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596 · Dec 2017
Gladiolus (For My Mother)
Tsunami Dec 2017
Blooming in the heart of the sky
Gentle and free
Like a vibrant butterfly
You're a gladiolus
Supreme in it's strength
And you're so beautiful
You're heaven sent
You're gracious
A melanin queen
Your smile is like diamonds
At the bottom of a clear stream
You are the moon and the sun
Your laughter is infectious
And your presence feels like a warm embrace
You have an aura so luminous
It brightens up my world on my cloudiest days
570 · Nov 2017
One of A Kind
Tsunami Nov 2017
Insignificant, unimportant, inconsequential
People would look past me
They couldn't see that I had potential
I yearned so badly to be counted in
But instead I was counted out
Which led me to start following trends
But I soon took another route
Distinctive, unique, idiosyncratic
that's what I am
with melanin infused skin
flourishing in black girl magic
I love being unique
I vibrate your soul when I speak
I have an aura so strong
it'll sweep you right off of your feet
I love being different
I'm one of a kind
The entire sun is wrapped around my soul
Through my eyes it shines
© Imani Tsunami
360 · Nov 2017
Black Girl
Tsunami Nov 2017
Black Girl
Although your thick hair doesn't flow
It blooms like a flower as it grows
Black Girl
You are an exquisite being
Handcrafted by the likes of God
You were created with honey, brown sugar, chocolate and gold
You have a radiant aura and a beautiful soul
Black Girl
You are a Queen
Love the skin you're in
You are beautiful outside
As well as within
Black Girl
You rock
You are amazing in every single way
And don't forget that you were fearfully and wonderfully made
350 · Nov 2017
Witch Hazel
Tsunami Nov 2017
You put a spell on me
I've never felt this way before
How can this be?
You got me in a trance
I fell in love at first glance
Kissed my third eye
Now you're in all of my visions
Before I met you, I wasn't whole
You were the puzzle piece that was missing
Infatuated with you
An intense feeling of deep affection
I am so thankful for you
You're my greatest blessing
Witch Hazel
You put a spell on me
I want this forever
For eternity
© Imani Tsunami
339 · Jan 2018
Tsunami Jan 2018
AmeriKKKa, AmeriKKKa
How beautiful is she?
Land of the whites, land of the free
Our ancestors built this country off of the strength of their backs
And for nothing, we get ridiculed and attacked
Wounded by society, weeping justice and singing our plight
Blasting ravenous fists in the air with all of our might
Raging voices at the top of our lungs saying "Fight!!!"
But for what? Black lives don't matter here
In AmeriKKKa, they splatter here
White man's reign of terror, got us living in constant fear
Blood splatter everywhere, they got blood on their hands
Unarmed black man riddled with bullets while complying to commands
But AmeriKKKa is great right?
AmeriKKKa, AmeriKKKa!
She was never great
This is the land of injustice and the land of hate
© Imani Tsunami
322 · Feb 2018
Anthurium/Yellow Canary
Tsunami Feb 2018
Fascinating song in harmony made me its slave
Playing in a loop, I got it on replay
I'll give you my violin playing soul and all of its alluring notes
I'll submerge you in my aura soft as rose petals in spring coats
The garden is my body and the river is my soul
It's all for you, you make me feel whole
When the garden is vacant, you plant all the seeds
Removing all of the weeds
Giving it the solicitude that it needs
At the river, you love to stay
Is this a dream?
