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1.2k · Jun 2012
Nadia Jun 2012
stop questioning, just eat the candy floss.
it's so sweet you can't resist.
let the puppeteer play you.
he'll play you with elegance.
threads on your arms, your legs, your head.
don't try to replace the irreplaceable shape of the merest trifle.
we have only just begun living life
720 · Jun 2012
Nadia Jun 2012
dance on the daybreak darling
let every morning, daystar wake you
be dazzled by its beauty
dap your heart in day-dreams
i dare say you will love the first dawning
676 · Jun 2012
to yhwh
Nadia Jun 2012
Oh how precious are your thoughts of me (they are more than all the grains of sand)
And how you sing for me (i can hear it in my heart)
How you dance, wen you hear my name (will you dance with me one day?)
Teach me all of your ways, all of your thoughts (so they can be mine from the heart)

I will hold on to everything that tells me how beautiful you are
Keep me close to your heart, for i will keep you close to mine
630 · Jun 2012
Nadia Jun 2012
are you a hero when you terminate that which can be terminated?
should we purge the filthy & hurdle the bad?
herd the good
lead them and illume this paradise we're making
589 · Jun 2012
Nadia Jun 2012
Every once in a while we meet another blindfolded person
what do we do to help?
take the lead
be their guide to the lands of milk and honey
sing songs with them
songs of beautiful jerusalem
songs of where they're going
and of all the ones you brought to their dreams
541 · Jun 2012
Nadia Jun 2012
A brave heart is dreaming of imaginary things; owning hearts.
does he think he can answer all questions?
dreams are ideas, his is a masterpiece conspiracy.
they make him a statue but he doesnt see they take his identity.
he will be no one in the end.
and you think you're in charge,

but oh please lead me home.
wake me out of this world of kings and queens that play with minds.
tomorrow will be the day this rootless fruitless tree will fall.
502 · Jun 2012
Nadia Jun 2012
don't break my heartbeat ;
not today ;
careful with my porselain thoughts ;
crystal dreams ;
love is here for those who dare ;
i dare i dare ;
win the day ;
touch the prize than break it ;
make it ;
you are my day ;
you are my night ;
fill me to the top
403 · Jun 2012
Nadia Jun 2012
I am made of others, made of pieces. Sweating, i drag myself through mud. The grit scrapes off every piece of skin that isnt my own, but stolen from those i tried to double. With a grimace i remind myself i can never surpass anyone elses greatness, i have to create my own. I cry out and gasp for air as sand peels off layer after layer. I try to fix my gaze on the horizon, preserve the image. Slowly, gradually, i enliven, turning into the one i was meant to be from the start.

— The End —