let me out, please
stop, I want off this
ride, hop an exit early,
and hide, surely that's
not too uncommon for
a mom and her depression
no recess in the home
of a parent with stress
and no where to go, roam
free my mind but my
body must stay here and
fear absorbs my joy like
a sponge, rob me of
life's little moments I
hear about, ***** grout,
tears and shout and
clean while she sleeps
and veg out, deep
in the bowels of my
mind I find the desire
to be let off this ride
no one to confide in
that I am beside myself
with rage, no pride,
pages get stagnant
unturned, unread, unsaid
let me off, scoff
at my selfishness,
I know I do,
but here I am
and I'm begging you.