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  Mar 2014 Natalie Oro
Your scent lingers
on the 200 thread count sheets
we bought the day that it rained
and perhaps it was the sky
shedding a tear
because we mustered up the pocket change
to have a warm bed to sleep in
at night.
I didn't do the laundry
and I probably won't for a while
and I'll tell myself it's because
I don't have enough pocket change
because I can't tell myself the truth.
Today I unplugged the refrigerator
in the apartment
I couldn't afford the electricity
because I couldn't muster up the pocket change.
It's been 6 days since you left
with a backpack of clothes
a bus ticket
and some pocket change.
Natalie Oro Mar 2014
He looks different since last time.
Perhaps you've forgotten,
preferring think of him
without a face
or even a name.

His kisses feel the same though.  
Too much tongue-
you always forget how much he uses.  
You take off your clothes like
a band-aid: all at once.  
You wait
in naked patience
for him to catch up.  

When he finally touches you
it is with passion, yes,
but not love-
you have felt enough of both
to know the difference.
Natalie Oro Mar 2014
I want to love you like it's my job-
to study for you, get a degree
that qualifies me
to fill your vacancies.
And if you accept,
I will love you with determination,
good team-building skills,
and attention to detail,
even on president's day.
I will love you overtime
but only
from monday to friday.

— The End —