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Naomi Carter Dec 2012
Oceanic diamonds
A gleaming sky of ice
Caressing sands of time
An unconditional embrace
Liquid gold, the draught of life
Bleeding, pouring, watching, waiting
My greatest love and greatest fear
Naomi Carter Dec 2012
Freckled smile
Laughing eyes
Midnight locks
Expectant lips
Sarcastic kiss
Naomi Carter Dec 2012
I feel like two people in one,
Either complete control or none.
Passive agressive.
Wildchild, on top of the world,
Too numb to care or worry. But happy.
Doing well, but
The restraint of patience burning at my insides.
Caring too much or too little?
Thinking too much.
I never know.
Right feels wrong,
But wrong feels wrong too.
Young but too old,
Still too old to feel so young.
A ticking bomb.

— The End —