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May 2014 · 715
Artificial Grass
Naman Bagaria May 2014
Deceit slithers across the vessel

embracing the stench

of the "would-be carcass".

A feast bestowed by

the imminent descent

awaits to serve

the new peasant king,

whose realm

is as torrid

as the desires

that demand

his presence there.

His eternity

now rubbernecks

the obscene art

which subsists

only by gulping

feverishly on

delicious torments

and  mourns

to witness the

silent testimony

of the sullied design

and  preventable death.
I desire the things
        which will destroy me in the end.  - Sylvia Plath.
May 2014 · 355
Sunshine in the Rain.
Naman Bagaria May 2014
Rain that pours down
         From the heaven.
Quenches the thirst of
         Lands that went barren.

Gives a chance
         For new life to sprout.
Takes away the misery
         The awful drought.

It binds together
        The earth and the sky.
Fuels the hopes
        The lakes that went dry.

Answers the prayers
        Of the farmer’s plight.
Feeds the hungry
        Washes away the dark night.

The children
        Rush out for the enchanted show.
Drawn by the smell
        Mesmerized by the seven colored glow.
Jan 2014 · 459
Naman Bagaria Jan 2014
Are my days with you not around
Withering, in the silent nights, for the lack of your sound.

Are the days you held me so tight
Comforting me to no end, rendering everything alright.

Are my eyes, walking down the memory lane
Dancing to the tune of habit, I might as well go insane.

Is all that’s left, praying the dreams come true
Mending the cracks, completing me, as if u were my glue.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Delicious torments.
Naman Bagaria Jan 2014
Muffled strifes of the blanched soul,

Pines for redemption to plug the hole.

The casing remains colorful though,

Mere existence, deceiving puppet show.

Malignant  now  once  benign,

Tragic waste of a grand design.

Delicious torments served each night,

Another day onsets another plight.

Deafening silence, everything torn apart,

Hot tears emerge from the frozen heart.

Quiet scream of the desperate mime,

Mourns the arrival of departure time.

Scythe begins to kiss the shell,

Heaven’s calling or may be hell.

Crimson  red  spills  to  shroud,

Darkest void now dreams out loud.
Oct 2013 · 510
Life's Worth.
Naman Bagaria Oct 2013
Encased in a brittle shell

The blood runs awfully cold.

It powers the perishing heart

Once deemed as prized gold.

Scythe slowly etches the frame

Soul no longer can withhold.

The only thought that runs wild

Is the fear of being undersold.
"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."

Word count - 42.
Oct 2013 · 485
Perfect Rhyme.
Naman Bagaria Oct 2013
I wander through the sands of time,
Searching for that perfect rhyme.
The one which would set me free,
Comfort me in my hours of wee.
Be my constant, my wisdom tree,
Shield me from the flying debris.

But my search seems to be in vain,
Can’t find anything to ease the pain.
The battle between my heart and brain,
Is taking control, driving me insane.
Don’t know how long, will I last this way,
Can’t find sunshine, not even a ray.

But life goes on and so will I,
I will battle till the storm runs dry.
My body may hurt, the heart may cry,
But I will endure till I reach the sky.
May I fall by the pressure of the rain,
Look out world, for I'll rise again.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Silent Warrior.
Naman Bagaria Oct 2013
Dry are the tears
        that are never shed,
Rolling down in silence
        along the golden thread.

They are the warriors
       whose stories are never told,
Born amidst the torments
        with nothing to hold.

Fighting constantly to hold the mask
        and never to reveal,
The battle to defeat the pain
        and conquer Achilles' heel.

The cries of the heart are masked
        by the eyes that run dry,
Smiling through the emptiness,
        letting only a bit of honesty to pass by.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Escaped Inmate.
Naman Bagaria Oct 2013
Naive gossamer abruptly took wings

towards something anonymous,

never missing the hurt

crumbling bit by bit.

The up-****** sometimes helps

every so often.

But gravity is not an antagonist

it only serves as a chum

patiently waiting to embrace

the inexorable descent,

showering profound revelations

impelling the psyche

in unforeseen directions.

Only the sequel will be a measure

of value added or lost

or maybe the usual

Mar 2013 · 704
Life Support.
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Hey people!!! Have you heard
                        About the boy who was killed
Never was he born, but his faith was sealed.

Hey people!!! Can you see
                        The girl who cries in vain
Her existence was denied, considered as a pain.

Hey people!!! Do you feel
                        The desperation of the child, unborn
Assassinated in its mother’s womb, considered as a thorn.

Hey people!!! Won’t you understand
                        That you acting like fools
Stop the senseless killings and follow The Almighty’s rule.
**The right of the unborn child to life must outweigh the desires of others to destroy it, whatever be the basis of these desires.**
Mar 2013 · 747
False Hope.
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Deep within the sadness,
                lost in the great abyss,
Fighting for survival, searching for true companionship.

Be gone oh dark passenger,
               you have hitchhiked far too long,
I am no longer the weary soul, I have become too strong.

Once I made friends with you,
               that was a desperate move,
Can’t believe I walked that path, had nothing to prove.