I surely don't want to wake
I can gaze at you all day
Capturing the beautiful essence of your face  
I awakened to a yellow canary singing me a song  
Fluttering oh so freely all morning long
Graciously you linger, I can't help but stare
Fluttering oh so freely without a care
When I look into your eyes I see the light blue skies
When you look into mine you see the sun shining bright  
My Anthurium, you feel like home
You've given me a love I've never known
Your heart beats in sync with my own  
You make me feel like I can do anything
You make me feel like a winner
You love me when the world doesn't
To you, I'm more than just a sinner
© Tsunami
321 · Dec 2017
Depression & Anxiety
Tsunami Dec 2017
Depression is when you feel nothing at all
Anxiety is when you feel entirely too much
It's like a constant wrestling match inside of my head
I'm ready to tap out, for I have had enough
I am bombarded by a cacophony of demonic voices inside of my head
Telling me that I am not good enough
Or that I am better off dead
"Get over it, stop feeling sorry for yourself" they say
Do you people really think that I like feeling this way?
In a state of general unhappiness or despondency
Suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain
On the inside I feel dead
I'm tired of people saying that it is all in my head
Sanity kissed me passing on depression
Who later became my new best friend
From feeling happy to angry to extremely sad
It's a reoccurring cycle that will never end
Depression doesn't come in waves
It feels like a whole ocean
And these days I'm drowning
In a deep sea of emotions
283 · Nov 2017
Keep Going
Tsunami Nov 2017
Unable to be seen
Not visible to the eye
Concealed from sight
That's what I felt like
Of only moderate quality
Not good nor bad
That's what I was

I tried so hard to take one step ahead
But with every step I took
I fell back harder instead
The voice in my head told me that I had to keep going
But how could I without even knowing
Where to go
It's true in life you will fall down
You have to pick yourself up off of the ground
I know it's hard, but you've gotta keep going
I know that you may be going through more than you're showing

You might be witnessing the end of something that you thought would last
But you've got to accept it
Move on from the past
You have got to keep going
For if anything is important it is you
Pain doesn't last forever
Neither does troubled times
Just keep pressing forward
And try to maintain a positive mind
Please remember that everything is temporary
I know sometimes that load gets way too heavy to carry
But you have got to keep going
© Imani Tsunami
247 · Nov 2017
Golden Girl: The Sequel
Tsunami Nov 2017
Golden girl, your beauty reminds me of dawn  
Like the flowers blossom
Golden girl, you are radiant  
Didn't you know that you were awesome?
Don't be afraid to shine
You are beautiful and oh so divine
Golden girl, your soul is luminous
You are pure magic
If you can't see that
Then that's tragic
Even on the days you don't feel your magic
Your magic still sparkles within
Love yourself when the world doesn't
Feel comfortable inside of your skin
Let me tell you a secret
There is no definition of beauty  
Because beauty is within you
So, hold your head up
Smile bright
And keep a positive attitude
Who is Golden girl?
Golden girl is me, Golden girl is you
And we can do anything we put our minds to
245 · Mar 2018
Tsunami Mar 2018
Hardworking like Ogun
But you're definitely Chango
Alluring and charming
I'm enchanted by your word flow
Infatuated by the way your words wrap around my soul
Your essence is worth far more than pure gold
Your lashes kiss your skin
Like the horizon and sea
Reuniting after years of absent sun
Your eyes are like limpid pools of desire waiting to draw me in
So mesmerizing, I'm stuck in a trace
That I don't want to end
Your smile is comforting like the warmth of spring
Your laugh brings me joy
It's like hearing the canaries sing
And your skin...
Infused with melanin
Soft, fine and lustrous
Your deep brown skin
You're the heat of summer's fire
There is no one I desire...
But you
© Tsunami
Tsunami Dec 2017
Some days I wish I was a kid again
Memories so sweet
Sugar coated with cinnamon
Used to spend all night watching orange cassette tapes
Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil on their great escapades
Used to wish I had Max and Emmy's magic dragon scale
I always wondered what it was like being in a dragon tale
Imagination was all that I had
I used to talk to myself
People thought I'd gone mad
I always dreamed of palaces on pallets
I even fell down the rabbit hole a couple of times with Alice
I shut reality up and went straight to Dreamland
I was happy alone
I didn't need a friend
It was easier being a kid
Oblivious to all of the struggles that my mother hid
I know it will never be the same
It's crazy how fast things change
I wish I could go back in time
Back when everything was alright
Stay young at heart always..Have childlike curiosity & imagination at every age .. What a gift!
