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Natalie Wood Mar 2013
1.That one special day in March where it's really warm.
2.The joyful laugh of a small child.
3.Asking questions.
4.Getting asked out by someone you like.
5.Realizing who your best friend is.
6.Seeing someone trust you.
7.Writing Poetry.
8.Making something amazing and destroying it.
9.Acting in Plays.
10.Making other people laugh.
It's not really a poem.
Natalie Wood Jan 2013
It sits in a little big house,
waiting to be taken away
to someplace make believe, and magical.

But the little big heart,
waited for an long, long time,
but it stayed in someplace real, and boring.

So the little big heart got itself up, and left the little big house,
because it was tired of waiting for something that may never come,
and so, little big heart made its way to someplace real, and magical.
Natalie Wood Mar 2013
It's a strange world, one so vastly small,
It can feel as if it will fit into the palm of your hand,
And stretch on forever and beyond.

There are monsters in this world,
And then there is me.

The monsters and me.

We will fight, and be slain,
They won't even know your name,
Scars will appear and fade.
But there are always the monsters and me.

Oh yes, there are monsters in this world,
The Monsters and you, too.

Maybe you will sometimes be the monster,
But as will I,
And even as you die the monsters will come,
Wait by your side.

They want to bring you down,
so that you're on the same level,
But we must become the one,
Who fight with the devil.

And even as I speak they surround me.

Will they ever let me be?
Natalie Wood Oct 2013
Slobbering slime rolls off its mouth
creepy crawlies are marching south
evil eyes and jiggly jowls,
sinister laughs and winning howls
a flash of teeth
from underneath,
a throaty growl
you sit, try not to yowl,
the bed will hide its enormous bulk,
these evil things will never sulk.
A shattering cry pierces the night,
now it’s time to run in fright.
You run and run and run and run
trying to escape to a midnight sun
you search for warmth, you search for heat
you can hear the pitter patter of shuffling feet
down the hall you scamper and dash
running away from the smell of ash.
You open the doors to your parents room,
hoping to escape the metallic vroom,
you dash and scurry up on to their bed,
and snuggle between them, your feet by their head.
They wake and ask “what’s wrong, dear?”
You answer with a tale drench in fear.
But Dada and Papa only smile at you.
They say, “follow us”, and you do.
They take you back, and turn the light on,
And show you the monsters, but now they are gone.
In their place sit ordinary things that your imagination makes,
And you realize that the monsters are fakes.
Natalie Wood Dec 2012
Slobbering slim rolls off its mouth
Creepy crawlies start marching south
Evil eyes and jiggly jowls,
Sinister laughs and winning howls
A flash of teeth,
From underneath
A Throaty growl
You sit, try not to yowl
The bed will hide its enormous bulk
Evil will never sulk
A shattering cry pierces the night
Now it’s time to run in fright
2013 © Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood Jan 2013
Mountain, sing me your song,
let me listen, let me sing along!

If I sing you my song, will you stay?
Will you never go away?

Mountain, I cannot not promise, but make no mistake,
I will stay here longer than I can stay awake.

My song is long and lonely,
As it is the one and only

I have lonely songs too,
I have one just for you.

Sing it to me,
Sing it, and be free

O, lonely mountain, can't you see?
You sing a song of great sadness, the same one as me.
2013 © Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood Dec 2012
Into the dark
the night
this is my favorite time of day
in the cover of dark
like a cloak around me
it hides me from the eye

the shadow of the trees
the wind wiping my face
the coyotes howling at the moon

the moon
the best thing in this night

I can hear the soft footfalls of dear
the creek in the trees
this is my night
my night to

my senses
I smell the moist moss

I get up
I run
into the dark of my night to live
this is my night of forever
until the rising sun calls me
out of the night
Into the light.
2010 © Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood Dec 2012
I start out as a small seed, pushed deeply underground,
then I am a sprout, small and happy.

I grow leaves and am bright and happy,
I have a head, small and green.

I burst through the green and reach for the sun!

The sun is beautiful, and I am a sun too,
But I am waiting for the moon. It is beautiful also.

I become the sun of the night,
And the second sun of the day.

I keep growing, and it becomes hard to look at the sun,
my head heavy with pedals, and seeds of my own.

Staring at the ground that I came from, and I drop my seeds.
And I start again, as a small seed, pushed deeply underground.
2012 © Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood Oct 2013
home is a palace
collected from mismatched limbs
and abstract ideas

walls are red and yellow laughter
built on the blue foundations of  a friendship
it is a couch made of quiet silver kisses and brown eyes

home is an memory
recalled from mouths rattling on
and unnecessary comforts
Natalie Wood Jun 2013
I can hear the song of thunder,
The pounding in my viens,
A heart to heart encounter,
An exchange with no need of names.
The water pouring from the heavens high,
A open heart to the rushing rains,
Slipping away in powerful tides,
These eyelids are just the window frames.
Wrote this during a HUGE thunder storm.
Natalie Wood Dec 2013
I see your words
but they swim past my eyes
and dart past meaning,
a fleeting fish from the abyss
of a mind.
A mind that has alway been kind,
That has always been softly spoken,
a mind awoken from a slumber of slurs,
and artificial words,
that created artificial worlds.

Yet even when our worlds collapse,
You insist on the playful insult,
and the teasing tone we take,
it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
But we don’t care,
You scream out a name unknown to me
as I whisper out a prayer ,
“This isn't fair.”
And we hear your silence like the echo of a drum
with its constant ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum
of emptiness, and loneliness and lowliness
along with every bad emotion that has ever been felt
by a teenager going through her faze of
hatred and self inflicted torture of the mind.

But through the dark of universes,
I hear your speech,
with words that shoot past my ears like stars
leaving a trail of chalky stardust
and dusty letters
to be unremembered by.
Galaxies glide by in this suspended time
and I realize that the words on your lips are not ours,

But mine.
Natalie Wood Dec 2012
We are the monsters,
We try to tell ourselves that we are not, but we are.
We destroy, we take, we want.
We are made of greed and anger and lust.
But we are mostly hate.
We are truly the monsters.
2012 © Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood Dec 2012
I smell dew in the air
yet the sun is setting
I see green of new grass
though first snow has fallen
I feel the sharp chill in the air
but the sun still shines
it is a strange wold
we live in
2013 © Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood May 2014
I feel your stones sink in me
they rest like broken bones trying to find there homes
nesting in a soul that’s plucked out like a bird,
shot down from the sky and is all you do ask “why?”
Your truth falls away, a glimmer of false hope that sits in the distance
and then it’s gone but all you left was resistance and you still take a stance.
No one can hear you but those that are dear to you and even they turn away their ear.
We are homeless here. We are hopeless here.
You still chase after it even when it’s gone and so on and on and on it goes
the bird shot down hobbles onto it’s toes and still tries to take flight
but not even with the will of its might
can it fly off and disappear into the cold night of our forgetfulness.
Natalie Wood Sep 2013
She is beauty
She is pain
She is fire burning through veins
She is hope
She is hate
She is loveless, not believing in fate
She is heaven
She is hell
She is locked away, her mind is her cell
She is you
And she is me,
She is hero, begging to be free.
Natalie Wood Dec 2012
Who am I to call you a misfit,
when I am one?

who am I to judge you,
When I am also to be judged?

Who am I?
Who am I?

Who am I to tell you who to be,
or how to be?

Who am I to tell you who you are
when the same question roams my mind?

Who am I?
Who am I?

I am me.
2013 © Natalie Wood

— The End —