when i was a kid tech was fcking expensive so video game consoles were fcking out off reach and so i did what was there to do read comics man tons of comics tons of fcking story books end off transmission man
i do not understand why my particular choice of configurations are soo much hated man it is just one off the many configurations that can exist that is it its just a config mann and there are many outt there
oh my gosh mom is making tea oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh im not the kind off mathematician who turns coffee into theorems i m the kind off mathematician who turns **** tea into **** theorems excuse my french but its a free world
its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better its gonna gett better
people look good 99 percent off times 1 percent well god =bless theses doomed 1 percent off the ugly humans may they r.i.p ___good luck _my ugly____humans
when aliens come and fck up humanity and i m given a chance to decide i m gonna say this let theses ******* live but send mi some place so farr away theses ******* will never reach and find for ever
hey man i m not sure but may b there is a 99.9999999 9999999 percent chance that no matter how bad the situation there is awayy out if you just try amen god speed good luck
happiness is gone the money is gone the field is gone ............................................................... all gone ....................................