The tears that roll in the silent night,
               are not fueled by the pain,
But by the false hope, the promised sunshine in the rain.
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Why do you* love
                       Something that only makes you cry.
Why do you ignore
                      The voice that lingers to say goodbye.

How do you ****
                       Something that is not alive .
How do you extinguish
                       The flames that oozes from the eye.

What do you wish
                      To see in the shadows, the memories cast.
What do you hope
                       To gain by dwelling on the past.

Where do you find
                       The strength to escape the ratchet quicksand.
Where do you** go
                       Once you are out and are standing on solid land.
Mar 2013 · 327
I Think Not.
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
If only I had known
               You will do me such wrong.
If only I had known
              The damage would be so strong.

If only I had know
              You had a heart of stone.
If only I had known
              I would be stranded all alone.

If only I had known
              You were not mine to keep.
If only I had known
              The scar would be so deep.

If I had known it all,
              Before I gave you my heart.

Would things have been different?...
Mar 2013 · 503
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
The way of destruction
          Or the way of creation,
Walk the path which grabs your attention.

The choice is yours to make,
          Be it right or wrong,
For it’s you who has to see it through, no matter how long.

Taking chances is a way of life,
          That much is understood,
But just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should.

Know the repercussions
          Before you proceed,
Because if u walk in blindly, you cannot succeed .

Accuse other if u may,
          For your mistakes,
Just remember you were the one driving, and could have hit the brakes.
Mar 2013 · 438
Precious Gift
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
A battle fought for love, a battle for pride,
A battle to win, a battle to survive.

Each battle is unique, with the glory it withholds,
But none is as glorious as the one fought to save another soul.

For it is a rare virtue, gifted to only a few,
As pure & gentle as the soft rose petals, covered in morning dew.

If you seek this power, look deep down inside of you,
There you will find your answer, if your heart is really true.

May you attain the wisdom, the one stopping you is you,
And the only way to unleash the power, is a gift from you to you.
Mar 2013 · 445
Everything Nothing
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Gold is precious but not as the free wind,
What has a great value and what has nothing.

Answering the question, is not an easy thing,
For all we are just captives, in a shell called the human being.

Driven by the demons, closed eyes to prevent seeing,
Chasing after the madness, in search of nothing.

Enjoying  the company, oblivious of our well-being,
Throwing away that’s precious, losing everything.
Mar 2013 · 429
Seeking A Cure.
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Lying here, on my bed,
All alone, little bit sad.

Scary thoughts, clouding my mind,
Running wild, turning me blind.

Latching on, to the past,
To memories, never meant to last.

Searching for, a miracle pill,
Helping me, to strengthen my will.

Giving it, all I got,
To fight, the battle never been fought.

Hoping that, I never quit,
Crawling out, from the demon's  pit.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Marvelous March.
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
M  arching forward, leaving the aches behind,
A  wesome season, spreading the sunshine,
R  aging calmness, one of a kind,
C  heerful melodies, the feeling so divine,
H  ealing potion, gifting eyes to the blind.
Mar 2013 · 508
The Great Puzzle
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Life is nothing but a page,
In the great book, hidden in a greater maze.

A blessing for some, a struggle for many,
A journey to the end, if there really is any.

Don’t be fooled by the way it shines,
To see the true picture just stand in line.

Await your turn to be briefed and dazzled,
To understand the enigma, the all great puzzle.
Mar 2013 · 491
Way of Life
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Change is a way of life,
Be it for better or for worse.

Smile through the wilderness,
No matter how adverse.

Build memories along the way,
Which helps to heal what hurts.

Good ones to cherish forever,
Discarding the ones that curse.
Mar 2013 · 512
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Not a great writer, not a great man,
Just an average being, in His grand plan.
Trying to hold on, trying to understand,
Giving it all I have, to take a firm stand.
In search of a savior, who will lend a helping hand,
Taking away the doubts, all that I misunderstand.
Help me so that I can turn into the golden sand,
A medium for creation & new life to expand.
For this is all I have to offer & hope that I don’t get banned,
When I conclude my journey and reach the Promised Land.
Mar 2013 · 487
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
It’s been a while or may be too long,
Since I felt the sun or danced to a song.

I miss the wind; wish it would take me along,
Far away from the pain, to the place I truly belong.

Wander if my mind may, the heart please hit the gong,
Forcing me to stay on course, the vibrations so strong.

For I am a mere mortal, tempted by the devil's song,
Too rusted from my sins, with little sense of right or wrong.
Mar 2013 · 480
Borrowed Life
Naman Bagaria Mar 2013
Bed of happiness, comfort & joy ,
Is nothing but an illusion, casted by emotions.

You ignore the desperation of the soul,
The tears it sheds, to extinguish the dark coals.

Try to run away, before the shadow if fully casted,
Listen to the voice, that has eternally lasted.

Faint as it may be, don’t be concerned,
Keep on believing, it’s the blessing you have earned.

For it’s the one that will connect you to a greater tomorrow,.
To make the most of the life that you have borrowed.

— The End —