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Jan 2017 · 242
Nancy Kapoor Jan 2017
Left home in the morning
Excited to spend the day with friends
Aware of the fact that i need to be home
Much Before the sun sets.

Not because i had to rest well For my exam tomorrow,
Not because i had to go to work early,
It was because we live in a society
Where i could be ***** if i walked home alone,
When it is dark already..

I am getting cold feet
As am walking alone towards my home
I see him walking towards me

"You are a piece of meat for me,"
Told he,

I start running
I am panting
He runs behind me faster
Grabs me,slaps me and drags me
Drags me into the bushes
Helplessly i resent

Thats when i wake up
I wake up disturbed
I am perspiring
Thinking what a **** victim must have underwent!

It is not your fault
Because you wore a short
It can't be a reason for assault
They are debaucher
They don't need a reason
They just need a prey.
And We need to deal with them,straightaway.

Though we are walking alone
We can't be a victim
Our life cant come to a standstill
For few scoundrels

Lets Stand up for ourselves
Learn to fight
Be bold
Lets just not moan..

we need to make this world a better place for our daughters
We need to get rid of these rotters

Oct 2016 · 359
Nancy Kapoor Oct 2016
This Girl who is sitting in the corner,a little afraid of speaking her mind
Scared of being judged
Worried about coming across too bold
Because she needs to" behave like a Girl,",
Thats what she has always been told
A dreamer, an achiever,she wants to have an identity of her own
She is ready to disagree,have an opinion and has a mind of her own
Let her be herself and live life on her own terms
Let her make mistakes,take risks,love again,
She is a strong girl,will be a stronger woman,a loving sister,a selfless mother,a caring daughter
A successful writer,teacher or an entrepreneur
Whatever she choses to be tomorrow
A girl today,
She will be your pride tomorrow!!

— The End —