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974 · Sep 2013
dancing with depression
natalie kate Sep 2013
tonight let’s take depression out into the night light
dress it up in heels and lipstick so it will be approved
but that night
out in the night light
will result in learning the niche
for fraud

tonight let’s take depression out into the moon light
the bottled poetry laying underneath the soil
I dig for it
to quench depression
for depression is thirsty
in need of relief

tonight let’s take depression into the darkness
here there is nothing for her to hide her naked person
she is exposed
she can do nothing but lay on her back
and feel like chill of sheets on her spine
as she takes over herself

tonight let’s take depression under the ground
the same place where the bottle of poetry lay
ironic isn’t it
the thing that put her there
lay the foundation
for where she would end up
628 · Sep 2013
natalie kate Sep 2013
you're obsessed with
feeling something.
remember when you felt that
for me?
now i'm old
worn out
no longer.
so you turn to your equivalent
of love
if you could be altered by my tears
maybe you'd love me..
543 · Sep 2013
natalie kate Sep 2013
it was the way
you spoke about her

your words at a whisper
hiding the tone of desire

and the way
i wish i heard that desire
in your words about me.

if only i was
459 · Dec 2013
natalie kate Dec 2013
you are so insignificant
just a small
but yet,
when you collide with someone else
you're something bigger.
for love.
but in reality
this world is big
and you must realize
you're all alone
in this
450 · Dec 2013
natalie kate Dec 2013
i keep reading
the old letters.
from the old you.
holding on to what you
used to be.
i cant grasp
the person who's in front of me today.
380 · Sep 2013
natalie kate Sep 2013
the house i live in
is burning to the ground
as i record the color of the flames
and the shadows they project on my skin.

— The End —