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Mar 2014 · 2.6k
My love for her
Nadrah Mar 2014
"There are no words to describe how beautiful she is,
or how special she is, or my love for her.
To put these things into words would be to define them,
To quantify them, which means to limit them.
There would be a beginning and an end.
There is no definition fitting, nor any limit,
nor beginning or end to her beauty,
or to how special she is, or my love for her.
my love for her."
Feb 2014 · 2.5k
Take my hand
Nadrah Feb 2014
Take my hand,
and let's hop on every stars we've seen,
dance with me on the moons of Jupiter,
waltz around the milky way,
tango with me on that rock up there.
Let's float with fairy dusts
stuck on our icy cold lashes.
Take my hand
and let's form a constellation
of two lovers holding hands.
Let's be the falling stars
that they wished upon.
Take my hand
and let's travel together.
With every book we've read,
our journey starts there.
From Wonderland to Neverland.
**Close your eyes,we're heading somewhere.
Feb 2014 · 1.7k
Nadrah Feb 2014
There's a sign on you;
"We Never Close"
like a diner,
there's just something about you
about that sign that made me keep coming back.
A promise of consistency I hold onto,
even on nights where I struggled
between two nightmares,
I opened my eyes and you're there,
with a plate full of things
I never actually remembered ordering,
but it came anyway,
full of hopes and sweet dreams,
which the taste of it gave me a vision
of the next fifty years of my life with you.

It's sad to think,
The cracks on the kitchen walls,
The squeaking of the bedroom door,
The sweet scent of vanilla in my room,
The emptiness of the hallway,
don't even seem like "home" to me
I found a home
In the twinkle of your eyes,
In the vibration of your voice,
In the light that kisses your skin,
In every little part of you,
I found a home in you.

The only place where I can come back.
To turn to when everything gets dark.
Because the flashes of the neon lights,
of "We Never Close"
give me an assurance
and some kind of tranquility
and which only you can give.
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Goodnight Love
Nadrah Jan 2014
"Even as you close your eyes to sleep,
My love for you remains true and deep,
It’s you I love and forever will keep,
I’m here to say sweet dreams
before we both fall asleep."
Dec 2013 · 2.7k
Nadrah Dec 2013
She was only sixteen,

Yet her mind wandered about the galaxies like no other beings can do. She recognized every little details on the fireballs and the faraway stars when no other beings can. She carved the rocks and shaped them like the stars of the milky way. With different kind of hues coloured the atmosphere, she breathed in them all.
She danced her way around Jupiter and hopped on the rings of Saturn and danced like it was her first dance with her groom on her wedding day. She shined like how any other stars would shine. With all her might she pushed herself back to earth like a falling star.And just at the balcony of the house on the corner of that street,
                  a little boy wished upon her.
He wished upon a wishing star. He looked up to her. He told her his worries.

She was only sixteen,

but her heart felt every little emotions any hearts can and can't feel. She felt things that could forever scar her heart. She felt despair,rage,embarrassed,annoyed,betrayed,hurt,
                 ­      but also she was inspired,she felt joy,proud,strong and she loved.
The miseries she felt upon being neglect, she dig a hole and found a little dusty emotion in the corner of her heart....hope. She hold onto it,treat it like a child and there faith came up to her and fall in love with hope. She's stronger than any other beings can be as faith and hope unites.

She was only sixteen,

yet she shut her eyes and flee to Neverland with Peter Pan.
                             "Give me your hands" he whispered.
           "The second star to the right,and straight 'till morning" he said. He held her hands and off they went with fairy dusts from Tinker Bell stuck on their icy cold lashes.
To join him and the lost boys.
To be the first lost girl.
To never grow up as the world gets more beastly by minutes.
To forever have a childlike mind and a childlike body.
To escape from the harsh reality and enter the world of immortality where fairies and wisps flew by like it's a normal day for grocery shopping.

She was only sixteen,

but she had hurdled through life with things that the beings in The Wizard of Oz lacks. She tricked manipulators with her wisdom,she showed her betrayers how huge of a heart she has.
She forgives,
       She forgets.
She braved herself through all the horrendous obstacles she had to face. Life hit her,hard and just when she got up it kicked her in the stomach and let her bleed. But she saw things differently. She accepted the kick and let all the negativity in her lungs escaped and let all the positive vibes entered her.
With hands as small as an elf's,she opened it and let everything get caught in her hands. Like the net of a fisherman,not everything great gets trapped. But when he's blessed with a huge fortune,big fishes came to him.
           The thorns,the sadness,the euphoria...
She accepted everything and smiled. "Thank you" she said everytime.

She was only sixteen,

but she's already a beautiful aurora herself.
-writings for a precious friend-
Nadrah Nov 2013
Thank you for turning me into one of those cold hearted person. Thank you for bullying me,kicking me,punching me,giving me hates,making me believe that my life and my existence were a ******* joke. I really thank you for bruising my body,making me bleed,giving me black eyes,and just basically hurting me physically and mentally. If it weren't for you guys,I'd probably still cry about the littlest thing.

