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Jun 2013 · 553
The Zone
Natalie Jun 2013
Knowing you're weak.
Admitting defeat.
You can't do it alone.
Professionals you must seek.

You can't get on the right track.
You can't do this on your own.
You can't help yourself, you're useless.
You can't get in the zone.

You sit amongst the others.
You're one of them now.
The druggies, alchi's and young mothers.
These are your new friends.

Everyone needs help at times.
You're just beyond your own.
Everyone needs guidance.
To build a better zone.
Jun 2013 · 518
The Zone
Natalie Jun 2013
Knowing you're weak.
Admitting defeat.
You can't do it alone.
Professionals you must seek.

You can't get on the right track.
You can't do this on your own.
You can't help yourself, you're useless.
You can't get in the zone.

You sit amongst the others.
You're one of them now.
The druggies, alchi's and young mothers.
These are your new friends.

Everyone needs help at times.
You're just beyond your own.
Everyone needs guidance.
To build a better zone.
Natalie May 2013
one ... two ...breathe
Hi, my names no-one

three ... four ... breathe
I wonder if I am someone

five ... six ... breathe
I guess I could be anyone

seven ... eight ... breathe
But then I'd be known to everyone

nine ... ten ....
May 2013 · 587
Two or more
Natalie May 2013
Takes two.
Having fun.
Takes a few.

A day out isn't quite the same,
Its like a thunder storm,
Without the rain.

But what can you do?
What else have you got?
Talk to yourself?
Pretend they forgot?

Its not quite the same,
Having fun on your own,
Its not quite right,
Being alone.

Friends are they key,
The stars in your eyes,
The light in your lamp,
The truth to your lies
Apr 2013 · 328
Two or more
Natalie Apr 2013
Takes two.
Having fun.
Takes a few.

A day out isn't quite the same,
Its like a thunder storm,
Without the rain.

But what can you do?
What else have you got?
Talk to yourself?
Pretend they forgot?

Its not quite the same,
Having fun on your own,
Its not quite right,
Being alone.

Friends are they key,
The stars in your eyes,
The light in your lamp,
The truth to your lies.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Natalie Apr 2013
Why do you do it? What did I do?
I try to participate, but it's not good enough for you.

We sit here in a group and its me versus you.
I sit here on my laptop, hiding out of view.

You 3 are really head strong, a power unto yourself.
I'll just sit here;

Waiting for my chance to speak,
or is it my chance to be laughed out.
Ah well, I'll just sit here in silence.
I'm not good enough to shout.
Jan 2013 · 659
No-one Deserves to Hide
Natalie Jan 2013
You say things - unaudible,
"Cor look at that",
What does she think she's wearing,
She looks really fat.

You don't say it to their faces,
Though some comment as they pass by,
They accept that they are different,
But it doesn't mean they won't cry.

So why treat me so differently?
Just 'cause i'm the opposite of fat,
"Oh my god you're so skinny",
I don't like to hear that.

We all know we have problems,
Acne, bad teeth, no friends,
So why make each others lives harder?
And not bring problems to their ends.

Behind each happy smile,
Is a problem building up inside,
Help each other out,
No-one deserves to hide.
Sep 2012 · 514
Impossible Wish
Natalie Sep 2012
Asking the impossible
Wanting it so bad
Oh Santa won't you bring it me
It's making me so sad

Some say that I am lucky
Blessed beyond belief
But I just don't believe them
Give myself so much grief

The mirrors lie
My friends lie
My parents lie
Do I lie?

I buy cute dresses
They don't get worn
They're the pretty ones
The roses to a thorn

You'd think its easy
I just don't see it
Santa, please, for my wish
I just want to be it
Jul 2012 · 484
Dearest Rain
Natalie Jul 2012
Dearest Rain,

You are, how can I put this, a MASSIVE pain.
You've ruined my day, my week, my year,
You've certainly not helped me concur my fear.

You've DESTROYED my plans, my hopes and my desires,
For some people, though not sure how, you've created fires!

This week was to be a fresh start,
Instead I feel like I've DROWNED in the sea.
I had plans rain, beautiful plans,
Now you've stolen them away from me.

So here you have left me,
Sat inside, Moping.
Watching time pass me by,
Silently HOPING.


A patient soul x
Natalie Jul 2012
the blame,
the hate,
the pain.

the anger,
the confusion,
the why's.

your smile,
your confidence,
your direction.

your strength,
your passion,
your pride.
Jul 2012 · 368
Can You Tell?
Natalie Jul 2012
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Natalie Jun 2012
Once One
Always One

The End
Jun 2012 · 338
Natalie Jun 2012
Bright Eyes
Tired Eyes
Full of Tears
Full of Lies

Stop and Look
Listen and Wait
To know what they're Feeling
Open the Gate

To get to the Heart
You must find the Key
Look into their Eyes
What do you See?

They may not Tell you
But you can Guess
Read their Eyes
Relieve their Stress

Natalie Jun 2012
Set the scene,
Paint the picture,
Who is it?
Where are you?

Is it dark, cold and wet?
Or somewhere warm with someone you've met?

Are you happy and living the dream?
Splashing around in a cool, fresh stream?

Or are you running, hiding from life?
Wondering if that man is your brother, lost to strife?

Only you know,
Fight or flight,
Coward to the day,
Or courageous by night
Natalie Apr 2012
Look to the future,
Not to the past,
Although you enjoyed it,
It never should last.

To where you used to belong,
Seems so distant and far,
Shut off and closed,
No door left ajar.

Ignore what you used to have,
Friends, colleagues, good times,
Remove all the photographs,
And forget all the rhymes.

Memories gone. Laughter gone,
Forgotten times, but don't be low,
Look to the future,
Now you're just history that I used to know.
Apr 2012 · 519
Natalie Apr 2012
Hi... Hello ... Yoo Hoo ... Cooee,
Excuse me,
Do you remember me?

5 foot 9,
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes,
Oh you do?
That is a surprise!

Well now you've remembered,
Lets not break the norm,
Go on, forget me,
Back on finest form.

Those you once knew,
May never come back,
But hey they're human,
Let's cut them some slack...
Apr 2012 · 530
Natalie Apr 2012
Turns to Heartache
Turns to Red
Turns to Sadness
Turns to Blue
Turns to Grey

— The End —