 2013
Opposite Feelings
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
Whenever I see the light in things
all I see is everlasting darkness

Whenever I try to be happy
all I feel is sorrow

Whenever I try to love
I hate

Whenever I try to feel good
all I feel is pain

This is what I will always feel
There is nothing I will gain
1.0k · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
My whole life
All ive ever known is pain
It is making me insane
It will be the only thing
That I search for
This is not my life it's torture
887 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
You are a thief
Why did you steal from me
Id wish you'd give it back
I might suffer an attack
We can not be apart
Cause what you stole from me was my heart
885 · Jun 2013
Life is a B****
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
Life *****
I'll tell you that much

For a while its great
Then it begins to disintegrate

It used to be so easy when we were little
Who knew life could be so brittle

Like the bones in our body
There so easy to break
And no one forgives us for making mistakes

So hey do you want to switch
But I'm warning you my life's a *****
864 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
I'm coughing up blood
So I swallow
Im crying tears of sorrow
So I swallow
My face is bleeding
I think why do I feel so hollow
There's a knock at my door
So I swallow
Death has come for me
And with relief
I follow
And this angel of death
leads me to an abyss and pushes me in
And in the end I get swallowed
858 · Jan 2014
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
I plucked an apple from the tree
I cut it in half
One for you and one for me

I eat it all but save a tiny seed
I plant it
So it can hold my hopes and my dreams

I nurture you until your tall
I remove the bandage and stick
It was a crutch so you wouldn't fall

You are a sapling a tiny sprout
Holding my dreams is what your about

Lightning strikes in the dark of night
You deserve to live so you will fight

Years later you bear your fruit
You have done more than thrived
But survived

If a gift of nature can do what it wants
Then so can I
832 · Nov 2013
An Angel's Love
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
You sit there and cried
About the man who has lied

That you thought that you loved
A match made from above

He cheated on you
With someone new

You scream out
Why me oh why

You hold a gun in your hand
Ready to die
Then a handsome angel
Descends from the sky

He grabs a hold of you
And hoists you up high
A tear escapes from your eye

You fly through the night
On a wonderful flight
Knowing that when he's holding you
Everything is all right
831 · Nov 2013
Piece Of Glass
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
Why are you so mean to me
What did I do to you
Am I not part of this family
Don't I deserve respect too

I feel like a piece of glass
Shattered from a mirror
Of my awful past
So I put on my mask

And I hide from you
You will not find me
I am now someone new

I cut you on the finger
As you try to clean the mess that you caused
And you try to ignore your flaws

You broke me
I'm shattered
I'm torn
And tattered

I am fragile
I am broken
I am a piece of glass
Just waiting for this torture to pass
823 · Nov 2013
Music Speaks
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
I love negative music
I hear it and I lose myself in it

It talks about anger and hate
It can leave you just wanting more

All the truth and pain
This is life and is not no game
And if there's one thing I can relate
It's hate
Me and music are like puzzle
A perfect fit

It gives me power
It make's me feel like this is my hour

I'm like a tower
Under you I will no longer cower

You think that I'm the ant and your the boot
It's time for you to change your route

It's the other way around
I squashed you on the ground
Finally you will not make a sound
823 · Jul 2013
My Wish
Natasha Smith Jul 2013
When you hurt me
I didn't care whether I lived or died
I wish you could have seen the times that I cried
It's all because of you
All the times you yelled
F* what you think
This is hell
I feel like your punching bag
And I think you should die ***
All feel now is rage and pain
And it's left me feeling tired and drained
You don't try to cooperate
And I wonder if this is my d*
So sometimes I wish I couldn't hear
And that I could ignore you forever
And live the rest of my life without fear
You will never be missed
You made me so ******
Now not being able to hear you is my only wish
812 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
Love it dose not exist
Happiness dose not exist
Pain exists
Maybe death is my wish
Than to live in my hell hole
Like this
806 · Feb 2014
The sky's lullaby
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
They first thing I notice when I look outside in the shield of night
Is the sky

How gently it carries its children
The moon, clounds and stars up high.

Carefull not to disturb them from their lullaby

How lucky up there it must be
careless loved and free

Yet I sigh thinking no one sung me a sweet song

Oh how I wish that was me
And wish no one done me wrong
788 · Feb 2014
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
You say that I should be ashamed of myself
Well I am only ashamed of being born
I think how easier your life would have been
If we never met
You would have not felt regret of having me
don't you see how free you would be
674 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
Im crying
You're lieng
And dieing
Im not loving or hugging you
Im  mad, never glad
Why am I so blue
635 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
A little girl gets taken away
From the only famliy she knows
Then it begins to snow
She cries out to her mommy
But she still turns her head
Then the little girl wispers
Mommy I wish you were dead
622 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
I go outside
Out for a walk
It starts to pour
Then I hear the thunder roar
I head home as fast as I can
And I think to myself ****
I see some lightning ahead
It gets closer and closer
It hits me
I'm dead
621 · Jun 2013
About Me
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
Not a smile every day person
Always trying to look on the brightside even if there isn't one
Turning my pain into words
A lot of hatred toward my biological family
Helpful with my family and friends
Angry at the world
621 · Feb 2014
Two sides of one's soul
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
You've heard the saying that there are two sides to every story
well mine has not been told
why dose there have to be two sides to only stories
why not souls

