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The wind once sang through hill and vale,
A voice untamed, unchained, ablaze—
Yet now, beneath a colder pen,
The wild fire flickers, losing praise.

They do not hear the tempest’s roar,
Its fury framed in measured lines;
Too raw, too wild, too full of blood—
A heart too rough for softer minds.

Once, the sky burned with golden words,
Each verse a storm, a raging sea—
But tides have turned, the voices rise,
Denying what they cannot see.

In quiet rooms, the pages turn,
The ink runs cold, the margins grow—
Where once a fierce and beating heart
Now only whispers ebb and flow.

The hills still hum with unsung tunes,
The roots reach deep, the grass still sways,
But what was once a roaring flame
Is starved beneath indifferent days.

They call it progress, turn the key,
And lock away the songs of light,
But in the dark, the earth still breathes
And waits for winds to rise and fight.

Though names may fade, the echoes stay,
Unwritten in their careful lore,
For somewhere in the distant dawn,
The storm will rage once more.
N P Bradley Aug 29
In the room where echoes shape the air,
The walls forget the colour of the day.
A chair dreams of holding something rare,
Its legs thin with shadows in soft decay.

Books murmur in a tongue beyond our reach,
Their pages folded like half-formed ideas.
A clock spills time in patterns that beseech,
Each tick a fragment lost to fleeting years.

I reach into the quiet, grasping thought,
My hand dissolves in whispers, faint and grey.
The mirror, caught in what is and what’s sought,
Reflects the edge of meaning in disarray.

Here, the world scatters into abstract lines,
Where truth dissolves, yet something undefined shines.
N P Bradley Aug 29
We sit as if by someone's plan
In chairs that once meant more,
Now worn by years and weathered hands,
Their echoes we ignore.

The talk is small. The words are few.
Each syllable a fight.
As if by saying less, we knew
We'd slice away the blight.

The gap unseen outside our calls
Grows wider in the night.
What once lit-up the whitewashed walls,
Now honours long dead rites.

Laying aligned in funeral pose.
No glancing touch or bites
Can be allowed within the throes
Of funeric delights.
N P Bradley Aug 29

Dawn whispers through trees,  
Silent vows between shadows,  
Hope in each new leaf.


We met beneath a sky of endless blue,  
Where sunlight wove a tapestry of gold.  
Your voice, a melody both sweet and true,  
Spoke secrets that my heart had never told.  

In every glance, a promise of the night,  
When stars would bear witness to our embrace.  
Yet fear and doubt crept in with fading light,  
Their shadows danced across your gentle face.  

But love, as fragile as the morning dew,  
Endures the winds that seek to tear apart.  
For even when the storm clouds hide our view,  
The sun returns to warm a waiting heart.  

And so we danced, with time our fleeting guest,  
Two souls entwined, in search of love's true rest.


In the quiet of the night, I hear you speak,  
Your words, like arrows, pierce my wounded heart.  
We stand on shifting ground, both strong and weak,  
In every glance, a world that falls apart.  
The echoes of our love, once bright and sleek,  
Now tangled threads, a web we can't restart.  

I wish that we could find a way to restart,  
To mend the broken lines that make us speak.  
But every time we try, we just grow weak,  
And silence fills the spaces in my heart.  
I watch the walls between us fall apart,  
As every step we take seems worn and sleek.  

The dreams we built together, smooth and sleek,  
Now crumble as we struggle to restart.  
Our voices tremble, and we fall apart,  
The truth too sharp for either one to speak.  
And yet, within the ruins of my heart,  
I search for strength in places that feel weak.  

But love is not a thing for those who're weak,  
It carves its way through stones both rough and sleek.  
It burns its brand on every willing heart,  
And never asks for us to hit restart.  
Yet here we are, too stubborn now to speak,  
Our bond, a thread unravelling apart.  

