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3.7k · Sep 2010
My big brother
It's a change in our lives
You were always by my side
now you aren't there
I miss you terribly
Not a day goes by that you aren't in mind
Come home to an empty house
There's no noise just silence
A terrible hole
Miss your laughter and smile
The joy you bring to my life
My big brother
1.3k · Sep 2010
I'm right in front of you
Don't you see me
Am i invisible?
Icould be the joy in your life
But you keep looking
Looking for what?
You get hurt
And i am there
But you still don't see me
883 · Sep 2010
Mom the gentle flower
She a gentle flower swaying in the breeze
Standing alone but strong and proud
Beautiful petals around a long thin stalk
A breeze can't ruffle any petals
Taking care, making food
Will fight to survive in a hail storm
Can brighten any ones day with a radiant smile
Anchored to the ground
No one can move her
Can't last forever
But will be remembered
Leaving lasting impressions
To the worlds most amazing and strong mother
810 · Sep 2010
Bars on the windows
Trapped inside
No escape
No way to relieve your pain
Locked inside your own thoughts and fears
Uncontrollable sadness
Many people around you
Yet you feel all alone
768 · Nov 2010
Who knew someone so beautiful
Could be hurting so badly
Most precious human being around
That i wish you could see
The book i long to read and understand
The smile which i hope could be real one day
Amazing eyes hiding hurtful memories
My only wish is that you are set free
762 · Nov 2010
Milly 2
I don't want to be your saviour
But i wish you  would believe in me like i believe in you
Let go and let me catch you
Protect you from the outside world
Pick you up whenever you fall
Let me be the one to hold you when you don't want to hold on anymore
Just let me be that one for you
736 · Sep 2010
That day
The blackness of a  hole
A hole of dissappiontment you left me with
I had hopes and dreams
Dreams you stripped me of
You were my life
Meant to be together for ever
I died the day you told me you don't love me
714 · Nov 2010
That bottle
That bottle that we all turn to
Full at the beggining, empty at the end
The same way it makes us feel
Clear glass as it's all so simple
Yet the reasons we turn to it aren't
A friend in company and an enemy alone
As the bottle stands so do you
As it falls you fall with it
676 · Nov 2010
My "twin"
Will there ever be words to describe someone so amazing
My best friend
The one i cry with the one i smile with
The one i hold closest to my heart
The one to hold my hand through it all
The one i wish i could give the world to
The one which i owe my life
The one i love most in this world
The one that is my guardian angel
611 · Sep 2010
I'm scared
I'm scared
I want to love you
I want to protect you
Keep you safe
Let nothing hurt you
I want to make you fight
Fight for a life worth living
I'm scared i give you my heart
And then you're gone
609 · Sep 2010
Light of my life
You came into my life
With no expectations
Only wanting to give your heart
You make my day with a briliant smile
Transfixed by your eyes
Your the light of my life
605 · Sep 2010
I never got to choose any of you
Didn't have a choice what family
But if i did
I wouldn't change any one of you
A family full of love and support
A circle filled with happiness and joy
I am blessed to have all of you in my life
I love you with all my heart
To the most amazing family one could ask for
599 · Sep 2010
Simple touch
The simple touch you gave to me
The simple touch you did to me
Made rivers flow
Brought all security to come down
Home not a safe haven any more
Emptyness with someone next to me
Reminds me of what you did to me
The touch you did took me away
Took the ability to love and trust
I am just a body waiting to fade away
597 · Sep 2010
You turned my life upside down
I'm haunted by your face
Memories always in my head
But you go on as normal
You tore me apart
Took a knife to my heart
Everything around me came crashing down
I felt i would never be able to get up
Strangled by pain
Pain you caused
558 · Sep 2010
I need an angel
An angel to take my pain away
Stop the tears from flowing
Release me from a world of fear
A world of lonliness and sadness
Come rescue me from this life
Take me to safety
My angel
556 · Sep 2010
You were apart of my life
Didn't see you much
Didn't play a big part
But when you passed
It stil left a hole in my heart
Wish i could have known you more
It tears me apart
To know that i can't change it now
554 · Sep 2010
My angel
I woke up in the morning
to the pain of you being taken away from me
Oh the agony of it all
The needle to 'fix' it all
My body can't control itself
And my head not knowing the consequences
Wrapped up in an open gown
I'm rolled away
To decide your fait
517 · Sep 2010
I carry you around my neck
When i could have carried you in my arms
I imagine your face
When i could have seen it
I think of you
When i could have been with you
I cry
When you could have been crying
I smile when i think of you
Just hope that you smile when you think of me
You know who you are i'll always carry you in my heart and around my neck and i know you holding my hand every step of the way.
506 · Sep 2010
One night, one sight
Who would have thought it possible for us to meet
One night, one sight
Can it be possible?
For something to happen so easily
Something that shouldn't only be friendship
Something more
Who knows what will happen
Always living in the unknown
Wondering what's next
A chance of happiness?
500 · Sep 2010
I wonder
I wonder if i ever cross your mind sometimes
I wonder if you really love me
Or are you just trying to keep me on a string for a maybe
Or was it an easy way out
Do you even cry about losing the one you said was your only
Cause i do
481 · Sep 2010
Our lives might change
We could move apart
But no matter how far we are apart
Nothing will change the memories we share
The wonderful friend i will always remember
The days you were always by my side
No space apart, no border or ocean between us
Can change the friendship we share
To an amazing friend who now resides in Austrailia
457 · Sep 2010
Set me free
Pull me up from the weights holding me
Set me free to spread my wings
Open my heart to possibilities
Change my world
Remove the walls surrounding me
Break the fears holding me back
Inspire me to be great
Hold my hand
451 · Sep 2010
Love is unconditional
With two people that share a strong bond
Love has acceptance
You stand by the ones you love
When you are able to trust the person to share things with
Love is abstract
A rare gift
Willing to give anything for it
Love is an addiction
Random thoughts on love
443 · Sep 2010
Me as a cloud
I wandered lonely as a cloud
There but partly transparent
People don't take much time to look at me
I merely exist
Expected to always to be there when you turn to me
Look like all the others from one glance
But take time to spend with me and you'll see
I'm different
I disappear into a dark black hole
A place to hide
A soft appearance, easily hurt
Change form to suit others
Floating along waiting to be seen

— The End —