On the outside I look like stone on the inside I feel like a puppet being controled
by the two halves of my soul

What are they you might ask
well one looks happy
but the other transforms it into woe

You see this half harbours it's dispair and transforms everything into terrible emotions
knowing that if I let go of my anger then you think all is forgiven
Well I say hell no
I will never let go

Like I said there are two sides to every story and soul
it brings me happiness that mine was finally exposed
Some of these emotions are true not just for me but everyone.
It feels like I was cut in half and that half i can never reach. It feels like some of my essence is gone. Tell me do you feel this way too.
617 · Jan 2014
Once Upon a Tme
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
Oh how I wish we lived in a fairy tale story
where there is no evil
and no one will worry

No pollution
A place where love is the solution

Somewhere there is no guns and war
A place where we can get along

Without thinking about differences
Like color or race
Where no one will feel out of place

Because in my fairy tale book
There's always a happy end
Where you can find true love
And see the kindness in everyone

Each story would start with once upon a time
My world will be one without hate or crime
612 · Nov 2013
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
I do not smile
I do not laugh
I live my life in denial
Cause you were so vile

You may think of me as a happy person
But you don't know me

I always try to get by
With a smile plastered on my face
This is not the case

I am a master of deception
I am an exception

You see what I want you to see
You hear what I want you to hear
You see my fear

Am I a hermit because I like to be alone
No need for companionship
I am on my own
Just me and my heart of stone

I know when I'm alone no one will hurt me
Because if you seen what I've seen
You too would wish you were free
605 · Dec 2013
Angel of Death
Natasha Smith Dec 2013
I pick flowers in a meadow
I look ahead and see a shadow

He is angel of death
Clothed in black
He comes closer and I feel his icy breath

He removes his hood
And there we stood

We stare at each other
He looks in my eyes
And he see's the pain I hide

He grabs my hand
And he say's to come with me
I follow
So we can be free
595 · Jan 2014
Evil is always present
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
What is evil
Is it something that keeps us awake at night
Something that can give us quite a fright

Are you thinking that there's something near
Or are you just paranoid
Mistaking what you see and hear

Do you have a feeling that there's something under your bed
Maybe your fears are just in your head
Do you have a fear that you'll be dead

Evil is everywhere
Whether in your house or outside
But one things for certain
There's no where  you can hide
581 · Jun 2013
Pain is Me
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
You don't know me
Past my curly hair and tan skin
Because you don't know the pain that I'm in

In this big game of called life
I can never win
People tell me why do you complain
But they don't know about my pain

I always get to choose
How my life turns out
But no matter how I try
I always loose

My world is filled with nothing but distress
But when I die I can finally rest
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
What is hate
Is it just like love
we think we know
but yet our feelings remain oblivious
Is hate just a stir of negative emotions
are love and hate so different
we cant live with just one you see
because in order for one to exist It has to have the other
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
I run deeper into the forest
I stumble and fall
As the wolf approaches closer
Then the sun begins to rise
He changes into a man as he sheds his disuse
Love at first sight
As we glance in each others eyes
Then we lie in the forest
Till he has to run off in the night
560 · Feb 2014
What heaven would feel like
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fly
Not in an airplane
But with your wings spread wide
I have

It would be nice not to fear high places
So you can fly above people
and see the look on their faces

Id go near the water close enough to touch
Then id soar in the sky

Id visit all sorts of places not giving a care
If this is what heaven feels like
Then i am so glad im there
560 · Feb 2014
What is love
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
What is love
Does it make your heart ache
You think he doesn't feel the same way
It is more than you can take
Even if your just friends
Your heart hurts when you see him with somebody else
Then you think in your head I wish that was me
Your heart yearns for his smile, his laughter, his touch
Knowing inside, that the fear of not being together
is far to much
553 · Nov 2013
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
You stand atop of a high building
You look down
As you glance at the ground
You start to think what your feeling

Do you think I should jump
End this life now
If not here then when and how

You think about how the choices were weighed
And now you must lay in the grave that you made

You take a leap
Fall all the way down
Till you land in a heap
On the ground
552 · Nov 2013
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
Why am I so lonely
Am I my one and only

