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Natalie Jun 2013
Knowing you're weak.
Admitting defeat.
You can't do it alone.
Professionals you must seek.

You can't get on the right track.
You can't do this on your own.
You can't help yourself, you're useless.
You can't get in the zone.

You sit amongst the others.
You're one of them now.
The druggies, alchi's and young mothers.
These are your new friends.

Everyone needs help at times.
You're just beyond your own.
Everyone needs guidance.
To build a better zone.
Natalie Jun 2013
Knowing you're weak.
Admitting defeat.
You can't do it alone.
Professionals you must seek.

You can't get on the right track.
You can't do this on your own.
You can't help yourself, you're useless.
You can't get in the zone.

You sit amongst the others.
You're one of them now.
The druggies, alchi's and young mothers.
These are your new friends.

Everyone needs help at times.
You're just beyond your own.
Everyone needs guidance.
To build a better zone.
Natalie May 2013
one ... two ...breathe
Hi, my names no-one

three ... four ... breathe
I wonder if I am someone

five ... six ... breathe
I guess I could be anyone

seven ... eight ... breathe
But then I'd be known to everyone

nine ... ten ....
Natalie May 2013
Takes two.
Having fun.
Takes a few.

A day out isn't quite the same,
Its like a thunder storm,
Without the rain.

But what can you do?
What else have you got?
Talk to yourself?
Pretend they forgot?

Its not quite the same,
Having fun on your own,
Its not quite right,
Being alone.

Friends are they key,
The stars in your eyes,
The light in your lamp,
The truth to your lies
Natalie Apr 2013
Takes two.
Having fun.
Takes a few.

A day out isn't quite the same,
Its like a thunder storm,
Without the rain.

But what can you do?
What else have you got?
Talk to yourself?
Pretend they forgot?

Its not quite the same,
Having fun on your own,
Its not quite right,
Being alone.

Friends are they key,
The stars in your eyes,
The light in your lamp,
The truth to your lies.
Natalie Apr 2013
Why do you do it? What did I do?
I try to participate, but it's not good enough for you.

We sit here in a group and its me versus you.
I sit here on my laptop, hiding out of view.

You 3 are really head strong, a power unto yourself.
I'll just sit here;

Waiting for my chance to speak,
or is it my chance to be laughed out.
Ah well, I'll just sit here in silence.
I'm not good enough to shout.
Natalie Jan 2013
You say things - unaudible,
"Cor look at that",
What does she think she's wearing,
She looks really fat.

You don't say it to their faces,
Though some comment as they pass by,
They accept that they are different,
But it doesn't mean they won't cry.

So why treat me so differently?
Just 'cause i'm the opposite of fat,
"Oh my god you're so skinny",
I don't like to hear that.

We all know we have problems,
Acne, bad teeth, no friends,
So why make each others lives harder?
And not bring problems to their ends.

Behind each happy smile,
Is a problem building up inside,
Help each other out,
No-one deserves to hide.
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