I've changed now. My heart is ****** cold. I don't cry anymore and I won't.

Maybe it's a good thing and maybe it's not but like I said,this is a thank you message.
You guys almost made me **** myself but I kept my head up and I stayed strong. So don't ******* blame me if I'm insensitive now because guess what? I'm not gonna let anyone step on me again. I've lost some of my feelings and I literally mean it. So thank you,for turning me into a cold person. Thank you for saving me.
Oct 2013 · 2.1k
When time stops
Nadrah Oct 2013
When time stops,

Would you remember me like how I was at the back of your mind? Would you still remember me as a whole. Coffee brown eyes,dark snow white's hair,pink tinted cheeks,crimson red lips,eyes as pure as a baby's. Would you find me exceptional,alluring or even intriguing? Exquisite yet intoxicating.

When time stops,

Would you find me in your dreams? Would you find me at the bistro where we first met? Would you find me sitting at the corner of the room,drinking a large cup of mocha latte,with a book in my hand and a croissant on the other? Fingers creasing the corner of the book. Steam rising from the mug of the brown liquid,warming my face.

When time stops,

Would you miss me? Would you try and turn back time just to find me laughing at your jokes? A tune which you probably won't miss. A laugh that broke the thin quiet air. Would you sacrifice yourself to search for Father Time to turn back things to the way it was? Would you climb to the highest peak of the tower where heaven meets earth,open the gates of the celestial spirits,and seek for me?

Time stops.

Now,what would you do?
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Let Go
Nadrah Oct 2013
Unchain me please
as I've never been this baffled
by the fact that these
3 simple words
could turn my life into
a living wreck.

Promises were made
Hearts were crossed
Pinky promises, we once did
but none of them lasted
as time traveled faster
than it seemed to be

Memories took hold of me
The way you handled me with care
The way you touched me gently
The way you held me like
a delicate little bird.

You never complained when
I cried over the simplest of things
and yet you held me tightly
and said "it'll all be okay"

What changed us?
Distance mocked us harder
Time envied us
and so
we went our separate ways.
Never to be seen again
Never to be heard again
Vanished as light went away
When darkness arises
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Because I love you
Nadrah Oct 2013
My dearest,
Not even the strongest angel
could promise you
such hardest things.

I can't promise you
I would not cry
I can't promise you
I would stay strong
till the end
even the strongest brick
falls back as dusts
like the sand on your feet.

We've both been bad
We've both made mistakes;
mistakes that sometimes
we couldn't take back.

Though you know
the seemingly loud thunders
could break my walls
and trigger my little box
of fear,
You've been there for me
holding me tight
and told me to stay strong.

"because I love you"
I never seem
to remember the words
that come after.
it is never your fault.
*It never was
and it will never be
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
Nadrah Oct 2013
Blue symbolizes calmness
Blue symbolizes loyalty
though I know Monday Blues
could get to you
but oh prithee just hear me.
Have you seen where the birds flew?
To the sky filled with blue
those birds soar free.
Have you seen how mad and calm
the ocean could be?
With King Neptune as the king
and his water feeders
flow free with the seven seas.
Your eyes may not be blue,
your heart may have tiny dots of green,
But hear me,
Your soul is crystal clear,
Your hands dance in a way
I could never understand
Your head may still be empty
But as a whole,you're blue
and I still love you like;
I love the colour blue
this doesnt make sense but I love you
Oct 2013 · 933
Father Time
Nadrah Oct 2013
O' daughter of Eve,
I found you alas,
so listen carefully as
I break these bottled words.
O' daughter of Eve,
Father Time will come as
a man in a black robe,
******* every inch of your soul,
when your time's up.
Father Time will come as
a man in a white robe,
blessing you with faith and hope
on your wedding day.
but will Father Time comes
as a bearded old man
holding an hour glass
as our mothers once said?
putting you to sleep
with the sands in his glass
and let you sway in your dreams
and wakes up with sandy eyes?
O' daughter of Eve,
let me ask thee.
Will you be scared when
Father Time comes?
i'm sorry i wrote this in under 5 minutes and this is pretty rough and i just posted it without reading it twice. sorry ;_;
Nadrah Sep 2013
i could never gave them a real answer
"why do you write?"
Four words
This is where
my mind will go blank
because you used to be the reason why I write
but now that you're gone
things just don't make sense
so many things
are clouding my brain
to protrude from my mouth
and out towards everything.
Every little thing
that used to be the reason
why I write,
eventually burnt away.
Aug 2013 · 3.4k
Cider Sky
Nadrah Aug 2013
The music that’s been formed by his voice
Is lifting my body to the sky
Merging with the carnation pink clouds.
As my body sways within the northern lights
Dusts from the fairies of the north
Brightly gleam my face.
Stars are seducing us
And formed a line
Of a sensational beauty.
Light danced on the waves
Of the arctic oceans as they did
In his eyes.
His hands moved with feelings,
In emotion.
We floated among the words
That bounced between us.
Two drops of Jupiter
Looked at me in a way so heavenly
Oh darling ,let me float with you.

— The End —