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 Sep 2015 Naomi Milman
don’t get attached
if you think boiling water hurts  
and if you think fire burns
than you’ve never grown attached
to someone
who’s ended up whispering goodbye in your ear
without giving it a second thought
i promise you
it is going to burn more than a third degree
it will go deeper than your skin
and your bones
and you will lose track
of where it spreads in your body
and long after you’re gone
someone will find the flicker of a flame
in the midst of your ashes
and wonder
what could have possibly been
powerful enough
to ignite a fire
so long lasting
 Sep 2015 Naomi Milman
i’m happier now
but some nights are harder

at the last party
we all took a shot
we danced and had fun
but as i felt the tequila burn my throat
i wished i could always feel my pain
like this
because i’d rather it burn
than rip me to shreds
because i’d rather it burn
than tear me apart

and if you think tequila burns you should try living in the dark
if you think tequila burns you should try wanting someone

if you think
tequila burns
you should think
of the last time someone held you

if you think tequila burns
try thinking of every beautiful moment you’ve ever had
relive it in your head
go through the motions
and go take another shot
 Sep 2015 Naomi Milman
and just like that  
we’re back where we started
you have this uncontrollable power over me
and you manage to tear me apart without even trying
you cause the kind of scars band aids can’t fix
you cause the kind of pain aspirin can’t numb

and just like that
we’re back where we started
i’m left here hurting like hell
i’m left here with an ache in my chest
because of something you said

and just like that
we’re back where we started
you’re probably not even thinking of me
because you didn’t even think twice
when you spoke those words to me

and just like that
we’re back where we started
you put me out like i was
your five minute cigarette break
you lit me up for the slightest instant

and just like that
we’re back where we started
you have this uncontrollable power over me
 Sep 2015 Naomi Milman
holy ****,the thought of you, with her, makes me sick to the stomach. she’s beautiful and so sweet. and i’m sure she’s everything i’m not. and god, i hope she makes you happy. i hope she knows how lucky she is. i hope she looks into those chocolate brown eyes of yours and gets lost in the beauty of who you are. i hope she kisses you and tastes the charm at the tip of your tongue. i hope she doesn’t make the same mistakes i made. i hope she knows how to love you the way you deserve to be loved. i hope she thanks her lucky stars every night that she has you.
 Sep 2015 Naomi Milman
he’s sensitive. god he’s so sensitive. don’t push jokes too far, he’ll get offended.
he’s thoughtful, he’ll remember every important day and everything you’ve ever said.
he’s dedicated, he’ll do everything to make your relationship work.
that includes staying up late to talk to you,
but giving you space when you need it.
he’ll do everything and anything to keep a smile on your face.
he’ll write letters when he can’t find the right words to say at the right time.
he’ll hold you when you cry and he won’t let go, ever.
he’ll tell you everything you want to hear and he’ll compliment you to no end,
especially when you don’t believe him.
he’ll give you a long romantic speech about how much he values you
but he’ll also tell you everything he wants to do to you.
he looks like a god without a shirt on, and his lips taste like handpicked stars
he’ll make you his priority, don’t take him for granted.
he loves being reminded you care, even if it’s a random ‘i love you’ in the middle of the day.
don’t use his past against him, he’s trying to move on.
he loves being given a window into your soul, open up to him.
he’s terrified of failure, remind him that he’s good enough.
watch him play football. he'll show off for you and his *** looks chiseled by the gods in those shorts.
he loves you for your personality, but he’ll appreciate seeing what’s underneath every once a while
he’ll get jealous, reassure him he’s the only one you want.
he loves it when you wear lace underwear and his favorite color on you will be navy blue.
he’ll want to show you off, let him.
he’s going to try and make every moment perfect, let him
love him unconditionally, he’s not perfect, but he deserves it.
he’ll treat you like the whole world, return the favor.
 Sep 2015 Naomi Milman
 Sep 2015 Naomi Milman
i love him despite his imperfections.
i love him despite the mistakes we’ve both made
i love him despite how much we’ve hurt each other
i love him unconditionally because that’s what i promised him
i love him because i know that what we had can’t be replicated
our love wasn’t easy or simple or straightforward
it was insane, and it was an absolute force of nature: destructive at times, but when it was good, **** it was great
we made each other happy
despite the arguments and the fights, we loved each other so much it hurt.
we were a couple of children but god it was magical
i love him because he said a part of him would always love me
i love him because he said that if it weren’t for anyone else, we’d still have a chance
i love him because i believe in what we had

— The End —