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I tell myself its over.
That in a few months it won’t matter,
That this physical distance could somehow cure my pain.

But you hold me close.
Whisper empty words in my ear,
Use me once again to fulfill your lustful desires.

Then I’m invisible.
Breaking promises is your game,
Toss me aside to make room for the next player.

Now my heart is stone.
Numb to all feeling is my façade.
No one will ever damage me quite like you.
 Oct 2011 Natasha Pian
 Oct 2011 Natasha Pian
It wouldn't be all too bad being a storm,
giving people better appreciation
to celebrate nicer days.
Rippling the skies like waves of an ocean
not discriminative to any particle
of this industrial world.

To have been
and to never disappear
but still ever so temporary.
They do ****, but only on their bad days,
which all existence needs one or two.

Today storm, you missed me
but I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon.

— The End —