I wonder if we'll ever fall apart,  
Or if we'll find the courage when we're weak,  
To let the silence go, and truly speak.  
To find a way that's neither rough nor sleek,  
But honest, raw, a genuine restart,  
That fills the empty chambers of the heart.  

And so I stand, with hope still in my heart,  
That even if we seem to fall apart,  
We'll find a way, together, to restart,  
To build a love that's neither strong nor weak,  
But something true, not just a surface sleek,  
A love that needs no words for us to speak.


I curse the path that led me to your door,  
Each step a lie that I can’t erase.  
In shadows, we uncovered something more—  

A poison masked as love, now I deplore.  
Your touch, once warm, has left a bitter trace.  
I curse the path that led me to your door.  

The promises you broke, the trust you tore,  
Have hardened into scars I can’t embrace.  
In shadows, we uncovered something more—  

A hollow void where love can’t be restored,  
A darkness where your memory takes place.  
I curse the path that led me to your door.  

You left me with the emptiness you bore,  
A heart that only anger can replace.  
In shadows, we uncovered something more—  

A truth too sharp for time to smooth or score,  
The bitter end of what we called our grace.  
I curse the path that led me to your door.  
In shadows, we uncovered something more.


Stillness in our breath,  
After storms, a tranquil sea,  
Life's quiet harbour.
N P Bradley Aug 29
We tried to speak in words we thought we knew,  
But every phrase began to twist and bend,  
In silence, what we meant could not break through.  

I said "I love you," sure that it was true,  
Yet in your eyes, the meaning found no end,  
We tried to speak in words we thought we knew.  

A pause, a breath, then something new,  
Your answer, shifting like the wind,  
In silence, what we meant could not break through.  

A single word, then two, and more askew,  
Confusing paths that neither could amend,  
Ni provis paroli, sed ne sciis kiel,  
We tried to speak in words we thought we knew.  

Until our tongues were tangled, lost. Parolu  
Kaj la signifo diseriĝis denove,  
In silence, what we meant could not break through.  

La vortoj falis,  
ne povis resti.  
We tried to speak,  
meanings could not mend,  
Kaj ni restis mutaj,  
en malplena ĉambro.  
In silence,  
what we meant  
ne povis
N P Bradley Aug 29
There was a time I stood on front lines -
Heart racing with the thrill of the fight.
Believed in change. The power of words.
The certainty we'd make it right.

Now I watch from the sidelines.
The fire replaced by an ache.
A gnawing feeling some battles are lost
Before we even partake.

Youth marches on, fists raised high,
Their voices strong, unbroken.
And I see the ghost of who I was
Dancing in shouts and emotion.

I miss the burn - the untamed drive -
But I’m quenched in the quiet of dusk.
The slow fade of a fire
Once roaring. Now, a husk.
N P Bradley Aug 13
We’ve become the sum of unsent messages,
drafts and echoes hanging in the air,
the silence between us heavy as concrete,
not the gentle drift of autumn leaves but the crack
of ice splitting in a thaw—
violent, sharp, a warning.

You stand at the edge of my thoughts,
a shadow not fully formed,
and I watch as your hand reaches out,
not to touch, but to test the distance
we’ve carved with our own hands,
calloused from the chisel, the hammer.

You used to smell like rosemary—
fresh, clean, cutting through the dull
of everyday life. Now I catch
the scent of something burnt,
like wires short-circuiting,
smoke with no fire,
no warmth.

This bed, once a landscape,
has shrunk to a single cold corner.
We sleep, backs turned,
pretending the night doesn’t echo
with things unsaid,
like rooms abandoned
before they’re fully furnished.

In dreams, I see you
with the face of a stranger,
speaking in tongues I can’t decipher.
We’ve become a cipher, a code
cracked too many times,
its secrets bled dry,
leaving only empty symbols
on a page we no longer read.

When the light slips through the blinds,
it’s not dawn, but interrogation.
Each ray a question,
each shadow an answer.
We don’t need words to know—
this isn’t love’s fading,
it’s the rupture,
the shatter before the silence.
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