215 · Nov 2017
Dear Heart Breaker
Tsunami Nov 2017
Dear Heart Breaker,
I hope you're happy now
I hope you know that you're the reason why I lost my smile
Oh, Dear Heart Breaker
Why'd you tear me to pieces?
You told me you changed
Stupid me
I believed it
The lies slid off of your tongue like venom from a snakes bite
I was poisoned by your words
They were so smooth like a lullaby
Those sweet nothings felt like silk on my ears
I told you everything
All of my secrets
All of my fears
You hardened my heart like concrete
When you chose to leave I felt empty
I felt incomplete
How many hearts does it take to fill up yours?
I wish I could take back all of the love I've selflessly poured into you
© Imani Tsunami
208 · Dec 2017
Love Yourself
Tsunami Dec 2017
Conform through the storm
But never change your form
No matter how broken
No matter how torn
No matter how much they hurt you
No matter if they may abandon
Or desert you
Never change your form

Love yourself enough to let go of anything that makes you feel less in life
It is not selfish to cut off toxic people or things that cause you pain or strife
Love yourself enough to believe that you are capable of achieving greatness
Love yourself enough to realize that you are wonderful
You are resilient
You are gracious
Be yourself and never trade in your identity just to be accepted
Never conform to society's norms just to be respected
201 · Dec 2017
Violet Au Soleil
Tsunami Dec 2017
Your voice is calming like a whisper from the wind
Beautiful like an angelic choir
You bring me joy, just being with you makes me vibrate higher
Your essence is as beautiful as a rainbow after a summer rain
You're like a potent drug, numbing away all of my pain
All of our moments are wrapped in lace
I'm in pure bliss whenever I'm in your space
Your words make love to my ears
I can spend eternity listening to all of your thoughts and your fears
Your strength is like a lightning bolt
Followed by a loud crash and a thunderous roar
You're the power behind a strong breeze, an anchor cast on shore
Your heart is the deepest cavern, like a goldmine set on fire
And when I'm wrapped in your arms, you take me beyond the clouds
You take me higher
Your aura is a beautiful hue
A brilliant shade of yellow
You brighten my blue
You're my violet in the sun
With a love as graceful as a swan
You're my blue dream
With a vibe so peaceful
Like a dandelion blowing in summer's breeze
Your violet benevolence is gentle swaying and soft whistling
Like tree leaves in the wind
Violet Au Soleil, my love for you has no end
198 · Nov 2017
Golden Girl
Tsunami Nov 2017
Out of the ordinary  
She is astonishing  
In other words, extraordinary  
Golden girl, like a sunflower she's auspicious
She's good for your heart  
I guess you could say that she's nutritious  
Golden girl, she is brighter than the sun  
Golden girl, she is as graceful as a swan  
Golden girl, she has a heart of gold  
She has beauty in her mind and beauty in her soul
She is a rare soul with infectious energy  
She is peace and light, a natural synergy
Golden girl, she's luminous  
It's almost like she's glowing
She's in harmony with her spirit
Like a river flowing  
Golden girl, she was born to be free
Who is Golden girl?
Golden girl is me
© Imani Tsunami
191 · Jan 2018
Tsunami Jan 2018
The sun bestowed it's golden rays as it tickled my sweet skin
Basking in melanin
I move ever so freely with the wind
Flowers in my hair flutter and dance with the breeze
I am one with nature
I am one with the trees
The earth's heart beats in harmony with my own
Shining so bright with a light I've never shown
The gentle wind sings smoothly through the trees like lullaby
I flutter ever so freely like a rainbow colored butterfly
With an aura as radiant as the sun
I come second to none
And as I enter the magic realm
Nature and I become one
With joy in my heart
And peace in my soul
I am balanced and in full control
© Tsunami

— The End —