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nvinn fonia Dec 2021
i got myself a new crusade i will spend the absolute minimum on food as loww as i can go the absolute least and food will still taste the same good
nvinn fonia May 2022
why do i *** here to write my stupid *** bits
nvinn fonia May 11
heyy mann  nepal  is better so is bhutan so is leh but i m not from there for me it is easy to go 2 bampa
nvinn fonia Jan 26
i mean i think once i gett it that is it and now i get it i rEALY GET IT NOW
nvinn fonia Jun 2020
here is what i thinkk i think math is a son off a ***** a wild animal like a lion for fck sake you havv to tame that sonn off a ***** and that is where  the pleasure comes from tacking this beast that's the funn part
nvinn fonia Sep 2023
i just write what is around me i m an action in that way i guess that is right
nvinn fonia Jul 2022
hapy now just now like a wave man
nvinn fonia Dec 2016
evn more
wt i was
immeasurable the - wild/beckons/ ribbons and knots
knots what for/ door to door

day/&night; /
i was
i would

on my side

Arendition again  again
and whatever moreover all oveer the leftovers
rose swells . fine
nvinn fonia Mar 2021
i fcking wonder what rights do all you ***** havv to live think about it
nvinn fonia Dec 2021
after 12 years of warr in no wARR noww
nvinn fonia May 3
so empty __nothingto sayyjust lots off feelings mayb its the contradictions __-that cAUSES this abstractions
best i can describe
nvinn fonia Mar 4
help me build a  better world
nvinn fonia Feb 2021
that makes getting 2 rich absolutely redundant man
nvinn fonia Apr 2021
man i see something new something good every time i think aboutt it man every time i think about it
nvinn fonia Dec 2021
as long as as *** is *** is *** is *** something familiar almost there
nvinn fonia Sep 5
im a mathematician
albeit a funny mathematician but  one day god willing or not i will b a world class mathematician
nvinn fonia Oct 2021
what won't **** you creates more options
nvinn fonia Aug 2022
addicted in deep addicted in deep addicted in deep addicted in deep addicted in deep
nvinn fonia Dec 13
william gibson +_+carl segan+ newton_+an endless others pillars off something deep
nvinn fonia Feb 15
hey man you b cautious this is devious
nvinn fonia Apr 28
nvinn fonia Jul 27
you people are no where near to perfection in the fine and the very elaborate art of strategic deception  ....... a long wayy to goo man ......
nvinn fonia Aug 2022
bo@boo:~/Desktop$ sudo su
[sudo] password for bo:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for bo:
root@boo:/home/bo/Desktop# fs=$(df / | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d' ') && tune2fs -l $fs | grep 'Filesystem created'
Filesystem created:       Sun Mar 28 15:56:08 2021
nvinn fonia Apr 2023
friendly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
nvinn fonia May 20
practically there
nvinn fonia Mar 2023
i do know something and from theses somethings i try to know more and more things and eventually everything or at-least  absolutely the abilities to know a lott off things
nvinn fonia Jun 2023
idont blame anybody turns outt when i goo hapy i love everything everybody
nvinn fonia Feb 19
to b good is my only hope now cause the wicked are a different breed al together __period
nvinn fonia Nov 13
do nt stop calculatingBECASUSE  i don't know the because but do nt stop calculating
nvinn fonia Mar 2020
our people  havv taken controll off the nation this is the end we aree free
nvinn fonia Dec 2016
( projected .mediocre , mister
faires in ferries  shimmering  dearest of stories
  / wings

  an artt decoo sire,,,a purple tea *** in which we drink our tea,

,,mirrors,,, the very best in the pristine

the mannequins,,all the more

the -buddha,
the-rider,, the- boxes,,

iff only i may
nvinn fonia Nov 21
here is an idea i invented just noww movies games music novels social media knowledge all created totally by one  algorithm -family  to serve all your entertainment needs
nvinn fonia Jul 27
what a world what a combination.... what a configuration .... i m flabbergasted...........
nvinn fonia Nov 13
ihave acome across a new bussiness idea pants that require no belts that is it
nvinn fonia Aug 2023
iff i ever do it then that's it man it will show al peole are at equal footing etc etc etc you get it i thinkk
nvinn fonia Dec 2016

     still passionate  though

"a simpleton, gives wayy too ".

the excerptluxomberg-
along the /tumultus ,dry
the same dayy
it coms  2 itt noww,,a cold..trance ,, embezeled

!! forr ,regressed. ,thoseof us VISIBL- Keene

it is finally-plenteous

breathing!a more juniper

. . cold. \ invisible,grooming////
  turns outt
nvinn fonia Sep 2023
exictment exictment a  loop
finally comming truuuu
nvinn fonia Jul 2021
lie a little bit lie now fck sake man
nvinn fonia Feb 2021
a billion reasons to live to live safe to see the other dayy i mean come on man there are 7 or 8 major math topics and hundred of sub topics that's like more than a 100 reasons to live man in math alone
nvinn fonia Nov 20
all i  KNOW is I M "right" ALL I NEED IS SOME intellectual credibility _________
nvinn fonia Jan 2023
o k then here it goes man i wanna slip a laptop mentor  an internet ****  a hamburger lie to a  a chocolate and subscribe  a neww life that is it
nvinn fonia Nov 25
The Sydney Morning Herald
Veterans may feel it is overly familiar but Gladiator is a quality action game.
nvinn fonia Nov 2023
i fcking know there are good things about life but alll off them are little elusive they require a lott off prerequisites the likes off which are hard for most peole to hav  a handle on there you have it "the human condition  """""
nvinn fonia Mar 27
iwant to go deeper________the rest is ?????????????
nvinn fonia Jan 2022
i have no fcking idea but you might just know what it means______ finality man
nvinn fonia May 12
now iwill tell you why i m here there is no place left_for mykind
nvinn fonia May 12
ithought you hav  an answer
nvinn fonia May 2022
indifferent to modes&me_ all existing all  mine smallest places ///////aces of faces
that-they   wanted wasted \
is a replay is( is) _a shift-to lift
cups of tea a tea *** preserved nowhow
_ a _sought ////////////awrought i bought |\
modals static churn out thehoney,bunny  
calculating the moves noww
lines in blue never bend only  grow|more or less |
in blue like i said|
forever a bird  birds so it is so b it
so  it is  wherever/whatever some/birds all the/leftovers
nvinn fonia Feb 2022
iwill always miss you sherra may b you will come back soon some day man
nvinn fonia May 2021
no there is no need from one ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, how wll you fck  with  them humans most off you ................................. you humans ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the hell you made it this farr
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