What did I do to deserve this
When all I want is companionship

I do not have a place
I could leave without a trace

Feeling like I could die
And I can not help but cry

Is this my fate
It's not one I want to create
But if I wait
It may be to late
543 · Nov 2013
Eyes Show Feeling
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
Some say that the eyes are window to the soul
But I believe that they are just a story to be told

They show fear
They show hate
They tell you when your heart aches

They show mystery
There a piece of history

They show love
They show pride
They tell people when you've cried

And yet I wonder though
What do your eyes show
517 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
I've never had to lookout for anyone else
but the one I do look out for is myself
When I wanted something
I had to get it
When I needed someone to talk to
I was there
And some might think I'm selfish
But I learned to look after myself
498 · Jun 2013
Blistering Fire
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
I stare deeply inside the fire
But if I touch it
It could be dire
It sizzles and sparks
But if I touch it
It can leave a mark
It can light up the night
With it's burning light
But if it dies out
We can't live without
We start to fear
That the end is near
490 · Nov 2013
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
You sit by the headstone
Of the lover you lost
Does his spirit still roam
Why was he taken from you and at what cost

You cry loud sobs of tears
Crying more loudly hoping he hears

You sense a presence
From beyond the grave
Praying that is you that he'll save

He's a ghost now you see
He's filled only with dread
A spirit to wander not free but dead

As  he reaches out to hug you
All around you see red
482 · Jun 2013
As Death Comes
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
I'm asleep in my bed
Then I feel a chill
So I head to the window sill
Its shut it tight
Must be my imagination
So I crawl back to bed
It happens again and I head window
I turn around and I  see a figure clothed in black
It's the grim reaper and he's comes for my soul
I don't even move
I'm not paralyzed with fear
As I whisper so quietly I'm so glad your here
479 · Jun 2013
Looking Glass
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
Are we that different
You and I
Do we both feel like the other one has died
So we cried
And sighed
We wished you never lied
I look in the mirror
And what do I see
My reflection
Guess what you're me
469 · Jan 2014
Stranger of the Night
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
Walking home I hear a sound
So I turn around
Nothing there
Must be my imagination
So I continue on my way
Behind me I see a figure
Lurking in the shadows
So I quicken my pace
He shows up in front of me
Fangs glinting in the moonlight
He bites me on the neck
And ignores my desperate pleas
Then he withdraws
And I fall on my knees
459 · Jan 2014
I feel just like you
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
Can you hear my heart beat
Is it an empty hole
Filled with nothing but dispair
Is it a pitiful place to keep my sorrow

Can you see my eyes cry like that of a rainstorm
Like a ship out on sea then they capsize and everyone dies

Can't you see that I bleed like you
I know I have my own feelings
I'm just trying to concore my own demons
Then I can express my feelings

So if I am just like you
Then why do you hate me like you do
446 · Feb 2014
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
Losing someone by death
Is not easier than
losing someone who never
even wanted you

I say this because if they
die at least you know
they loved you

This is why I try not
to love someone
For the fear of them
dying, of abandoning me
is too much for my
heart to take
435 · Jun 2013
When Dreams Turn
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
All you do is scream at me
This isn't no pleasant dream
Where you think that you fell
This isn't no dream
This is my living hell
I thought that you loved me
But you don't even care
This isn't no dream this is a nightmare
One I never can wake up from
And one that never gets done
429 · Feb 2014
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
To afraid to cry
To afraid to show you the feelings that I hide
But not afraid to die
To afraid to love
To afraid to show you the scars on my heart
Why am I afraid
When did this start
422 · Jul 2013
Natasha Smith Jul 2013
All the wounds I inflict on myself
Physical and emotional
Are bad for my health

I dig my nails into my skin
Keeping all my pain in
It first feels good and then it stings
412 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
385 · Jun 2013
Dark Nights
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
The stars shine bright
In the abssy of night
The wolves they howl at the moon
Im thinking if my sorrow will end soon
The wolves run wild
Like an unruly child
And run with a pack
Never looking back
Oh how I wish
That I could do that
385 · Nov 2013
Silent Tears
Natasha Smith Nov 2013
I cry silently
In the comfort of my room

I cry silently
Looking for solitude

I cry silently
Gazing at the moon

My cries remain silent while I wait for my doom

And it soon follows
There's a knock at my door

I go the other way and the door swings open

He's come for my soul and I tell him i'll not resist you so go on and take it

And when we leave this reaper and I
he has but one question why
367 · Jun 2013
Natasha Smith Jun 2013
Life has it's ups and downs
Most people embrace it wearing a frown
If only we could all just smile
The sun might shine warm and bright for a while
But the only thing I ever see is sorrow
It wont ever change by tommorow
343 · Jan 2014
My Thoughts
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
my eyes
filled with loneliness
my hair
a blackish brown
my smile has turned
into a frown
my heart is
longing to stop
finally im ready to drop
these are my thoughts

— The End —