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690 · Oct 2012
Walking Down the Halls
Mystery Days Oct 2012
Walking down the halls
Knowing what you'll see
Blood on the walls
That can only be from me

You can't run and hide
Please don't try and leave
Fate is on my side
Got a million tricks up my sleeve

Safe is not a word
Don't believe what you've heard
I am here to stay
Life will end today

You're walking down the halls
And you know what you'll see
The blood on the walls
You know can only be from me

The dark is slowly closing in
Who knew the peace you'd find
After all your sin
You've left the pain behind.
426 · Sep 2013
The Edge
Mystery Days Sep 2013
Sitting on the edge
Don't you dare look down
For the end is coming soon
And it's coming just for you

We all bet on life
And so we will loose
Every day has a darkest hour
But yours is coming soon

You say that you are safe
But the edge is always there
So I will sit and wait
For you to finally care

Have you ever thought
And wondered how you'd die
I bet you never knew
Your life is all a lie

Running from the edge
You try and get away
But the truth of the thing
Is you must always stay

— The End —