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nactuyah Feb 2014
silent but not forgotten
the lamb sits on a hill and waits
her heart ripped out of her chest
more than once
she waits for the right person
her heart chained like a locket without a key

lion waits in his cave
as his meal sits on a hill
he was hungry but couldn't
think about eating the little lamb
one look in her eyes made him melt
the sun glared at her fur making it hard to see her beauty
she sat her back to him
"why so sad little one?" he asked as gently
as the wind to their backs
"I do not wish to speak my problems to a lion."
her words like knives in the lions ears
she went to leave but the lions glare
those eyes of pray were on her
and she was scared he would give chase
but none the less she walked away

only to find the lion close behind
no alert in his ears or eyes
no hunger in his eyes
his long tail drug along the grass
his head hung low
and all in all he would follow her
around the world just like that
and he did
he followed her to another side of the hill
and sat right beside her
watching the sun set's colors blend the sky
as if it was meant to be a rainbow
nactuyah Feb 2014
his hair once long
is now gone
his handsome face
shows his grace
his hair line on his chest
makes him look like
a gift from god

his mothers name tattooed
against his chest
muscle spreads along his arms
his biceps hardened from work
his legs made for running
down a soccer field

the sun kissed his skin
making it turn a beautiful tan
and in my eyes
his is my hero of the nightmares
yet all in all he is mine
nactuyah Feb 2014
we stay together
though we don't know each other
a long road ahead
but I guess our times up
hoping and praying
wont help our case
yet we try to form grace

secrets lie behind our minds
keeping us from secret lines
a lion so bold can still be scared
yet you try to hide everything

some day you will see
that you cannot hide these things
but if I know you
you will still try to hide
and i know one day
a girl will unfold your lies

but then you'll try to hide again
but then you will realize
that if you speak the truth
then the right girl will come to you
nactuyah Feb 2014
you ask what I can not give
a scar left upon my cheek
a nightmare waiting to happen
scared you will leave again
I want to know the truth
that you hide so well
scared to ask once again
you cant save the night
you cant save my dreams

tears run down my cheeks
you will not let me leave
I want a different mate
but you wont let me decide
I am not a toy
yet you pull the strings

am I your mate
or am I your play thing
I am scared of another bruise
I am scared of another scar
I will not stare you in the eye
I will stare into your black heart

you are no longer my mate
you are just a friend
and yet you try to find a way
to make me like you once again.

— The End —