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 Dec 2013 Myrto
Good enough
 Dec 2013 Myrto
You know, I have a history of abandonment
Of people telling me
I'm not good enough

Of people leaving me
For something they deem better
Making me not good enough

My father left me
For drugs
And I don't feel good enough

My grades are slipping
I'm losing my feet
And I know I'm not good enough

But then there's her
This sweet girl
And she makes me feel treasured

There's this girl
This lovely girl
And I don't feel anxiety

I'm not scared anymore
I don't feel any pressure
I don't need to be good enough

Because to her,
I already am
 Dec 2013 Myrto
I have finally quit cutting
But I can clearly remember why I used to
And I can feel the urges to do so
That will never leave

I remember the first time
It scared me and hurt
I blamed the parallel lines
On a cat I didn't have

I didn't like it the first time
I don't remember why I did it again
For a while I never drew blood
I wish I had stopped at that

I quit many times
But with every relapse I got worse
They got deeper
I bled more

The red that dripped down my skin
Burning like lava on it's way down
A red river to show me
How worthless I am

They say time heals all wounds
But I'm left with these scars
These stories etched into my skin
From when I was at my weakest

I remember the last time
I only made one cut
But it was so deep
It didn't stop bleeding for days

It's been four months
And that stupid scar is pink and angry
That I had ruined
Another patch of skin

I understand what it's like
To be broken
And feel useless
To feel worthless

And that is why
I cry
When I kiss
Her scars
This isn't even a poem
It's a story
With stanzas
 Dec 2013 Myrto
 Dec 2013 Myrto
I'm sorry
I'm awful at everything
Except making people fall in love with me
And I'm sorry
That you fell for me
When I'm falling for her

I'm sorry
That I found out too late
That I like girls
And I'm sorry
That you fell for me
When I could never fall for you

I'm sorry
For all the trouble I put you through
All the heartbreak I caused
And I'm sorry
That you fell for me
When I wasn't right for you
This poem makes no sense.
Oh well.

— The End —